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Dec. 30th, 2011


I'm back!

I am back in Georgia after a long, mostly sleepless train ride. Will probably nap with the dogs then go get food in the house. The cupboards are bare! I is! Want some Molly or Justine? Gimme a yell!

Dec. 28th, 2011


water cooler chat: auld lang syne

how do you ring in the new year? how will you be ringing in 2012?

Dec. 22nd, 2011


New person!

Hello, lovelies!

My name's Megan. I'm a 23 year old actor and art model living in Manhattan. Lauren's been working on me to join this game for awhile now, and since I have some free time at the moment, I figured I might as well get sucked into something completely unproductive and addicting. Right? Right.

As you can see by my half-constructed journal, I'm bringing you Drusilla! I'm excited to get into her whacked-out brain and create some chaos with you all. If you'd like to plot with me, let's get going. Yeah. \m/ I'll be adding more to her profile and everything in time.



Holiday Gift Exhange

We thought about doing a game-wide White Elephant thread, but considering how busy everyone will likely be with the holidays, we'd like to do this instead.

What would your character--or YOU--give other characters as a gift this year? You can either list items, or write a little bit of a blurb between characters. Whatever floats your boat. Also, feel free to let your characters know wee bit more than they should. For the lulz.



Tonight I board a train from GA to PA where I will spend a week with my family. I will have wifi on the train and access at my mom's, but will most likely be slow with replies. Plots and logs are still asked for as distraction from the typical family drama. LOL

Let's plan sumfin!

Happy Holidays!


Dec. 21st, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen, hang onto your non-human characters.

With much excitement, (which Edward shares), I bring you the game's first soley, decisively secondary character.

Meet Edward, aka Death, The Undertaker, and Ted Forrester.

He's a sociopath, an assassin, and really likes flamethrowers. But unlike other assassins, Edward prefers to go after non-human marks. Humans are too easy. He is actually less human than Phaedra, and has fewer morals. Think of him like 'Dexter,' if Dexter didn't have his Code or a job at the police department.

He comes from the Anita Blake book series and will be arriving in York shortly on a job.

He can't WAIT to meet you.

P.S.: Don't worry. He's not here for you. Unless he is. In which case, you're fucked.

Dec. 20th, 2011


changes made!

After discussing this with a few of you as a gauge for reaction, we have amended the rules.

Big changes:

- No more limit on OCs per person. Play as many as you want.

- Primary and secondary characters. Primaries must do two replies per week. Secondaries must complete two threads of any length in a month.

- Increased character limit per person.

- When logs are considered 'dead' to the mods-- we've set this to after a week and four days of no activity.

What does this mean, you ask? Well, we'll tell you. )

We are excited about these changes, and we hope it'll spur people to do fun things--like pick up secondary characters, or OC's!


Dec. 19th, 2011


Oh hello

I'm officially back!

Now. I know I have some threads out there that have been sitting. I am open to finishing any one of them, but if you'd rather drop it, I'm okay with that too.

Sorry for it taking me so long to get back to everything. The way that my computer was set up, sitting at it was not comfortable for long periods, and I couldn't have it in my lap because the only way to have it connected to the internet was to have it physically plugged in, which tethered it pretty much close to where it was sitting.

But now I have things sorted to where I can have it sitting on a table or in my lap and be comfy!

Plot is very welcome!



Please stay tuned.

We've been debating a few changes to rules, involving the number and type of characters each player is allowed. Those edits should be going live ASAP. This is NOT negative, and, in fact, should make a lot of you pretty happy.



It's that time again.

Dear all-

I've asked in the past for help recruiting for BRS. I cannot stress enough how much I need this help.

If you want this game to grow and move faster, I'm seriously just about begging you, here... talk it up, put out ads, etc. I advertise about once a week in several rp communities, but in my experience, you really get more players from other players. Ads work some of the time, but it isn't the same as hearing about something someone else is already involved in.

If you want BRS to grow, and move, and change... I really need your help. Without it, this game is going to likely continue being roughly the same size and pace. Based on chats and emails with most of you, I know that's not what you want.

But I'm not superwoman. I can't do this all myself.

So please, help me out, here. Consider it what I want for Hanukkah. :)


Dec. 16th, 2011


Character Soundtrack: Sam Winchester

Vol. 12: Sam )

Dec. 15th, 2011


Character Soundtrack: Jo Harvelle

Vol. 11: Jo )

Dec. 9th, 2011


Character Soundtrack: Saerian

Vol. 10: Saerian )

Dec. 8th, 2011


Character Soundtrack: Phaedra Romani

Vol. 9: Phaedra )


Character Soundtrack: Lindsey McDonald

Vol. 8: Lindsey )

Dec. 7th, 2011


Character Soundtrack: Dean Winchester

Vol. 7: Dean Winchester )


Character Soundtrack: Harry Dresden

Vol. 6: Harry Dresden )


Character Soundtrack: Dawn Summers

Vol. 5: Dawn )


Character Soundtrack: Melaka Fray

Vol. 4: Fray )


Shameless plotty goodness ad

Molly is locked up in her three scene limit so I thought I'd take the time while I'm waiting for those to wrap up to cast out the line looking for plot! Ima lay out what is happening with her right this moment, what I thinking will happen with current developments and what I'd like to see happen but isn't set in stone.

What is:
Her PTSD is kicking her ass. The holidays are hard for her not being around her family. She doesn't even know that's why she's feeling so scattered. The last holiday season she had she spent in the hospital with a gunshot wound to the leg, Harry died and she hit the streets. Phaedra recently startled her and they got into a brief argument/Molly picked up on Phae not liking her as fiercely as Molly doesn't like her. (That scene is still in the development stage so stay tuned!)

Coming up:
Murphy and Harry. IT'S ABOUT FRIGGIN TIME! She is going to be really happy for them, but crushed at the same time. She's held a torch for Harry since she was fourteen. She's watched him in his relationships, and in her opinion this is the one that will last for him. But it's not her. That's a hard ouch for any girl. With as bungled as her mind is, after giving it some thought and talking it over with some people I can see Molly throwing herself more solidly back into the Ragged Lady persona. Not so much the kill all the bad people and leave strips of fabric in their mouths, but the not sleeping, not really eating a lot and actively hunt the bad critters the hellmouth/gates spit out.

Where is it all going:
Hell if I know. LOL But that's where y'all come in. I'd like some ideas, and I'd like to plot with people. There is a lot of potential there, and I believe we could have some fun! Do you see something you think your character(s) could help with/participate in/take advantage of? (General naughtiness and bad guy scheming is totally welcome!) Do you have an idea that you would like to see played out (kind of the Oh! I wonder if she thought of this for Molly?! thing...I'd love to hear it!)? Brainstorm, ho! Bring it on!


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