March 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

Some Fallout Summary

- Pavel stops running with the group. Instead he runs in the evening alone.
- His grades had already been slipping, they slip a little more, not enough to fail but he’s barely passing.
- Any bullying he takes, and doesn’t really fight back.
- He’s been spending a lot of time on the heavy bag in the gym, his knuckles are always bandaged as he keeps breaking open the cuts.
- Does his detention without objection
- Is withdrawn in classes and his participation is practically nil.
- Oh, and he’s kinda gone back to dressing down. In hopes of once again not attracting attention.

Also, if it looks like someone might actually want to kick his ass, not just bully him, he’d respond and almost antagonize in hopes of a fight, in which he won’t put up a defense (which if does happen, this who have seen him in self defense class or have seen him soar/sparred with him could tell he was letting his ass get kicked.)