Dec. 7th, 2011


Hi! It's Trish again you big bunch of enablers!

Faith is coming back to town so if you want to play with the slayer let me know! She's all about looking for trouble. Oh wait, that's pretty much every day for her isn't it?

Nov. 18th, 2011


Okay Trish again. Now that my temporary crown, emergency root canal and fixing of the temporary filling that decided to fall out when I brushed my teeth is over...

Thomas Raith is around, his gal is off playing with Anita, who wants to plot? I know someone must want to play with the pretty White Court vampire. He's got his own reasons for being in town but of course won't be revealing them to people but it means he wants to meet and get to know as many people as possible.

Nov. 16th, 2011


Hello there

I'm Trish (Krista's roommate and the one she practices her evil temptations into games on) and I'll be bringing in Thomas Raith. Our interwebz at home are sucking and I just had half of my face drilled into at the dentist so I'm thinking I won't really be getting my feet under me until the weekend but plots are love and Thomas loves to meet everyone!