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Feb. 14th, 2012



Dyan is on a hiatus. Her computer is not cooperating and she is awaiting new fixy things for it.

With that in mind, please be gentle with me. This game has always been a lot to keep track of, and doing it alone while job hunting is really not something that's going to be easy for me.


Feb. 7th, 2012



Anyone want Cavan?

Feb. 6th, 2012


Water Cooler Chat:

If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?

*Note to players: You cannot choose a character from a fandom within the game, unless your character KNOWS they're fiction.

Feb. 2nd, 2012


Guess who's coming to dinner

Oh dear. Now we've done it. Y'all let me have Kincaid to play with. Tsk. This can't be good because he's looking at a few people Dresden, Phaedra, Murphy...not necessarily in that order.

Who wants some?!




dear all:

would you be interested in a plot chat? and if so, what times are you generally free?

... that aside, please leave any plot ideas you have/want addressed here, in comments. we'd like to get a sense of what you guys want before we do anything game wide...which there are ideas for, by the way. :)


water cooler chat: ow. ow. ow.

What is the most physically painful thing you've ever been through? How did you recover?

Jan. 24th, 2012


Happy Birthday, Dean!

May your hunts be short and your pie endless.

- Red Sky Mods

Jan. 23rd, 2012


Water Cooler Chat: Nostalgia

What do you miss most about being a kid?

What was the first thing you bought with your own money?

At what age did you become an adult?

Jan. 20th, 2012


Okay, I'll admit, I've been a bit swamped with life, and the post-holiday rush at work, and people wanting me to socialize with them on weekends, and modly duties elsewhere, so now I am playing catch-up. 

Sam is currently trying to convince Molly to let him summon Tessa to escort her back to her body, while simultaneously contemplating his ongoing existential crisis. Mun is secretly dreading Sam's having to talk Dean through his.

Tessa...doesn't have much going on right now besides the usual mundane daily reaping. If there is any bigger plot that anyone thinks the Reaper Princess should be in on, let me know!

Anita is trying to stick to police work when she can help it. Anybody wants her, she's also available.

I've got to say, Ruby is being a bit of a problem child, being an antagonist who is trying not to be outed for the black eyed bitch she really is. I'm not very good at plotting evil, and she's really not very high on the food chain, so if anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears. Otherwise I may have to just admit defeat and cut her loose.

tl;dr, pathetic cry for help. plot with me? i should have some time this weekend to get some writing done.

Jan. 19th, 2012


dream thread


i'd really like to wrap up the dream thread ASAP. initially i'd said i wanted it to go on for a week and we're well past that. please help me finish it up. saerian's plot is going MUCH more slowly than i'd like and i really want to get him moving.

thanks guys. :)

Jan. 16th, 2012


water cooler chat: snowpocalypse

It's snowing, in an unrelenting way. Driving is iffy at best. Power is still on, but you're probably going to be snowed in, somewhere.

What are you plans?


Howdy! Once the dream battle is finished Molly is going to be in a bit of a bind. Her conscious self is going to be stuck outside of her body leaving her in a coma state. I can see lots of potential for funsies while she tries to find someone (see: stumble across) to literally walk her back to herself. She's too weak from the fight to do it herself.

Volunteers? This could be good, bad, ugly, developing, on going for a little while. Bring your ideas! I welcome them!


Jan. 13th, 2012


last warning

... about the activity check.

You guys know how often you should be posting. If you haven't, go!

Jan. 11th, 2012


Character Soundtrack: Julian Andros

Vol. 15: Julian )

Jan. 9th, 2012


Character Soundtrack: Anita Blake

Vol. 14: Anita )


Character Soundtrack: Castiel

Vol. 13: Castiel )


water cooler chat: changing channels

Mortals: If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?

Immortals: If you were mortal for a day, what would you do?

*Immortality means that you couldn't be killed, save by perhaps being hit by a bus or something of that magnitude. You would have healing abilities like some of your peers in York do.

Jan. 3rd, 2012


Water Cooler Chat: Guilty Pleasures

Tell us one thing you do that we'd never, ever suspect you do--and enjoy doing.

Jan. 2nd, 2012


dream thread is go

have at it!

a few small things:

1- please feel free to join into others' dreams-- AS LONG AS it is okay with the other character, or as long as it's a point that makes sense. give it a little time to establish that person's dream, etc. before doing that.

2- your characters are free to try to wake each other up, once they realize what's going on.



I'm feeling head stuffy and icky so I am calling it a day. Should be back after work tomorrow full on unless I'm developing something more than a really annoying allergy attack!

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