Apr. 23rd, 2010


WHO: Leonard McCoy and James Kirk
WHAT: Bones gets a new sort of!Roommate
WHEN: April 23, evening
WHERE: Bones' room
RATING: PG, maybe?
STATUS: Complete

That was part of the reason he'd been pretty easy to convince about letting Jim move in with him... )

Apr. 22nd, 2010


Who: Legolas and Yoji
What: Flowers and making friends
When: April 22, late morning
Where: Stables, the wooded area, and then stables again
Rating: Nothing over a G
Status: Complete

The longer Legolas stayed here, the more the lack of wilderness around bothered him... )

Apr. 6th, 2010


Who: Alice and Jake
What: A little payback
When: Noonish or thereabouts on Tuesday
Where: Building A and then?
Rating: PG at the most, I imagine
Status: Incomplete

It wasn't the smartest thing Jake had ever done, not by a long shot, but he had been searching for an excuse to leave a room which had started to feel increasingly claustrophobic to him. )

Apr. 4th, 2010


Who: Alice and OTA
What: Doing Laundry
When: Afternoon
Where: Laundry Facility between A & B
Rating: ?
Status: Incomplete

Although clothing had magically appeared in the closet and drawers of the room she'd been given, it didn't clean itself. )