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June 2nd, 2010

[info]four_big_paws in [info]ridgewayresort

For better or for worse...

Who: Jacob Black, Narrative.
When: Forward dated to Thursday night (June 3rd)
Where: Cabin 003 Room C
What: Jake felt bad, not only was his ego bruised, his heart was too. But he'd hurt someone else in his anger.
Rating: PG, it's sweet not dirty.
Status: Complete

Read more... )

[info]khaos_kaelyn in [info]ridgewayresort

Well this should be interesting. Kaelyn had just stepped down onto J's little playground and she knew he would be able to sense her there. The benefits of being a nine. She would have much rather been able to watch and play herself without his knowing it was her. Yes, they had a past, but who didn't have a past with her? Everyone had a little chaos in thier lives, they just didn't always realize she was the one to cause it. She had been hovering around this world for quite a while, wondering just how long it would take James to realize she was near, and her little joke with the zombies should have been enough, but he didn't seem to notice. That was why she decided to step fully into the world, and for lack of a better analogy, to "play the game."

She took a gentle stroll through the grounds he had created, it was quite lovely, but she would need to make things more interesting after she had seen what it was he intended in this place. Noone realized she was anything more than another of the guests he had brought in from another of the worlds she had seen. After all, when humans start going into separate worlds, it raises a few flags to a nine's mind, and that was how she found her old friend.

Yes, this would definitely be interesting.

(ooc: ok guys. This is the start of another plot.. possibly long term :D this girl does like her chaos. She IS another nine, and she's come to visit and see what her old friend is doing. For the time being, or until she gets bored, she's pretending to be a guest, and may want to take part in a few of the amenities.)

[info]tinyandannoying in [info]ridgewayresort

Who: Alice Cullen and OPEN
What: Leaving work
When: Around 7 PM
Where: Outside

It wasn't her fault they couldn't keep up with her )

[info]spacegeisha in [info]ridgewayresort

Who: Inara Serra and Darin Bole
What: Drinks, talking, etc.
When: Evening (technically yesterday evening... so backdated)
Where: The Velvet Room
Rating: PG for now, subject to change

So a Companion and a guest walk into a bar )

[info]nicejuicyapple in [info]ridgewayresort

Who: Glitch and Open!
Where: The buffet.
When: Around 6
What: Glitch has finished his very first day of work!
Status: Uncompleted.

He'd never done manual labor like this before, even his odd jobs in the OZ has usually involved fixing something or using what was left of his brain. )

[info]iamrefuge in [info]ridgewayresort

Who: Pike and Claire
What: Meeting up to go to the movies - possibly some awkward talking about the aftermath of the whole 'truth serum' thing.
When: Tonight?
Where: From Claire's cabin to the movie theater.
Rating: TBD. Probably not too high.

Iron Man 2 is the best date movie. It's just a fact. )