where the bad boys come to play
.:::: ::: .:. .... :.:: :. :.:.

About this journal
This is a private rp, but feel free to watch, if you would like. It will contain much smut, and a good deal of squicky things, including incest, chan and bdsm. We will post warnings. If you have issues, don't read the threads. Simple as that.

September 2009
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Elf's RP Pups [userpic]
School's (almost) out for summer

Scene: Kie's aunt Mari comes to collect him to leave a bit early on the last day of school, but Kie doesn't want to go, and enlists a bit of help to keep from having to go.
Location: Headmistress McGonagall's office
Rating: A bit of incest (kissing), nothing more

Kie goes home for the summer )

Elf's RP Pups [userpic]
Val and Kie meet for the first time

Val and Kie


Sweet Slytherin boys )

Elf's RP Pups [userpic]

Kie, Thai, Ro, and Rab all meet and everything is out in the open.  Mostly. ;)

Face to face part 2, and meeting III )

Elf's RP Pups [userpic]

Ro and Kie meet - twice - before they know who each other is

Meeting I )

Meeting II )

Elf's RP Pups [userpic]
Kie and Thai meet

Thai, Adrian, and Kie

Thai comes to Hogwarts to check out the boy Adrian insists is his brother.

Face to face part I )

Elf's RP Pups [userpic]

Kie just wanted to show off what he looks like when he grows up... :D

Picture spam behind the cut )

Oh, and Celia Rosier, just for good measure:

Before Azkaban, obviously. :)

Elf's RP Pups [userpic]
Pup journal

So, here they are.  Journal just for Boyz.  Call out if there are any icons I'm missing... :D

I'm considering making a flashy-icon of the half-face icons...  But it'll have to wait.

*snuggles you both*

Current Mood: accomplished
elfflame [userpic]
Character Post - (AKA as teh test post)

For future reference:

<b>Pup Name</b>:
<b>Nickname if any</b>:

One comment for each pup, just so we've got faces. :D

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