Posts Tagged: 'new+character/player'

Sep. 5th, 2016



Get the Elf out of here!

Hiya all! Cris here, with a new boyo!

Meet Baron Gilderoi Rubinhart, twin brother to Galadari. Prepare for trouble. This is the snarky one, the clever one, the manipulative one. He may seem nice, briefly, but this elf has got a bite to him. He is famous in the world of Elves, coming from an extremely well to-do family that's high up in the ranks. He is less famous in the human world - not a Weatherby - but his family has been featured in Forbes.

Gilderoi is nice, in that sugar and ice kind of way. Aloof, mean when he can be, barely tolerating your presence, but not outright insulting. Or so he likes to think. He's also a huge racist and think most races - humans, fairies, dragons, everything that is something animal - are basically dumb.

He wants plot! Friends! Enemies! People to lord over! Boys to hit on! Bring them all! You can say hi here!

Sep. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]


I'm Laura and I'm new here.

My character is Clara James. She likes school and is an athlete, enjoying ballet, gymnastics and figure skating. Her favourite is ballet. She grew up near national parks and is very interested in the environment as well. She's 16, in Landon, taking gardening and botany as an extra-curricular.

She's a recently cursed were-deer, and is having difficulty adjusting. Her parents, a mom and two dads, are human and she had no idea that weres and other supernatural beings existed before she was bitten. She was bullied in her past for being different - usually for liking school and being a ballet dancer and sometimes because she has two dads. She's very insecure, worried that being a were will lead to more bullying, and needs to make friends with people who can help see her a positive side to being a were.

She has a natural curiosity and tends to get caught up in her own thoughts very easily, which can make her seem as if she is ignoring people. She is a kind person and good friend, once people get past that.

She is a descendant of Rafe Farrowe and doesn't know it.

Any Questions? Plots? Anything! :)

Sep. 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]

Hi! :D I've returned as promised.

I'm going to start somewhat slow with just Thérèse and possibly someone else in a few weeks.

Also, I have noticed there are a few new faces that have joined since I left, and to all of you I say hello all! I am Lee and this is the drama and language teacher Madame Edouard. She's a fairy from France and a former student at the academy as well. She is quite friendly and loves all the students.

She has been through a lot recently with a divorce, but she is going to do what she can to not let that effect the way she handles her students. It likely will effect how she acts around her friends though.

I can't wait to get started playing again, so I probably won't. In fact I will make her return post now ;D

Also. Plots!

Aug. 24th, 2016



fresh meat!

Hi there everyone! My name is Jade and I am about to crash for the night before I slip into hysterical exhaustion, BUT before that happens I wanted to introduce myself and this guy here, Josh Flynn. (Disclaimer: this could get incoherent. You have been warned!)

Starting with the basics, Josh is 17 and an Advanced student in Ladon. His mother, who is also a psychic, went to the Academy before him. Up until a few months ago, both of them thought that Josh would grow up to be completely Human, like his father. And then, all of a sudden, his powers manifested. While he's thrilled to suddenly have them, he's unhappy that they have forced him to enroll in the school. It's hard for him to build close relationships and all the ones he had were left behind. As far as he's concerned, Josh is here to develop his abilities and learn to control them -- that's it. We'll see how long that lasts.

Josh is super athletic and into sports. He's also a nerd when it comes to electronics and mechanics. He's never been the kind of guy that sticks to cliques -- he's friendly with everyone, regardless. You can read more about him in his bio here. Feel free to throw anything his way! We'll take it all.

As for me, there's not much that's terribly interesting. I recently started a new job, which has meant adjusting to a new level of tired that I've never reached before. I'm having to learn new ways of getting caffeine that doesn't involve hard lining it into my veins... but I may be heading in that direction soon. But more than the exhaustion, I feel really excited to be here and I'm looking forward to writing with every one of you! I don't have an aim, but feel free to spam my email or my contact post any time :)

Aug. 23rd, 2016



[No Subject]

Hey everyone! It's Taylor here with a new character: Quinn Cooper.

Quinn is 16 and a Standard student in Pegasus. He is also a werecat! He comes from a very well-off family and both of his parents are weres. He also has an adopted sister who is, to her resentment, completely normal. Growing up with parents who were familiar with it, Quinn is pretty skilled in changing back and forth between his human and cat forms, however if he does it too much it really wears him out. In his cat form he experiences heightened senses (especially his sight), faster speed, impeccable balance, razor sharp retractable claws, and increased strength. In his human form, Quinn retains some of his heightened senses, but nothing too noticeable.

Personality wise, Quinn is a little bit arrogant and seriously over-confident. Even though he can be pretty stuck-up, he can still be a pleasant person to be around. His confidence also translates into him being a talkative, energetic, extroverted person. He’s extremely social and loves to be in a big crowd, but he's definitely the type who wants to be the center of attention. Just don't forget that he's used to getting what he wants! Relationship wise, he prefers to have a lot of acquaintances over a few good friends, and he usually has quite a few lovers on retainer.

This will be his first year at St. Margaret's, and I'm pretty much down for anything plot-wise!! As always I am available on AIM at oli_young but you can also email me at or leave a comment on Quinn's dropbox here.

Aug. 22nd, 2016



howdy hey!

Hi everyone! My name is Tab and I'm bringing Miss Harper Jones to the fray!

Harper here is 16 and is an Advanced student in Kitsune. She's kind of new to the world of the supernatural. As in, really only just came into her abilities in the last few months. She's a pyrokinetic whose abilities were unlocked through an accident that resulted in head trauma just a few months ago. She's having trouble controlling her abilities, especially when she gets emotional. Things around her tend to ignite or combust. She's kind of angry that she's been totally uprooted from her life, the love of her life dumped her, and she's a walking freak of nature now. She's going to need friends and people who are understanding ... and she's probably going to stand on people's toes and make them angry. A lot. She loves to bake, though, and she's probably going to try to get a baking club started once she's settled in.

Her full bio is here!

As for me, I'm Tab -- I'm 27, I've been roleplaying since my high school days, I'm married with no kids except my black lab, and I work full time during the days, but I'm usually available during the evenings and late on the weekends. I'm available via email (listed on the contact page) and the drop box on Harper's journal.

I can't wait to plot with everyone!!



[No Subject]

Hi! I'm Ari and I'm bringing in Peyton Hayes. She's a Standard student in Pegasus house. She's a werewolf and still fairly new to the whole supernatural world and reality of being a werewolf. She wasn't born into the life, she was cursed with it. She's struggling with disliking this new aspect of herself.

She's feisty, my goal is not to have her being a troublesome character and fighting all the time, but she does have a history of getting into fights (hair pulling and stuff in elementary school, things like that). That is something she's definitely worked on tempering, especially now that she has a more "wild" side to contend with. I plan to move her application over to an actual profile template at some point, but for now you can read more about her here. I am open for any and all plots with her, I'm super excited to be here!

She's on the school newspaper. And I'm sure that she'd be the type to bond with her housemates fairly easily.

As for me, I'm a recent college graduate. I just finished up my Bachelor of Science in Animation Technology and am completely not going into the field I studied. Instead, I'm packing up my apartment, putting all non-essentials in storage, and moving to Seoul to join my husband on the English teaching train. We start with a private school next month, so there is a hiatus coming in my near future, but I don't anticipate it being very long. I have a tendency to become addicted to my games, and so I tend to stick around even if I am on hiatus, but I did want to put the forewarning there. As soon as I have a flight date and such, I'll let y'all know what's up. Until then, I'm generally around in the afternoons and evenings. I work mornings, so aside from that, packing, and working on my TEFL certification, I'm generally around and available. I tend to do network tags from my phone, so those are definitely the route to go with me if you're not patient. I am also totally okay with threads or GDoc logging.

So, yeah! HI!


This is Chrissie, and I bring to you FELICITY BAINBRIDGE ([info]labelledame).

She's an elf from England who comes from a very wealthy and prominent family there. She's got elf pride, yo. She comes to St. M's out of tradition in her family where they finish their education at the school. She's grown up primarily around elves her whole life, and if they weren't elves, they were definitely wealthy and had family names that mean something important. Full profile viewable HERE. Here are some more facts.

Close friends call her Fliss, and she's engaged to an elf that we'll eventually see in the game. Um, she can be a bit of a snob, and doesn't reach out to others much when it comes to making friends. She's six feet tall, so, ya know, damn, she's tall. Fliss loves movies and wants to be a writer/director/actress one day. Expect her to railroad her way into the school's theatre program. She glamours herself except for her ears, and they'll be long and pointed. She likes to push at the rules in a way that she can make them work to her advantage, so she's not a rule-breaker but a rule-bender.

I doubt she'll make many connections immediately, but I'm usually open for potential friends, enemies, frenemies, and so on.

So! There you go. Let's talk potential stuff or just set up random things. She'll introduce herself to the network soon enough.

~ Chrissie

Aug. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hello everyone!

My name is Taylor and I'm new here! I bring with me Olivia Young, intermediate student in the house Kitsune. She's a witch, originally from Seattle, Washington, and was sent to St. Margaret's by her mother a year ago. She's very friendly, but can sometimes be mistaken as a little pretentious by people who don't really know her, but those who do know she is a genuine, loyal friend. She can be very girly but also doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. She grew up very connected to nature, and so as a witch, she can draw power from plants and nature. She doesn't know exactly how to control it yet, though, but she basically can share energy with plants and animals in order to boost her powers. Her abilities will eventually include her being able to manipulate the elements, such as causing waves in the water or lighting something on fire. She is also very interested in the magical use of herbs.

I'm looking for friends for Olivia right off the bat! I'd also really love to have a mentor-like person (probably another witch) for Olivia.

I am almost always available via AIM at oli_young. You can also email me at! I'm looking forward to playing with everyone!

Jul. 13th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hello, everyone! I'm Riley, and I'm new here. Big shoutout to Dee for guiding me in the direction of this game. You can typically get in touch with me through AIM, a dropbox comment or at my cdj ([info]saucony).

Anyway, this is Summer Whitby, Advanced Pegasus Student and Siren from Bar Harbor, Maine. When she first got to St. Margaret's she was more likely to only speak to others through American Sign Language (if they knew it), as she was rather wary of using her speaking voice. As a siren, people are naturally drawn to her speaking voice. She can sway others' actions as once they're within a certain proximity, they typically will feel the need to help her in any way they can. And let's be real...That's super annoying. Leave. Her. Alone. But thankfully since coming to school, she has a little more control over this. And she's not going to sing for you, unless you want to meet an early death :| Many may have mistaken Summer for a shy girl, as she was not always keen to speak up. But once you realize she's sitting in the corner and smirking about that mistake you just made? Not so shy. She's a born leader with charisma and charm when she wants to show it; she'd be the first to jump off the metaphorical bridge (although, she might, she's a great swimmer, ok). She's been without a parent since she was ten as Sirens tend to die early (around 30 or 40), so she's used to doing whatever she wants. If she knows she wants something, she'll take it. Simple as that. For the most part, she's got an above-it-all attitude towards drama of any sort. C'mon, people, what a waste of your damn time. Summer only really thinks about herself when making decisions, so feel free to put her in her place if she's being an asshole to someone who should be her friend.

She needs friends! Swimming buddies! Ex-lovers! A Spanish tutor (now that she's been speaking more~).

Jul. 12th, 2016



/spams the ooc for days and forgets to be sorry

It's Khush again! I'm here with character #7 to fill out the two I moved to the emeritus ranks. This time it's another teacher. The infamous Dragonslayer Blake Hartley has arrived and he has a piece of advice to anyone facing down their own proverbial dragons:

Actually, he has a lot more to say because he's teaching Supernatural History, Dragonology (newly offered elective course), and Self-Defense. Blake is a human, but a particular kind of human that can trace his lineage back to the very first Dragonslayer - who was part dragon. This means Blake is human, but not completely and he has added enhancements~ that he gets from his ancestors. The Dragonslayers of the Bloodline are a family business and Blake performed his job well. He's a master dragonologist and has traveled the globe (with his ridiculous wealth of dragon gold) on his forsworn quest to eradicate the species. Thankfully, Blake had a change of heart when he found Ashton and spared his life a few years ago. The gamble paid off when Ashton had the opportunity to kill him and... well, didn't. Seeing a dragon have the chance for vengeance and not take it changed Hartley. He hung up his sword. And you know what they say: Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

He'll come to the Academy this summer and volunteer his immense breadth of knowledge and experience in the supernatural of all species, not only dragons. To show his intentions were true beyond a shadow of a doubt, he gave Ms. Menides his enchanted fae sword that had tasted the blood of many. Blake hopes to atone, if only in a small way before his ultimate end, and wants to find a new path, turn a new leaf. That is, he wants to give back and help protect dragonkind and teach others how to do the same.

Blake is trained in Krav Maga (E5) and other forms of physical combat and he'll teach self-defense, giving the students tips on how a hunter might strike once they're out of the safety of the school - and how to hit back. He's a bit of a hardass, but for good reason. It's not fun and games for the supernatural out there. If no one at the school likes him, he'll be doing his job right.

And then there's the whole, you know, traveling to Japan after hearing about a stolen dragon egg and breaking into the HQ of the Yakuza crimelord to rescue it. He tried to return the hatched dragonling to her mother, but Ryuuko imprinted to him, like a bb chick, before he could get her back. Now he's the adoptive father of a child and has very little idea what he's doing, but feels that the safest place for Ryu to learn to dragon without letting her instincts and greed get her cut down by another dragonslayer is right here at St. Margaret's. So, Blake is a single dad. Abruptly so. It's something he'll struggle with, but at least the dragon part of Ryu he knows how to handle-- Mostly.




A new character! (Death will not stop kindly for him)


Since this graduation robbed me of about half of my characters, it's time for some fresh blood. I give y'all: Tanek Horváth!

Hi! From the dungeons of Anton Castle, we have another lost little gypsy boy. Where Bayani is angry, Sidro is withdrawn and Sorin is prone to taking risks, Tanek is... somewhat unhinged. This has everything to do with his ability: Tanek is the boy who would not die. In the Castle, they gleefully exploited this power for their own amusement and/or learning, which has resulted in a triggerhappy-go-lucky boy who is just a tad off-kilter.

He abandoned the other Antonites to go look for his family, only to learn that they were all killed the night he was taken. Now, entirely out of options, he has reluctantly reached out to Sorin, who brought him into St. Margaret's. Read all about him here.

He's the pale new kid in Kitsune who likes drawing things and might say and do disturbing acts. (He can't die, so literally everything can be just a thrill for him.) So, come play with my broken new boy! Toss me all your plots!

Jul. 11th, 2016



Hi, all. It's Chrissie here. So, it's likely that some of you are going "WTF, why is there a kid in the icon for this intro?" There's a very good reason why. In fact, it's pretty obvious:

It's a kid.

Meet RYUUKO HARTLEY, ward of Mr. Blake Hartley (whom Khush will introduce soon). Their in-game introduction won't happen yet because other events must unfold first. But for now, you can look through her PROFILE.

It's a little tl;dr (too long; didn't read), so I'll outline some facts.
  • She is technically 15, but she looks like a six-year-old.
  • Blake Hartley (the dragonslayer) is her legal guardian. She is currently home-schooled, but when she is old/mature enough, she'll be able to attend St. Margaret's.
  • Her "addiction" as a dragon is focused on stuffed animals. It'll develop into something else later, but she has a growing horde in her "lair" of stuffed toys.
  • She's both smart but also very childish. As a dragon she learns easily, but she's still getting used to a human body and can be a lot like Ashton in that she can be a bit of a brat, especially with things that "belong" to her.
  • She makes origami figures and is a perfectionist when it comes to coloring. Don't mess her up or she gets maaaaad.
  • As a green dragon, she can spit poison and her element is lightning.
And there you go! :) I'm definitely down for planning or even pre-playing interactions (if you're a Google Docs person). When she and Blake arrive, oh, you'll know. ;)

~ Chrissie

Jul. 1st, 2016



New Character!

Hi ya'll! Khush here! I know half the game is on hiatus, but I'm gonna introduce my new character anyway and hope for the best hehe. This is my first new character here in over a year in a half and I've almost forgotten how to do this intro thing.

This is Van Carlyle, a Scottish born, South Florida raised boy of 15 who recently found out he's not as human as he was led to believe - which actually explains a lot about why he never could get along well with humans. Van is a kelpie, which is our new race in the game and basically is a water horse that can transform into a man and likes to eat people. He's an orphan, separated from his herd when he was born and sent to grow up in America. He was passed around from one foster home to the next and learned not to get attached to people or rely on anyone. Van basically shut himself down until everything bubbled up inside him that he'd explode and get into fights at school or shouting matches with his foster parents. Pretty soon after that, he would be sent to live with another foster parent.

Van transformed into his horse form quite by accident in the Florida Wetlands and when word spread about a loose black horse running around, people came to try and catch it. Kelpies, though, are fast and strong, and it wasn't until supernatural hunters arrived that knew how to bridle him that he was caught. Fortunately, Ms. Menides + Crew heard the news as well and, knowing it was a kelpie in distress and far from home, sent Cavanaugh and Kaden down to Florida to help. They offered Van a place at the school where he could learn about his race and also get an academic education at the same time in a safe environment. Van eventually agreed to go and it was the first time he'd been in control of his own destiny. It felt pretty good!

Van will be a new Standard this coming fall and he has been sorted into Hydra House (deal with it. You knew I couldn't go for long without another Hydra coming out of me!). He's arriving fresh this week and will be settling in. Van doesn't like to get to know people and will mostly be keeping to himself with his headphones on. He'll love the lake, though. Because #kelpie.

Punch the FRIEND BUTTON and if anyone is around to play, come play with me!

Jun. 21st, 2016



[No Subject]

I'm already day late, but I'm going to have John in an open scene up on the rooftop during the solstice/full moon. He'll be doing tribal magic. Any takers to join him there? Students or teachers. I don't expect him to get away with this. ;)

Jun. 8th, 2016






He's back, the sweetest vampire you'll ever meet! (seriously. dude's uncomfortable when it comes to blood) He left last year because his parents missed him and he thought he had a grip on the whole vampire thing. (spoiler alert: he didn't) After some almost hanky-panky with his boyfriend, Valentin's repressed vampire side snapped and he nearly drained dry his beau. (that relationship isn't looking too rosy anymore) Tin ran away, his parents called the school and two teachers came to their aid. (it was a whole thing) So, everybody agreed it was the best if Valentin returned to St. Margaret's. (boom)

Stats! Valentin will be an Advanced, he is in Pegasus and he is traumatized by the whole nearly-killing-a-boy-thing. (dope) Since being a pacifist vampire didn't work, he needs a new approach on life! (sadly, he doesn't have the right attitude for becoming the new Vlad the Impaler) Come help him find one! (don't be a too attractive boy. it might be too counter-intuitive) Yay!

Jun. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hi I'm back! Ish! This is Dee! Thank you for your patience I am getting back to log tags ASAP. I need to do all my dance ones and then throw people in to the last party, which I will get on. JUST YOU WAIT. This is my last character for awhile, Harmony "Harm" Aldaren. She and all my others are up for things.

Prepare for the Regina George of St. Margaret's )

In conclusion:

Jun. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hi everyone, I'm Jeanna and I believe I know some of you already. I'm brand new here and looking forward to playing with you all.

I bring you Melissa Carver who teaches Geography as well as Earth and Environmental Science. She is a fairy and is very connected to nature and the environment so when she's in fairy form, that's usually where she'll be. She graduated from St.Margaret's and after college and spending some time in China, she came back to teach. She is in a relationship with [info]sarahwoodhouse and she spends most of her time in their cottage on campus but also stays in town with Sarah and her kids from time to time.

You can reach me via email at or the contact post in this journal. Also feel free to add my CDJ which is [info]eleanorrigby. I love making new friends so that would be great! I'm excited to be here. :D



[No Subject]

Hey kiddos, it's Jach. Back from a somewhat extended absence due to the hell that has been my work the last few weeks. Let's just say that my boss is going out of town again over my dead body. Because it will actually kill me. Ugh.

But I'm back with a new character. Helena Reilly, aka Kane's twin sister. She's being sent to St Margaret's as a ploy by their father to keep Kane in line. Which she's perfectly fine with, since she just wants to be with her brother, anyway.

So she's a demon, of the pride variety, and unconsciously gives off those prideful vibes wherever she goes. If your character is prone to it, it'll be intensified in her presence. She also has the ability to make people around her sick if she wants. She can poison people by touch and can bring on hives, rashes, nausea, etc. The illness can fade within an hour, or last up to 24 hours depending on the strength she puts into it.

Personality wise, she's kind of a bitch. She's a mean girl who genuinely enjoys messing with people because she likes the chaos of it. BUT she's also very good at putting on a pretty smile to hide her intentions and get what she wants. She's very driven and hardworking. She loves power and will seek it out whenever she can. Her big soft spot is her brother. He's her bestie and she adores him. So the people he cares about will probably get a pass on her shit. lol.

anywho. She'll be arriving shortly after graduation and will be staying at the school over the summer. Then she'll begin her Advanced year when the new term starts up.

Jun. 3rd, 2016



[No Subject]

Hiya!! Krista here with character #4! Meet Nolan Cross! He's Kane's bestie from home. That's all you're getting.