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May. 1st, 2010


Who: Sarah Jane Smith and OPEN!
What: Pondering on the Beach
When: Saturday (May 1), early evening
Where: Beach, not far from the Para-Sailing area
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress

If the place had been designed to drive a person like that mad, she was sure it would succeed if they were left to the tedium for more than two months )

Apr. 28th, 2010


Who: Alison Young & Open
What: Cleansing fire?
Where: The beach
When: After midnight sometime, April 28
Rating: PG13ish I guess
Status: Complete as is, in progress if someone wanted to jump in

it's just that at night i've got nowhere to hide )

Apr. 27th, 2010


Who: Brian Moser (AKA Rudy Cooper) and open
What: Standing outside to gain incite to where he was and how
When: April 27, evening
Where: Outside Building C
Rating: PG-13 for now for violent memories/thoughts, TBA over all
Status: In Progress

The feeling would always call to him. Like a whisper, or a memory of home... )


Once I dreamed I dream...

Who: John Smith and OPEN
What: Arriving and exploring dream land
When: April 27, early evening
Where: John's room to start, then lots of roaming
Rating: TBA
Status: In Progress

Apr. 23rd, 2010


Who: Aya Fujimiya and OPEN
What: Arriving and predictable confusion
When: April 23, late evening
Where: Aya's room to start, then all over
Rating: Roughly PG-13 or so
Status: Complete

When the rescue ships pulled him out of the water, he was only barely conscious... )


WHO: Leonard McCoy and James Kirk
WHAT: Bones gets a new sort of!Roommate
WHEN: April 23, evening
WHERE: Bones' room
RATING: PG, maybe?
STATUS: Complete

That was part of the reason he'd been pretty easy to convince about letting Jim move in with him... )

Apr. 22nd, 2010


Who: John and OPEN!
What: Figuring out where in the world he is (please interrupt his talking to thin air^^)
When: late afternoon on Thursday, 22 April
Where: between the Community Center and the Arcade, on his way toward building A
Rating: um...PG?
Status: In Progress

He thought about jaunting, but without knowing where he was going, that would be dangerous. )


Who: Legolas and Yoji
What: Flowers and making friends
When: April 22, late morning
Where: Stables, the wooded area, and then stables again
Rating: Nothing over a G
Status: Complete

The longer Legolas stayed here, the more the lack of wilderness around bothered him... )

Apr. 21st, 2010


Who: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
What: Coffee at the early hours
When: Ungodly hours of the morning
Where: Jack's Room, Building A 102B
Rating: TBA
Status: In Progress

He'd never really believed it would happen... )

Apr. 20th, 2010


Who: Alice and Hatter
What: A Walk
When: Early Evening
Where: All Over
Rating: PG prolly
Status: Incomplete

Her mind went to their first meeting, when she'd been soaked from falling in the river and he'd been in his tea shop. )

Apr. 19th, 2010


Who: Jack Harkness, Jenny, maybe Rose
What: We should probably talk...
When: April 19th, evening
Where: Salus Diner and Buffet once again
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress

We have each other, if nothing else. )


Who: Percy and Clarisse
What: Breaking Out
When: Afternoon
Where: CW and then?
Rating: PG at worst
Status: Complete

He had just talked Clarisse into coming to get him, and now he was nervous about it. )


Who: Jenny, Rose, possibly Jack Harkness, and open
What: Meeting for Chips and Tea
When: April 19th Mid-afternoon
Where: Burgers N Shakes
Status: Incomplete
Rating: I'm gonna go with PG, just 'cause this could get emotional.

More and more she felt alone.. )

Apr. 18th, 2010


Who: Booth and Bones
What: Trying to Escape
When: Under the Cover of Night
Where: Parasailing Area
Rating: Swearing? PG-13ish?
Status: Incomplete

Enough was enough. )

Apr. 17th, 2010


Who: Giselle and Astor
What: Pedicures!
When: Afternoon
Where: The Spa
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete

Everyone needs a pedi sometime... )

Apr. 14th, 2010


Who: Rose Tyler and Jack Harkness
What: Being kinda pissed off sad
When: Early evening
Where: Outside Building C, Room 103A
Rating: G, but only if G stands for God only knows
Status: Incomplete

I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all )


Who: Alice and Jack
What: Meeting the Roomie
When: Evening
Where: Their Rooms
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

Alice had finally decided that it was time to meet the mysterious man next door. )

Apr. 13th, 2010


Who: Legolas and Giselle
What: A date!
When: April 13, late morning
Where: Starting at Giselle's room
Rating: PG or so?
Status: Incomplete

Giselle and Legolas. On a coffee and sugar high. Fear it. Feaaaar it. )

Apr. 12th, 2010


Who: Jack Harkness and Sarah Jane Smith
What: Meeting, catching up on what's going on
When: Afternoon-ish
Where: Salus Diner and Buffet
Rating: TBA
Status: In Progress

It had been a while since they'd met... )


Who: Locke and Astor
What: Getting Food and Such
When: Monday, latish afternoon?
Where: Panda Express Chinese
Rating: PG for now but I doubt it'll go any higher
Status: In Progress

With every sun that sets, I am feeling more like a stranger on a foreign shore with an eroding beach disappearing from underneath )

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