Welcome to Hawthorne Hotel.

Salem, Massachusetts: a city once notorious for hunting witches is now controlled by them. The Hawthorne Coven is a powerful group of witches that live under the city. The Coven has time traveling power to drive more souls into the city for them to feed on. The more souls that arrive, the more powerful the coven becomes.

Nobody seems to know what the coven wants, only that they are subjected to their wild lapses of power and crazy experiments.


Posts Tagged: 'cisco+ramon+%28acoolname%29'

Feb. 16th, 2017




Well, this is definitely a new one for me.

Has anyone around here heard of Supergirl? I was supposed to make up for her disaster of an Earth birthday so

Feb. 9th, 2017




Hey. How are you doing?

Oliver offered me a job.

[Added filter to Cisco]
So. Star Wars night soon?

Jan. 26th, 2017




Looks like I wasn't executed. Good for me.

Jan. 21st, 2017




Fucking fuck.

I can't believe that stupid town hall meeting. I know this is Salem and everything, but this isn't the 1600s or whatever.

team arrow
I've tried to trace the comlink. I swear-
I just-
Damn it.

I hate this town sometimes.

Jan. 12th, 2017



Team Arrow & Flash & Kara

They took Iris. It was a massive group of people, they took her and put her under arrest. This happened at the cafe. I'm heading to Salem Tech now.

Jan. 10th, 2017



Cisco and Iris

Sitting around at work while people are disappearing is ri-damn-diculous
Getting no results is worse
everything is just

You two are being careful right?

Jan. 3rd, 2017




itcant b e like this

I needto go. Gona break tge barrier bye

Jan. 1st, 2017




I need medical equipment. Do we have any? How much is it going to cost me for some? I need it now. If there is already some in Salem Tech, great. Barry is-
Okay, he is pretty much doing a great impression of someone in a coma and I need to get him monitored.




Please tell me that Salem Tech has a medical area like STAR Labs. Or even just equipment.

Dec. 20th, 2016




Being moved locations in the middle of the night is still not the strangest thing I've had happen recently.

Everyone okay?

Dec. 16th, 2016




I just got a Christmas card and a gift certificate from the Chinese place. Welp. That was a thing that happened.

Can I ask you another probably weird hopefully not as worrying question?

Can I ask you a thing?

Dec. 13th, 2016




Right, okay, we don't really really know each other, but Iris said you might be interested in these purple arrows I made. I was going to give them to a friend as a joke, but I really don't want him to kill me. ...or fire me.

It should be noted they are not exactly normal arrows. Explosion, gas, shock, etc.

Dec. 12th, 2016




I think Christmas just puked in my hotel room. Note to self: the light show? Bad idea. Gave myself a migraine.

[team flash]

What are we doing for Christmas? Because I know we are celebrating. We have to celebrate.

Dec. 1st, 2016




I think I should just buy stock in the Chinese joint.

filtered to laurel
I don't think I can ever apologize enough, but I seriously did not mean to use my powers the other day.
I, uh, made you a peace offering? You are going to need to test it out since I am not sure I coded it correctly, but yeah.

Please don't hate me.

filtered to iris
I think there is something wrong with me. Barry is just going to worry and he clearly has enough on his plate so I am turning to you. I wish Caitlin was here.

Nov. 29th, 2016




Can I ask you a potentially upsetting question?

[added filter to Cisco the following day]
Hey man, you okay?

Nov. 28th, 2016



team arrow + team flash

I almost died.

Oh, and I need a ride.

Nov. 24th, 2016




Oh God. Food coma. I am never moving again.

Nov. 22nd, 2016




[Team Flash]
So apparently I managed to miss that it's Thanksgiving on Thursday. Do we want to do something together?

I don't know if you have plans, but I'm seeing if my friends from home want to do something for Thanksgiving. If you have nothing planned, you're welcome to join us.

Nov. 17th, 2016




I should probably be more freaked out by waking up in a strange hotel in Salem, then being unable to reach home. I should also be more freaked out by the fact that it appears I can't leave from what I have been able to tell, and the reports I have seen in both the local newspaper as well as this The Spectator news source. Which has led me to this network.

So. Is there any actual answer to all of this, or just theories?





Oh boy...