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Dec. 7th, 2011


Hi! It's Trish again you big bunch of enablers!

Faith is coming back to town so if you want to play with the slayer let me know! She's all about looking for trouble. Oh wait, that's pretty much every day for her isn't it?

Dec. 6th, 2011


Character Soundtrack: Tessa

Vol. 3: Tessa )


Character Soundtrack: Spike

Vol.2: Spike )


Character Soundtrack: Molly Carpenter

Vol. 1: Molly )

Dec. 5th, 2011


SPN: most recent episode support group

I need one.

Let me know if you do, too. We shall email.

Dec. 3rd, 2011



Ladies and gentlemen! One of your mods is veeeeeeeeeery tired, and the other is drunk. So of course, we made you things.

If you participated in the Halloween threads, we've got something for you. We tried to be as fair as possible, and there is something for every character that participated in the plot below. The depth of the award depends on how active your character was during the time the plot ran. We did put this to a vote, so if you didn't vote... *shrug*




Dec. 2nd, 2011



Finally, Castiel makes an appearance. Huzzah and hallelujah!

Dean's already got dibs on him first, but who else wants a crack at the angel?

Dec. 1st, 2011


Taking Requests

Moderators here.

Since we've started actively recruiting, and some of you have, too, we'd like to pose the following questions to you: What characters do you WANT in game? What characters do you NEED?

Please think about the difference between the two questions. We see "need" as characters that would move plot along and make things interesting for many characters, and "want" as, for example, Spike wanting a Dru. Less plot possibilities and more of help to a single character.

Please leave us comments! The more we know about what you want and need, the more likely we are to get it!

Nov. 28th, 2011


baby i'm howlin' for you.

Sorry for the disappearing act, folks. I lost my job and this being unemployed business (or lack thereof) really put me for a tailspin. However, what else do I have to do now other than write?! Dawn's ready to get into some trouble with anyone who's able and willing.


Ready to really dive in now that the holidays are over. Thomas needs things to see and people to do...or random run ins lol.

Justine told him about Anita and he is intrigued. Other than that and needing to talk to Harry at some point and his helping out Murphy with her apparent suicides he needs to meet people.

Nov. 25th, 2011


Character Research? :)

Just an FYI, has all of the seasons of Supernatural for 12.99, and I'm pretty sure I heard that Walmart has True Blood's seasons for $10 each.

Just in case any of you have been wanting to get either series on DVD and haven't yet :)

Also, I am a little bored at the moment. Anyone want to plot with Murphy? Or mind-controlled Jo even.

Nov. 21st, 2011


Hi again

I'm going to work on finishing up the threads that I'm in. I don't know about starting new ones just yet, I have a lot to still do here, and I don't want to hold up more than I have. I should know more after the holiday.

-Mila (Cavan, Eric)


ohai der.

So, I hate to be doing this again, but sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. I've had a massively shit few weeks health-wise, with migraines popping up every few days, so I've basically not been online at all. Or at least, not for more than quickly checking facebook.

SO. I will be jumping on top of the tags I have open, but does anyone have any particular plot they want with Lindsey, Carr, or El once I've caught up?

Nov. 18th, 2011


Okay Trish again. Now that my temporary crown, emergency root canal and fixing of the temporary filling that decided to fall out when I brushed my teeth is over...

Thomas Raith is around, his gal is off playing with Anita, who wants to plot? I know someone must want to play with the pretty White Court vampire. He's got his own reasons for being in town but of course won't be revealing them to people but it means he wants to meet and get to know as many people as possible.

Nov. 17th, 2011


oh crazy

So apparently too strong a signal is bad for the interwebs which is what is going on here. Trish and I will not have internet until tomorrow (and she just had an emergency root canal) at the earliest. I have my phone (yay!) So can check and reply that way but will be slow.

Will update as soon as I know anything. I don't think I owe tags but dang it I was going to post an open Ana! Grrrr



Meet Tessa. Tessa sees dead people. Normally, only dead people, coma patients, or people with mojo (angels, demons, psychis, etc) can see Tessa, but for the purposes of IC interaction, I'm going with the idea that thanks to the impending apocalypse, Daddy Death has given her a promotion, and she's able to appear in physical form. Not everyone will recognize her, but I'd say there's a fair chance that most people in game will be able to figure it out, since even our humans aren't strictly vanilla.

Just figured I'd throw on OOC intro out there, in case anybody wants to do anything special with Tessa (or any of my other three) before I toss up an open thread.


supernatural fans!, today only:

Nov. 16th, 2011


Hello there

I'm Trish (Krista's roommate and the one she practices her evil temptations into games on) and I'll be bringing in Thomas Raith. Our interwebz at home are sucking and I just had half of my face drilled into at the dentist so I'm thinking I won't really be getting my feet under me until the weekend but plots are love and Thomas loves to meet everyone!



So, I have chronic shoulder issues but it's been very manageable for the past few years. Unfortunately, this last week it's gotten to the point where it's a LOT of pain, especially when I'm on the computer.

What this means is that I just need to take a few days to stretch it out and rest it.

So I will be scarce or possibly entirely absent over the next few days.

For the scenes I'm in-Murphy and Jo are on their way out of Harry's house anyway in the group scene, so feel free to move them out of there to give them closure with that scene.

Otherwise, I should probably be back as soon as I'm feeling better. Shouldn't be too long since the stretches I've been doing are helping a lot and I've found a new way to sit at the computer.

when I get back, Murphy's total open for plotting if anyone wants to play with her :)

Nov. 15th, 2011


krista here!

For some reason our internet at home acts like its 1994 in the evening. Comcast says its our router...that I just bought last night. Yeah okay corporate douchebags. Meanwhile I'm reduced to using my phone so you can imagine how frustrating this is.

Anyway. Here is my new gal Justine from Dresden Files! She's coming to York with a special as of yet unintroduced someone. Heee! I'm a bad, bad influence.

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