October 13th, 2017


~_~ When it rains . . .

It pours. So in addition to not having internet yet, I am now without my laptop. It had a stroke a few days ago and I've had to send it into a repair center (because that's how Apple rolls).

I am able to use a school laptop but only for 4 hours at a time. Maybe longer depending on how many they have rented out. I can do stuff with my phone but I'm running out of data for the month. So basically, I'm in a real tight spot, though I'll be available via AIM (which will RIP come December) and email.

The woes of moving to a new country all bundled together. So that's my situation. I'm going to try really hard to get things done but don't freak out if I miss something. I'll get to it. I'll likely get my internet before my computer back. *laughs and then sobs into a pillow*

~ Chrissie



OOC: Question

Just putting feelers out there. Are there any teachers that are fluent in French? I wanted to start this a bit sooner but Alicia is looking for French lessons. Like most subjects, she will pick it up quickly, the very absorbing student that she is.



Time to get Nerdy!

Hallu, I am Khush, and this is Derrick Wesley!

Coming at you from Manhattan, Kansas, Derrick is a newly arriving Standard in Sphinx House and he's a Technomancer - meaning he has psychic control over electronics and a special bond with the World Wide Web. His hax habits got noticed by the FBI and he, along with his friend who you'll meet shortly, got picked up and given a choice: come to St. Margaret's and train and hone his gift, graduate and go to college to hone it some more, and then train to work for the FBI as an international cyber patrolling agent and protect the United States from cyber terrorism. OR. Go to prison for illegal cyber activities.

So here he is, picturing how good he's gonna look in a James Bond suit once he becomes a secret federal agent. SO COOL.

Derrick is a super nerd. Think of the typical nerd trope and he probably checks off most of the stereotypes. He's very smart and had his start in video games, which is where he got the handle ~getgud and became widely known to video gamers as someone who was almost impossible to beat. It boosted his ego, but he also saw himself as sort of a Robin Hood type, taking notches out of wealthy players who pay to win.

He's nice, painfully shy around pretty girls, and when he gets stressed out (often), he goes running.

That's the basic gist! Feel free to read more HERE



It's A Twofer!

Hi, hi, Khush here again, this time with Cheyenne!

She's technically from Hades, but more recently she's been living on Île Campobello, which sits just off the coast of Halifax, Nova Scotia and is lovingly dubbed The Pound for old, defenseless, or otherwise homeless rare supernatural animals. Students of Supernatural Studies and Creature Lore took a fieldtrip out there one year.

Cheyenne is the daughter of Cerberus and was made by the hands of Hades and Hecate for the special calling of becoming Cressida Hallowfen's familiar. She'll bond with Cress and Cress with her and Cheyenne will make Cressida's magic strong again.

She is arriving on Sunday a la Blake Hartley and will start at the Academy as a Standard in Ladon House.

Like her father, she is a three headed Hellhound. Unlike her father, she can turn into a human and doesn't have to guard the gates to the Underworld. She's super eager to get off the island and see what's out there. Her little island didn't have much, but she's not completely naive to the ways of the world. She's totes skinny, but she's super athletic, too. She loves to wear makeup and dress up. Cheyenne tends to be an alpha personality, but she's fiercely loyal to people who make friends with her and can be a meangirl to people she thinks are making fun of her.

In her human form, the only thing unusual about her, besides her reflective eyes like any canine, are her, well, her actual canines. They're sharp and filled with venom that can kill someone in 20 minutes or, if she misses, cause wolfsbane to grow where it drips.

For more fun info on Cheyenne, take a gander HERE. For more info on Hellhounds, check out HERE.