January 19th, 2015

[info]hickorydickory in [info]savingthegames

Who: Nikolai, Roxana, and AdiĆ³s
What: The assassination of a Fortune 500 company's CEO is going to take more than one killer.
When: Tuesday January 20th, noonish
Where: Danton and St. Sinjin
Warnings: Violence, death
Status: Ongoing

It's not your heart that you've been thinking of, just the feeling like you're going to die. )

[info]lostvalkyrie in [info]savingthegames

Who: Lattinger and Valkyrie
What: Special delivery and new introductions (for some)
When: Mid-afternoon, January 19th
Where: Utopia, 54th headquarters
Warnings: PG so far (Language)
Status: Ongoing

As I walk away, I look over my shoulder / To see what I'm leaving behind / Pieces of puzzles, and wishes on eyelashes fall )

[info]unspokendemons in [info]savingthegames

Who: Finn and Adalina
What: Date... Round II...?
When: Evening, Jan. 19th
Where: St. Genevieve
Warnings: PG so far
Status: Complete

Love me cancerously / Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea / 'High-maintenance' means you're a gluttonous queen / Narcissistic and mean )

[info]capodalina in [info]savingthegames

Mozart and Shostakovitch

Who: Lattinger (Sam) & Adalina Schellenger & Open to Symphony-goers
What: Mozart and Shostakovitch
When: Saturday Evening
Where: New Waverly Symphony Center
Warnings: N/A
Status: Complete

She'd gotten him out of hobo-mode and he didn't even look (wildly) out of place with the rich folk... )

[info]fuckalltheducks in [info]savingthegames

Who: Annie and Hassan
What: Hassan and Annie meet for the first time. Watch out, Kas, friendships are forming.
When: Sunday, January 18th, night
Where: Pour Judgement
Warnings: tbd
Status: Ongoing

That's how it goes, so you just find the road and pack your bags. )

[info]ljshelton in [info]savingthegames

Who: Leonard Shelton
What: The Prodigal Son Returns.
When: January 19th. 7:55 pm
Where: New Waverly Airport. Wight, Old Utopia
Warnings: No clue. PG
Status: Finished. Closed Narrative.
Hope if everybody runs, you choose to stay. )