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Feb. 2nd, 2012


Guess who's coming to dinner

Oh dear. Now we've done it. Y'all let me have Kincaid to play with. Tsk. This can't be good because he's looking at a few people Dresden, Phaedra, Murphy...not necessarily in that order.

Who wants some?!


Dec. 22nd, 2011


New person!

Hello, lovelies!

My name's Megan. I'm a 23 year old actor and art model living in Manhattan. Lauren's been working on me to join this game for awhile now, and since I have some free time at the moment, I figured I might as well get sucked into something completely unproductive and addicting. Right? Right.

As you can see by my half-constructed journal, I'm bringing you Drusilla! I'm excited to get into her whacked-out brain and create some chaos with you all. If you'd like to plot with me, let's get going. Yeah. \m/ I'll be adding more to her profile and everything in time.


Dec. 21st, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen, hang onto your non-human characters.

With much excitement, (which Edward shares), I bring you the game's first soley, decisively secondary character.

Meet Edward, aka Death, The Undertaker, and Ted Forrester.

He's a sociopath, an assassin, and really likes flamethrowers. But unlike other assassins, Edward prefers to go after non-human marks. Humans are too easy. He is actually less human than Phaedra, and has fewer morals. Think of him like 'Dexter,' if Dexter didn't have his Code or a job at the police department.

He comes from the Anita Blake book series and will be arriving in York shortly on a job.

He can't WAIT to meet you.

P.S.: Don't worry. He's not here for you. Unless he is. In which case, you're fucked.

Dec. 7th, 2011


Hi! It's Trish again you big bunch of enablers!

Faith is coming back to town so if you want to play with the slayer let me know! She's all about looking for trouble. Oh wait, that's pretty much every day for her isn't it?

Dec. 2nd, 2011



Finally, Castiel makes an appearance. Huzzah and hallelujah!

Dean's already got dibs on him first, but who else wants a crack at the angel?

Nov. 17th, 2011



Meet Tessa. Tessa sees dead people. Normally, only dead people, coma patients, or people with mojo (angels, demons, psychis, etc) can see Tessa, but for the purposes of IC interaction, I'm going with the idea that thanks to the impending apocalypse, Daddy Death has given her a promotion, and she's able to appear in physical form. Not everyone will recognize her, but I'd say there's a fair chance that most people in game will be able to figure it out, since even our humans aren't strictly vanilla.

Just figured I'd throw on OOC intro out there, in case anybody wants to do anything special with Tessa (or any of my other three) before I toss up an open thread.

Nov. 16th, 2011


Hello there

I'm Trish (Krista's roommate and the one she practices her evil temptations into games on) and I'll be bringing in Thomas Raith. Our interwebz at home are sucking and I just had half of my face drilled into at the dentist so I'm thinking I won't really be getting my feet under me until the weekend but plots are love and Thomas loves to meet everyone!

Nov. 15th, 2011


krista here!

For some reason our internet at home acts like its 1994 in the evening. Comcast says its our router...that I just bought last night. Yeah okay corporate douchebags. Meanwhile I'm reduced to using my phone so you can imagine how frustrating this is.

Anyway. Here is my new gal Justine from Dresden Files! She's coming to York with a special as of yet unintroduced someone. Heee! I'm a bad, bad influence.

Nov. 14th, 2011


OK! LiLi here, with Sam from the end of Season 5/beginning of Season 6. Instead of being pulled out in pieces by Cas/Crowley/Death, he escaped via the Hellmouth with his soul AND his memories intact. He's got PTSD up the wazoo (kind of like early s7 Sam, I suppose?) and he's just too precious for this world.


Also, if anyone wants to plot with Ruby, I am game for anything--up to and including eventually killing her off, because it's going to be a little awkward playing both of them and making them avoid each other in the meantime. Even if it is totally in character. Someone (besides Saerian) has to find out who she is eventually anyway.

Oct. 12th, 2011


Hidey ho! Krista with my newest little lady: Ana Ternovec. She's a werekitteh and come to York with the fair. She's a shapeshifter along the lines of those from True Blood but limited to cats because of a curse. Mwahaha.

As always I'm more than open for ideas, plots, scheming and weird. ;)


Oct. 5th, 2011


Hello, puppies! Li again with numero dos; the sexy, sarcastic Anita Blake. Hello, fellow hunter/slayers. If anyone would like to volunteer to be one of her "red shirt" guards (the ones who get to feed the Ardeur), this would be the place. Also, weres in need of a pack mama, front and center. Oh, and one more thing:

Dear Mr. Dresden,
Please to not be killing my necromancer.

Sep. 30th, 2011



Hello! I'm Marty. And I am bringing to this lovely game Bill Compton from True Blood/Southern Vampire Mysteries. I've tried to make Bill a semi-amalgamation of events of the book and events from the show. Because, let's be honest. Book!Bill is not very cool (unlike Book!Eric whose coolness transcends both page and screen.) But show!Bill is pretty fabulous. And he has Jessica, who I adore. (And since I saw her on the held page, I thought it wise to include her in his history.) So though I've stuck a little more closely to the show, I've decided to leave his relationships to other characters open for book events, too. (Which, I think, can flow pretty well with the first three seasons of True Blood.) Just in case someone wants to pick up some poor random character who never made it into the show. Questions? Concerns? Please ask!

For anyone unfamiliar with Bill. He's a vampire who was turned just after the Civil War. He's originally from Louisiana, where he lived on a small plantation before joining the Confederate Army in the "War of Northern Aggression." He's pretty much obsessed with a young waitress named Sookie Stackhouse, who he used to date before she found out that he had been sent to her hometown by the Vampire Queen of Louisiana to woo her. (But he really does love her!) And he doesn't particularly care for Eric, who has sabotaged most of his plans to win Sookie back. Bill is pretty mopey and brooding right now. (If there were a Louis de Pointe du Lac in the game, the two of them would probably sit around in coffee houses, pining for their mortal lives and moping about the fate of the world.) Which is not to say that he is a total pansy. He has his moments of lack-of-control and he can have a temper when he wants to. But he tries his best to contain his anger and drink synthetic blood to survive. (But that doesn't always work out the way he plans.) And when he's not being totally haughty about moral principles, he sometimes slips up and bites people. Bill will start off in the game having been sent to York by Nan Flanagan and the American Vampire League to keep an eye on the happenings in Pennsylvania.

All plot is welcome! I can be reached on AIM at Polythene Woe, though I have been a little scarce from IMs lately because I'm trying to finish my applications for medical school. (But my goal is to get them all out by Sunday! Fingers crossed!) Private Messages and E-Mail are really good ways to get ahold of me right now.

Looking forward to playing with everyone!


Hello again.

It's Mila again. This time I bring with me one Eric Northman. It is very important to understand that my Eric comes from the Southern Vampire Mysteries books and not the True Blood tv show. There will be differences. Like, for one, he has no idea who Godric is.

Which should be hilarious.

Open for plot of all kinds!

Sep. 17th, 2011


Hi, all! They call me Li (like Jet) and I bring you Ruby. Yes, Dean killed her, but she escaped from Purgatory via the Hellmouth (again!) and took a new vessel (because Christina Hendricks was so delightfully demon-y in Firefly). Yes, she has now gone full circle from blond to brunette to redhead. She's probably not going to come right out and admit who/what she is at first, but those characters who can see her true face inside the vessel are welcome to do so. She will avoid angels, hunters, and psychics like the plague, though she'll be looking for a new soul to tempt (I'm looking at you, Mr. Dresden).

Questions? Comments? Refusals? Walkings out? Slammings of doors? Hit me up here or on aim at pikaboochrysalis

Sep. 14th, 2011


She's the brawn...

...and I'm the brains.

Since Lauren has introduced the comm to her 50% slayer who got all the strength, but not the mental abilities of the chosen one, I figured it was time I (Michael, aka Godric & Riley) introduced you to the fellow who did.

Also arriving soon is Harth Fray, Melaka's twin brother who recieved the Slayer's intuition, mental abilities, and memories...

...and who also happens to be a Master Vampire.

The Big Bad of his era, Harth is a prophetic figure amongst vampires. Referred to as "the one who will lead," he's an undead son of a bitch who has one aim: Destruction of EVERYTHING.

He doesn't care about Wolfram & Hart's planned apocalypse, and he's not going to be respectful of other villains' plans. He wants chaos, and he wants to see the world burn.

He won't be quite sure how he arrived at the Hell Gate, but when he discovers it's there, will be on like Donkey Kong.

Sep. 9th, 2011



Hope I'm doing this right and not stepping on toes. The mods can kick me if I'm out of bounds.

Anyway, hi! New to game with Molly Carpenter/The Ragged Lady. She's picking up right after Ghost Story. And...that's all I got.

Questions? Plotty goodness? I'm on AIM: wyrdfae. Email: thedrau AT gmail DOT com.

Good to be here and eager to get going!


Sep. 1st, 2011



Hello all!
Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Kelly, and I'll be playing Ms. Harvelle here (from Supernatural)

Jo will most likely be taking a job at the local bar, so if anyone needs a bartender, let me know. Other than that, she'll be hunting whatever demons and monsters are out there and trying to figure out why she was brought back.

I'm definitely open for plot, so just drop me a line if you have anything in mind. I'm dreamsofnever both on AIM and gmail.

Aug. 28th, 2011


*sidles out of the woodwork*

Hi, everyone. Sorry I've not been around as yet - unfortunately game opening coincided with massively busy week for me, away from all computers. *sadface*

ANYWAY. The important bits - my name's Jen, and I come bearing two characters, [info]lawyerboy Lindsey McDonald, who Whedonverse types will be more than familiar with, and [info]untamed_scot Carr Wallace, an LKH-verse OC.

Lindsey is a lawyer with evil hand issues. And nifty tats that hide him from any surveillance, magical or technological. He used be on the bad guys side switched back and forth as his conscience got the better of him, and now...well, he's mostly on his own side. He got the hell outta dodge when he realised that no one simply walks into Mordor leaves Wolfram and die or you get promoted. He, his guitar, and his '57 Ford truck were last seen heading out of LA. He's travelled around some, picking up a few tricks (threaten him with a knife. Go on. Please.), but something's pulling him in to the town, so he'll be arriving in the next day or so.

Carr is a gruff, grumpy, scowly werewolf. His full past is on his userinfo, but the short version is this - he got turned, he rose to Ulfric, his pack (and wife and daughter) got deaded. He hunted the hunter that did it, and has been drifting ever since. He holds people at a distance because he doesn't want to lose anyone else, but he is achingly lonely and incredibly loyal to anyone who shows him the slightest bit of affection. He's very touchly feely in wolf form (because he thinks he can get away with it) and will do anything for bellyrubs and scritches. He, again, has felt the pull of the hellmouth, and will be coming to town looking for a mechanic/bartending/odd job of some kind in the very near future.

Any questions, plot ideas, or if you just wanna meet my boys, either pM me, comment here, or email me - everything should be on both Lindsey and Carr's userinfo. :D

Aug. 23rd, 2011


hey hey everyone!
Figured I should pop in and say hi really quickly while I'm still on the grid. I'm actually currently on vacation and what do I do? Tap into the 'net for a little while. I'm not at work so it sounds like a pretty good vacation nonetheless lol


I'm revamping (Ha!) Marius here just a bit but most should know him and those who don't, here you are. He's an old vampire, from the Roman Empire era. Anne Rice universe vampire and is awesome. No really, he'll tell you that himself. He's modest too can't you tell?

He's artist and very well cultured, speaks honestly and "tries" not to let his emotions cloud his judgement but is not always successful. Marius can be a cunning businessman and reads other people, other species' very well and unlike others, while he embraces his immortality, he is still greatly fascinated by mortals and several species of supernatural being.

We are totally open to plot and all that good stuff so either here or via email would be great!!

So excited for this game :)


Aug. 22nd, 2011



Hello to all, my name is Dyan and I will be your co-mod for the duration of this RPG.

I'll be starting things off with two characters; Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files) and Julian del Andreos (werewolf OC).

Harry ([info]defineokay) is a full-fledged wizard of the White Council, which is sort of like being a black belt in a martial art - you're an acknowledged master of the art, and you get to vote on matters and have a say in how things go. Considering his history, Harry is a bit of a pariah within the Council, though somewhat begrudgingly (and cautiously) acknowledged. For those of you familiar with the series, I am taking him from just after Ghost Story, the latest book in the series. As such, Harry is still the Winter Knight of the Unseelie Court, the mortal champion of Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness. His position gives him additional power and status, but all the same, Harry doesn't want it, goes by his own methods when dealing with his Queen, and doesn't trust her word very much. He's been sent to York on her orders, as well as that of the White Council, to see what's going on and try to fix it.

Julian ([info]del_andreos) is a born werewolf, strongly based off of the White Wolf gaming system, although without the whole bit about Delirium driving people insane when they see him change, because that would be WAY AWKWARD in a game with very little WW influence. He is currently an art student, and has moved to York due to a feeling he can't quite explain. While Julian is able to change form at will, he doesn't like to. He is forced to Change on the night of the full moon, and his physical strength wanes with the phases of the moon in either form.

Any questions can be directed my way via emailing dyaniera at gmail, or by commenting on either of my journals. I look forward to gaming with you all!

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