June 2012




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Dec. 21st, 2010


Who: Damon Salvatore and OTA (especially willing females XD)
What: Elena loves Stefan and not him, so he's drinking and looking for girls
When: Late night
Where: Ice Room
Warnings: Other than language, nothing. Yet.

As long as he could forget for a few minutes )

Jul. 16th, 2010


Who: Faith Lehane and Dean Winchester
What: Meeting, Looking for Sam
Where/When: Meeting outside the cabins/Today
Warnings: Language, mostly.

You're the reason I live, you're the reason I die, you're the reason I give when I break down and cry )

May. 29th, 2010


Who: Jaz Parks, Faith Lehane, James Petersen
What: Meeting / doing a little bit of detective work.
Where: Petersen's office
When: Friday night
Rating: Low-ish, most likely.
Status: Incomplete. Closed.

Jaz was pretty good at this. She had to be. It was her job. )

May. 26th, 2010


Who: Faith & Jaz
When: After Judas' big reveal
What: Faith takes out her frustration on some helpless trees, Jaz intervenes
Where: The woods near the staff cabins
Rating: PG-13 most likely, thanks to Faith's mouth

May. 17th, 2010


Who: “Matthew” and Faith
When: Tonight, after Faith gets off work at the club.
Where: Somewhere with not a whole lot of people.
What: Faith patrols. Dracula observes.
Rating: Not high.
Status: Incomplete.

Those videos had been amusing. )

May. 13th, 2010


Who: Claire Redfield and Pike, open to whoever else is burning the corpses.
When: Right after this.
Where: The field behind the grocery store.
What: Burning corpses.

She hadn't gotten much sleep since this whole mess had started. )

May. 11th, 2010


WHO: “Matthew Heller” and Faith Lehane.
WHAT: Giving “Matthew” the first real interesting conversation in far longer than the decade he claimed. Maybe also a first session! We’ll see how it goes.
WHERE: “Matthew’s” office.
WHEN: Some time Monday evening-ish.
RATING: TBA? I can’t imagine it being too high, though.
STATUS: Incomplete

The office was in order. )


WHO: Remy LeBeau, Open
WHAT: Zombie killin' time!
WHERE: Near his cabin
WHEN: Early morning
STATUS: Incomplete

Gambit, or Remy rather, the other name didn't seem to have much use here, was getting bored now. )