May. 6th, 2010


Who: Mikhael & Legolas
What: Arrival
When: Late afternoon
Where: Entry hall area of Building C
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Mikhael had gone with them mostly out of amusement. The world ending? Ha! The war was assuredly considered horrible and brutal by some standards, but it was hardly world ending. He'd been quite enjoying it in fact. The spirits laughed at that thought, the cacophonous sound echoing in his skull despite the muffling effect of the two roses he carried. He gave a small, almost imperceptible shake of his head, which as usual had no effect on the voices. But it made him feel better, which was important. The most important thing now was to figure out exactly where and what this place was. The people who'd brought him had been remarkably uninformative, which had been frustrating in the extreme. They had been fortunate to arrive before the frustration had worn away at his temper too much.

But that didn't matter. What mattered was finding this room he'd apparently been assigned before the wind and weather blew him away. He grabbed the handle of the main door and yanked it open just in time for a strong gust of wind to more or less blow him and a good quarter inch of rain inside. He was damp and probably looked half drowned even though he'd been outside only a short time. Still, he pulled himself up with painfully obvious dignity and looked around for somewhere to dry off, or at the very least someone who could shed some light on this place.

Apr. 22nd, 2010


Who: Legolas and Yoji
What: Flowers and making friends
When: April 22, late morning
Where: Stables, the wooded area, and then stables again
Rating: Nothing over a G
Status: Complete

The longer Legolas stayed here, the more the lack of wilderness around bothered him... )

Apr. 13th, 2010


Who: Legolas and Giselle
What: A date!
When: April 13, late morning
Where: Starting at Giselle's room
Rating: PG or so?
Status: Incomplete

Giselle and Legolas. On a coffee and sugar high. Fear it. Feaaaar it. )

Apr. 8th, 2010


Who: Legolas and OPEN
What: Eating and meeting new people
When: April 8, midday
Where: Burgers 'n' Shakes
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

It was almost exciting to Legolas when he felt hungry these days... )

Mar. 24th, 2010


Who: Legolas and Heather Mason
What: Roommate awkwardness
When: March 24 mid morning
Where: Their shared bathroom
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

Simple things like the shower were still new and exciting to him... )

Mar. 23rd, 2010



Who: Giselle and Legolas
What: Initial Meeting & Horseback Riding
When: Afternoon
Where: Stables
Rating: G for Goodie-Two-Shoes
Status: Incomplete

'Hello, horse friend!' )

Mar. 19th, 2010


WHO: Shannon Rutherford and Legolas Greenleaf
WHAT: Meeting one of the neighbors maybe?
WHEN: March 19, early evening
WHERE: The heated swimming pool of building B, to start
STATUS: In progress

If she really tried, maybe she could picture herself back at the complex she'd lived in with Nora. )