September 7th, 2018


Extra rounds

I am going to be afk and MIA for the next few days, maybe a week. I am finishing stuff for school, and now it's officially overdue (as of 3:00pm today) and I need to get as much done as possible.

I'll be back after I finish and take a long break of not being in front of a computer screen.




[No Subject]

Hello Everyone!

Digi here with another new standard.

Meet Alyson Evans. Standard. Vampire. Pegasus. She hails from Oxford, UK.

She is a very sociable girl. She loves being a vampire, feels it is the best thing to ever happen to her. She isn't opposed to siring new vampires either, so long as the person wants it.

She is the popular type and makes friends easily.

Her bio is here -

So yeah, hit me with the plotties, peoples!



New Character Alert! And you'll have his axe!

Kidding. He is a dwarf, but he's terrible with axes.

Cris here, with Obsi! Obsi is a new addition to the school, a dwarf straight from the Himalayas. Why is he at the school? Because he has one dream: he wants to be star, no matter what. Preferably the next Adele or Beyonce. Only problem is that he's - well, a beardy dwarf and his voice is less diva and more Josh Groban. He's basically Rachel Berry compressed into a tiny humanoid. Prepare for drama!

He's in Pegasus, deeply insecure, which he will try to hide by pretending he knows exactly what he's doing. Anyone want to have a run-in with him? Check his app for other plot lines! Just don't call him a footstool, he might just serve you some attitude.

Hit me up!