where the bad boys come to play
.:::: ::: .:. .... :.:: :. :.:.
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Blaise and Valentin fight.

warnings: mentioned student/teacher and chan

(played December 29th, 2007)

elfflame [userpic]

Warning: mention of chan activities of the Teacher/student sort

Professor Zabini and Valentin have a chat )

(played 12/22/07)

Valentin slips up majorly.

warnings: chan, angst
notes: starring special guest star Jeremiah Zabini, nicknamed Jam.
The Russian translates: "I love you."
Played December 23rd, 2007.

the teacher? )

Adrian and Valentin have fun and get a bit closer

warnings: chan, toys

surprise )

(originally played December 6th, 2007)

Valentin tastes blood for the first time

warnings: bloodplay, chan (Valentin is 13)

(originally played December 13th, 2007)

elfflame [userpic]

Owl for Adrian )

Owl for Val )

Valentin and Adrian spend time together in the snow - and later talk in front of the fire

Valentin's Mun: I want this to be Val's winter outfit http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/3900/3941/russian-doll_1_th.gif

Snow and L... )

(played 20 December 2007)

Ro and Rab meet after years apart, thinking each other dead

Brothers )

(started 18 December, 2007 - comments below were played December 19, 2007)

elfflame [userpic]
Threesome: Val leads Ade to Rab's nest

Status: Unfinished
Warnings: Chan (Val is 13)
* Adrian's Russian translates to “my sweet boy”

A new meeting of old friends )

(Started 12/15/07)

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