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Apr. 13th, 2010


Who: Legolas and Giselle
What: A date!
When: April 13, late morning
Where: Starting at Giselle's room
Rating: PG or so?
Status: Incomplete

Giselle and Legolas. On a coffee and sugar high. Fear it. Feaaaar it. )

Apr. 12th, 2010


Who: Jack Harkness and Sarah Jane Smith
What: Meeting, catching up on what's going on
When: Afternoon-ish
Where: Salus Diner and Buffet
Rating: TBA
Status: In Progress

It had been a while since they'd met... )

Apr. 8th, 2010


| WHO | Ianto Jones & Sarah Jane Smith
| WHAT | In which Ianto fills Sarah Jane in on all the creepiness
| WHEN | 8 April, noon or thereabouts
| WHERE | Panda Express Chinese
| WARNINGS | To be announced
| STATUS | In progress.

I can feel their eyes are watching in case I lose myself again. Sometimes I think I'm happy here, sometimes I still pretend. I can't remember how this all got started, but I can tell you exactly how it will end. )

Apr. 6th, 2010


Who: Alice and Jake
What: A little payback
When: Noonish or thereabouts on Tuesday
Where: Building A and then?
Rating: PG at the most, I imagine
Status: Incomplete

It wasn't the smartest thing Jake had ever done, not by a long shot, but he had been searching for an excuse to leave a room which had started to feel increasingly claustrophobic to him. )

Apr. 5th, 2010


Who: Jack Harkness, Temperance Brennan, and later Booth and Ianto
What: Eventually locked in
When: April 5, early evening
Where: Building A, supply closet
Rating: TBA
Status: In Progress

Even the best of us can end up following along lines of irony )


| WHO | Ianto Jones & Jack Harkness
| WHAT | Persistence, patience, and COFFEE.
| WHEN | 5 April, an obscene hour of the morning when nobody should be up, but Ianto is anyway :D
| WHERE | Building A, just outside Jack's room
| WARNINGS | Overly cheerful and determined Welshman within. No, really. (Real warnings TBD.) Bit of light cursing, relationship angst, and one awkward kiss.
| STATUS | Completed (22 April)

Take it back to the beginning, back to the start. When gravity's pulling, you're still holding my heart. )

Apr. 4th, 2010


Who: Giselle and Jenny
What: Discoveries
When: Morning
Where: Arcade
Rating: G I'm thinkin
Status: Incomplete

Since her arrival, Giselle had been making new discoveries every day. )

Apr. 3rd, 2010


Who: Booth and Ianto
What: First Meeting
When: Morning
Where: Building C
Status: Incomplete
Warnings: None Yet

No gun made for an unhappy Booth. )


Who: Brennan and Booth
What: Booth tries to get Bones to go to the beach with him.
When: Daytime
Where: Brennan's room in building A and then the beach
Rating: PG probably, PG-13 maybe for Brennan in a bikini ;)
Status: Incomplete

Mar. 31st, 2010


Who: Alison Young & Dean Winchester
What: Eating food, chatting, IDK
Where: Burgers 'n Shakes
When: March 31st, Afternoon
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete.

I'm supposed to be proving how awesome I am, right? )


Who: Jenny and The Doctor, possibly one J.T. Kirk
What: Figuring out who's who -- Reuniting -- maybe.
When: March 30th, Late Evening
Where: Building C, room 103A
Rating: G-PG, depending on Jenny's Temper
Status: Incomplete

It couldn't be.. )

Mar. 30th, 2010


Who: Booth and Bones
What: Reuniting
When: Evening
Where: Outside Building A, then ?
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13 if language is used
Status: Incomplete

They had arranged to meet, and Booth was going to find out if this was truly his partner, or if it was some impostor trying to trick him for some sick reason. )


WHO: Leonard McCoy and James Kirk (or McCoy, as he's apparently? introducing himself now? >.<)
WHAT: Being reunited, talking, and likely drinking.
WHEN: Backdated to March 29, around 9pm.
WHERE: The casino
RATING: PG-13, possibly? For swearing?
STATUS: Complete

But his young best friend was probably still abandoned on the icy hellhole... )

Mar. 29th, 2010


WHO: Andy Gallagher and Jo Harvelle
WHAT: In search of a brewski
WHEN: nearly 10pm, March 29
WHERE: The casino
RATING: R because Andy's a potty mouth
STATUS: In progress.

If he couldn't smoke a joint, then he needed to get drunk. So that was what Andy set off to do. )


WHO: Hatter & Shannon Rutherford
WHAT: Reaching out, but not really, but totally and not willing to admit it.
WHEN: Afternoon, March 29
WHERE: Hatter's room
STATUS: In progress.

It took a while for the emotional impact of the so-called gift to take hold. )

Mar. 27th, 2010


WHO: Jake Chambers & Shannon Rutherford
WHAT: Operation: Children's Underground Railroad
WHEN: 8:00 am, March 27
WHERE: Starting at the Ward, heading the the beach, and onward
STATUS: In progress.

The kids were being mistreated and Jake had said he'd planned on asking her, anyway, so it was the right thing to do, right? )


WHO: Andy Gallagher & Locke Lamora
WHAT: Meeting the roommate
WHEN: Early afternoon, March 27th
WHERE: Shared bathroom for Building A, rooms 104A&B
RATING: probably PG-13 or R; Andy's got a potty mouth
STATUS: In progress.

He didn't remember the crappy mattress in the back of his van being this comfortable, but maybe he was still coming down from the weed the previous night. )

Mar. 25th, 2010


Who: Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler, and the Doctor
What: Reunited (and it doesn't feel so good?)
When: Backdated to Wednesday night
Where: Salus Dinner Buffet
Status: Incomplete
Rating: Rose and Jack with pent-up issues? At LEAST a PG-13

Maybe she was a fool at the end of the day )

Mar. 24th, 2010


Who: Legolas and Heather Mason
What: Roommate awkwardness
When: March 24 mid morning
Where: Their shared bathroom
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

Simple things like the shower were still new and exciting to him... )


Who: Dean Winchester, Astor Bennett and Rose Tyler
What: Runaway train never going back
When: Late Afternoon
Where: Dean's apartment
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

When Dean Winchester decided to become a stop on the Children Ward's underground railroad wasn't exactly clear, but with nothing important to do in this place it'd given him plenty of time to think about Astor and her problem. )

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