Welcome to Hawthorne Hotel.

Salem, Massachusetts: a city once notorious for hunting witches is now controlled by them. The Hawthorne Coven is a powerful group of witches that live under the city. The Coven has time traveling power to drive more souls into the city for them to feed on. The more souls that arrive, the more powerful the coven becomes.

Nobody seems to know what the coven wants, only that they are subjected to their wild lapses of power and crazy experiments.


Posts Tagged: 'karolina+dean+%28lucyinthesky%29'

Feb. 11th, 2017




Bruce's housemates: Tony, Claire, & Peter
The front steps are currently broken and the banisters are as well. I put up a ramp of plywood for the time being but please be careful. Once the snow stops I'll fix everything. Don't read anything on paper at the moment, I think somethings magic going on with the books.

How are you doing my friend? Is all well with you? Beware of books at the moment.

I hope you are well. I was wondering if you had any extra supplies you'd be willing to part with at the moment. The last few weeks have been rather stressful.

Feb. 5th, 2017




i seem to have made a mistake. i just wanted to read my book and now there are nazgul. billy, i didn't mean to summon them. they tried to go after me, but i ran and hid.

what if they attack someone?

the ring wraiths aren't nice in the books. why are they here?

Feb. 4th, 2017




Jesus, enough with random nose bleeds. This headache feels like it has lasted days. I hate when a migraine interferes with my ability to even read comic books.

Hey, I'm glad you're okay. I'm sorry I haven't really said anything sooner, which is a shitty thing for a friend to say I know.

When we are both up to full speed want to go get ice cream or something?

cora and jackson
So, uh, thanks for not letting me die the other day. Even after I made that big scene-


I don't- I know I've been kind of out of it and sleeping a lot, but does...
I know it was for the plan, but I'm still sorry for the stuff I said.

So yeah, sorry.

Feb. 3rd, 2017




I'm super psyched to announce that Emily and I are finally opening our own business. Fish Can Fly Production Company. We'll be featuring podcasts, documentaries, animation, music videos and whatever other cool things come our way.

Our very first project will be the relaunch of Trish Talk starring Trish Walker. We'll be airing episodes of Trish Talk on our site every weekday starting tomorrow.

Our office is down by the water near Mahi Mahi, feel free to stop by. If anyone is interested in collaboration or a project, feel free to reach out. Maybe one day we'll be big enough to do feature films.

We worked really hard on this and we want to thank all of our friends for being so supportive.

Jan. 10th, 2017




bucky and steve
billy got taken. i am going to look for him. yes i am going to find someone to go with me.

powerpuff girls
someone took billy. i am going to go look for him. are you in?

karolina and xavin
they took billy. this is more then murder now.

Jan. 7th, 2017




i require more blankets.

powerpuff girls
i'm going to be in the attic all day.

the news. they called her a witch.

you said i could talk to you. i need to talk.

Jan. 3rd, 2017




private to Dean
Are you okay?

private to Karolina

private to Spencer
Please tell me where you are.

Jan. 2nd, 2017




i need to find a newspaper and a map.

someone was murdered.

powerpuff girls
i think we should make sure the house is safe.

Jan. 1st, 2017




What? Why - Why am I not in New York? Why am I in - - Oh dear, I'm in Salem. No, this isn't happening. I'm supposed to be in New York. We pinky swore. And I'm Fanny Brice!

Dec. 27th, 2016





It isn't fair. It isn't fair.

Dec. 21st, 2016




Cromwell House

I know we're all just getting to know each other so how about a big Christmas dinner this Sunday? I'd like to invite my girlfriend and her friends if that's okay. If there's other people you'd like to invite, I think we can accommodate that.


What are you and Anna up to for Christmas?




Magnus left.




private to the web
Looks like we're all together again.

private to Karolina
How's the new living situation?

private to Wanda
This place is full of surprises.




Well, this is new. I'm in a house now. I'm more used to living in an apartment building. Or.. a house on a farm. Living in this house in the city will definitely be a new experience. And it's a chance to meet new people too.

But as nice as it is, I wonder if there's a catch, a price. Lionel Luthor used to give things away and then suddenly come up with a steep price. Back when he was evil, anyway, he became a good guy and redeemed himself in the end though. But for now, I'm going to enjoy the new home.. while also keeping a cautious eye out too. Just in case.

Hi. For any who don't know me, my name is Clark Kent. I work as a reporter for the Spectator. I also work as an emergency contact for one of the capes from the news stories (he goes by Superman), so if you need his help at any point, tell me and I'll pass it on to him asap.

Also no need to worry about messes on my part in the house, I clean up pretty well. I'm also willing to help with any chores too. Dishes, sweeping, stuff like that.

Dec. 19th, 2016




I woke up in a strange house with a strange man.

I wish I could say I was used to this stuff.

Private to Em

You okay?

Dec. 12th, 2016




Private to Molly and Klara

I found Leapfrog. I haven't messed with it too much. I don't know if it will take commands from me. Chase left and I haven't seen Victor in awhile.

How's Old Lace in your room, Molly? Has Wanda been keeping her asleep? I think I may have found a place we can keep her.

Private to Emily

So um, I got some wheels.

Well, actually, I'm not even sure if it has wheels.

Dec. 8th, 2016




why are they selling dead trees? i don't like it.

Dec. 1st, 2016




I win.

download image )

Nov. 25th, 2016




i hate dolls. the eyes follow you and they want your soul.

runaways and young avengers
i destroyed a evil doll factory. it lured me inside and i had to destroy it so it wouldn't hurt anyone else.

Nov. 23rd, 2016




the pack
...I might need some help. It wasn't entirely my fault, but I may have kind of, sort of, totally blew up a church.

You okay?

karolina, billy, and rebekah
I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving.