Welcome to Hawthorne Hotel.

Salem, Massachusetts: a city once notorious for hunting witches is now controlled by them. The Hawthorne Coven is a powerful group of witches that live under the city. The Coven has time traveling power to drive more souls into the city for them to feed on. The more souls that arrive, the more powerful the coven becomes.

Nobody seems to know what the coven wants, only that they are subjected to their wild lapses of power and crazy experiments.


Feb. 26th, 2017




Did you get a new knife? Preferably one bigger than the tooth pick you were carrying?




I swear. Where is this year going?

March is literally next week.

Feb. 25th, 2017




I need to ask you something.

Feb. 24th, 2017




I wanted cookies so I tried to make them, but I don't think the batter is supposed to end up on the ceiling. I got bored of mixing. They take forever. I should have just stuck to store bought.




Who is Angel?




Are you well?

Feb. 23rd, 2017




Did we decide on what we're going to do about the skull?




Salem Tech is looking for someone to fill its CEO position. This job will carry a lot of responsibility but mostly you will be working close with me and the board of directors. If you have any questions you can contact me here or reach out to the HR department.

Feb. 22nd, 2017




Marshmallow peeps season is upon us, friends. This, as you know, is a very important season, as all the best candy is now readily available. Be on the look out for candy corn in the shape of carrots and the chocolate eggs filled with cream that are, inexplicably, pooped out by a rabbit. At least, that's what the commercials have always implied.

I mean, I guess there's that whole Jesus angle too, but eh. Candy.

Feb. 21st, 2017




I have a surprise for you.




The hell is all this?





My name is Nancy. I'm new to Salem. I'm looking for Karen and Ted. Also Mike, my brother.

Has anyone heard from them?

Feb. 20th, 2017




I've decided that I need a change. I've been chased by too many monsters and I don't foresee it stopping so training is in order. First, I need a workout regime to build my stamina. Next, I need to learn how to fight more effectively. Anyone willing to help with either?




Just reminding you guys that go to Salem High, lacrosse tryouts are tomorrow after school on the field.

Feb. 17th, 2017




Guess as far as Earth goes selection of alcohol ain't so bad. One point Earth.

Feb. 16th, 2017




Well, this is definitely a new one for me.

Has anyone around here heard of Supergirl? I was supposed to make up for her disaster of an Earth birthday so




private to Allison
Hey, can I come by tonight?

private to Isaac




The amount of chocolate that is 75% off is astounding. All cause it is heart shaped? That is a wee bit daft.

...I may have bought more chocolate than I need.

Feb. 15th, 2017




Discount chocolate is the best.

Mister Stark said as long as we don't smash up the garden then we can totally have a skateboard ramp in the backyard.

I get this is probably kind of weird, but I have another question.

How do you do it? I mean the whole superhero and life thing? Like I got a B minus on a test because I might not have studied as much as I should have. Which isn't a bad grade, just not a good grade, right? Mister Stark says I need to set time aside to study.


Work, friends, school, studying, and being a hero. Do I just not sleep? Do I give something up?

Do I tell the Avengers that I'm Spiderman? I mean Steve knows, so does like Mister Stark, but the others don't. Wow, okay, yeah did not mean to ask that many questions. Jesus, sorry.



melissa and jake

Hey, my name is Danny.
Faye told me to message you since she is in the hospital.
Baby is fine, she is fine, but you both should probably get here.

Dude, this day is so weird.
I'm no longer the father. Jfc, what is my life?