January 20th, 2015

[info]magna_scientia in [info]savingthegames

Who: Dr. Magnus, Violet, and Adalina
What: A business dinner. Sharks smelling blood in the water. The usual.
When: Wednesday, January 21, evening
Where: Di Napoli, restaurant in St. Genevieve
Warnings: TBD
Status: Ongoing
making concessions here, underhanded backstabbing there )

[info]mutedsignals in [info]savingthegames

Who: Annie and LJ
What: Who're you? Oh whatever, let's have fun.
When: Evening, Wednesday January 21st
Where: The Rails
Warnings: PG (Just in case)
Status: Ongoing
I was born without this fear / Now only this seems clear / I need to move, I need to fight / I need to lose myself tonight )