Aug. 14th, 2010


Who: Hatter and Alice
What: Hatter is a woman, but not an anorexic one and needs to eat!
When: Saturday morning
Where: Near the cafeteria
Rating: I'm gonna have to go R, just in case
Status: Incomplete

Clevery clever cut tag text )

Jun. 10th, 2010



Who: Alice and OTA
What: Judo Class
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: Community Center
Warning: None Yet

But she didn't know how the people running this place would react if they found out that she was teaching other people how to fight. )

Apr. 20th, 2010


Who: Alice and Hatter
What: A Walk
When: Early Evening
Where: All Over
Rating: PG prolly
Status: Incomplete

Her mind went to their first meeting, when she'd been soaked from falling in the river and he'd been in his tea shop. )

Apr. 14th, 2010


Who: Alice and Jack
What: Meeting the Roomie
When: Evening
Where: Their Rooms
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

Alice had finally decided that it was time to meet the mysterious man next door. )

Apr. 6th, 2010


Who: Alice and Jake
What: A little payback
When: Noonish or thereabouts on Tuesday
Where: Building A and then?
Rating: PG at the most, I imagine
Status: Incomplete

It wasn't the smartest thing Jake had ever done, not by a long shot, but he had been searching for an excuse to leave a room which had started to feel increasingly claustrophobic to him. )

Apr. 4th, 2010


Who: Alice and OTA
What: Doing Laundry
When: Afternoon
Where: Laundry Facility between A & B
Rating: ?
Status: Incomplete

Although clothing had magically appeared in the closet and drawers of the room she'd been given, it didn't clean itself. )

Mar. 25th, 2010



Who: Temperance Brennan and whoever wants to deal with an angry forensic anthropologist
What: Arrival
When: March 25th, mid-morning
Where: The Jeffersonian, her room and then the hallway of her building.
Rating: Probably just PG or PG-13 depending on language I guess
Status: Incomplete

Mar. 20th, 2010


Who: Alice Hamilton and David Hatter
What: Reuniting!
When: Backdated to Friday night
Where: Alice's room
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Status: Incomplete

Waiting on tenterhooks )