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Feb. 18th, 2011


Severus/Harry ficlet: Dragonflies, Fangs and the Heart's Choices

Title: Dragonflies, Fangs and the Heart's Choices
Author: red_day_dawning
Word count: 521
Rating: Gen
Warning/s: unbeta-ed; potential mawkishness
Summary: "Gran says that sometimes the heart makes stupid choices, but even stupid choices are the right ones sometimes. I reckon Gran was talking about you, wasn't she? You're Harry's stupid choice."
Disclaimer: JKR owns the characters and situations of HP. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
A/N: Egads, what's happening to me? I have written a kid!fic. With a dear, sweet, green-eyed-with-jealousy-towards-his-godfather's-stupid-new-boyfriend Teddy. This is not a complaint however, because I'm writing! I'm writing!

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Severus/Harry drabble: Fangs of his own

Title: Fangs of his own
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Severus/Harry, Teddy Lupin.
Rating: G
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Word count: ~300
Prompt: [info]adventdrabbles’ #24 snowed in
Warning/s: cuteness overload - you are warned.
Disclaimer: JKR and associated companies own the HP characters and settings, no profit made, no copyright infringement intended.
Summary: This is a sequel to Dragonflies, Fangs and the Heart’s Choices. Will make more sense if you read that first.
A/N: Unbeta-ed. My earlier adventdrabbles here.

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Severus/Harry fic: Inhaling Joy - nc-17

Title: Inhaling Joy
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Severus/Harry
Prompt/s: [info]mini_fest prompts -- Harry makes a Christmas Eve wish that Severus was still alive;
Harry/Snape - Not wanting to spend his Christmas alone, he hires a prostitute
Warning/s: prostitute (brief off-screen appearance);
Summary: On the first Christmas Eve after the war, Harry is not the only visitor in the cold, snowy graveyard in Godric’s Hollow.
Word count: ~3,000
Disclaimer: The characters and settings of Harry Potter belong to J.K.Rowling and various publishers including, but not limited to, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made here, and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
A/N: Written for [info]mini_fest. [info]whitestar, thank you for your tremendous work beta-reading, above and beyond all expectations. A beta-reader extraordinaire! *love and smooches* To my dear [info]torino10154, thank you for picking up those pesky continuity errors! Any mistakes remain my own.

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Severus/Harry drabble: Dragonfly

Title: Dragonfly
Author: red_day_dawning
Characters: Severus/Harry
Word count: 100 X 2
Prompt: [info]snarry100’s #250 - Inspired; [info]snape100 #368 - The Return of Wikipedia
Rating: R
Warning/s: Oral
Disclaimer: JKR and associated companies own the characters and settings of Harry Potter. No copyright infringement intended, no profit made here.
A/N: My random article at wikipedia was the entry for “Trithemis_hecate”, an African dragon-fly.
Summary: Even the natural world conspires to remind him of Harry...

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Severus/Harry ficlet: Stormwrack - the flotsam and jetsam of the heart

Title: Storm-wrack: The Flotsam and Jetsam of the Heart.
Author: red_day_dawning
Word count: ~100 X 5
Challenge: [info]snarry100’s prompt #251 - after the storm.
Rating: pg-13
Warning/s: The first drabble is pain & despair, the second is less grim. A happy ending, even. Do feel free to ignore - self-indulgent and wordy.
Disclaimer: JKR & associated companies own the HP characters and settings - no copyright infringement intended, no profit made here.
Summary: The tattered debris of memories spiked through dreams and thoughts, traps for the unwary, like the lethal shards of storm wrack now scattered along the desolate shore. The flotsam and jetsam of the heart.
A/N The notion of an owl acting as a secret-keeper did not originate with me, although I don’t know who to thank for the idea.
Many, many thanks to [info]piglet76 for beta-reading this for me. *smooches* Any mistakes remain my own.

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Severus/Harry fic: Laurus Nobilis - nc-17

Title: Laurus Nobilis
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Characters: Severus/Harry; Draco
Challenge: For Severus’ fifty first birthday - written for the [info]severusbigbang
Word count: ~2000
Rating: nc-17
Warning/s: none really. Sexual content.
Disclaimer: JKR and associated companies own the characters and settings of HP. No profit made here, no copyright infringement intended.
Summary: “It is a matter of some urgency,” Draco admitted, patting the tree trunk absent-mindedly. “This tree is not a tree.”
A/N: [info]whitestar was kind enough to beta-read this. Thank you, my dear, you’re a wonderful beta.
Thanks again to [info]piglet76 for some last minute advice on Britishisms. Any mistakes remain my own.

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Dec. 31st, 2009


Shaped by Word and Wand - Severus/Charlie

Title: Shaped By Word and Wand
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Artist: [info]skitty_kat
Pairing: Severus Snape/Charlie Weasley (not as student/teacher, post-Hogwarts only)
Rating: NC-17
Warning/s: Post-war AU; cross-species sex (merman/human); bottom!snape
Word count: ~7000.
Disclaimer: The following story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J K Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Beta-reader/s: There ended up being a 'team' of beta-readers: [info]snapelike, [info]drachenmina, [info]gryffindorj and [info]slashpine all contributed. I very much appreciate the different skills all these betas brought to the fic, and am very grateful for their help. Special thanks to gryffndorj and Mina.
A/N: Written for [info]spidermoth as a gift fic, promised so long ago that it's simply embarrassing. Merry Christmas 2009, [info]spidermoth.
Many thanks to the incomparable [info]skitty_kat, not only for the exquisite illustrations, but for the encouragement and the shared exploration of Mer-anatomy.
Summary: Snape was waiting for him half-way down. He emerged from a clump of water-weed, and swam around Charlie, gliding and spiraling around him, his tail sparkling bronzey green and blue in the sunlight. He swam so teasingly close that Charlie could feel the currents of his movement washing against his skin. Charlie reached out, grabbing his shoulder, Snape twisted and slipped away. The feel of Snape's cool flesh tingled Charlie's fingers; Charlie laughed out loud, creating a wild froth of bubbles as he took pursuit.

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Jun. 2nd, 2009


Fiction Index


An index of [info]red_day_dawning's fics and drabbles.

The following stories are based on characters and situations created and owned by J K Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Snape/Lupin Fics:

- A Thousand Dreams, Three Letters and One Wish - R - for (off-screen) sex
While tending Snspe's grave, Neville receives three mysterious letters... Warning/s: canon compliance; past major character deaths (off-screen)

- Aspectus Infestorum - NC-17
Post-war AU – the discovery of unexpected images in Severus's Foe-glass leads to dire and strange consequences… Warnings:bestiality (implied); masturbation; angst; weird and dark semen-activated spells; and character death/disappearance.

- Cure for Pain - PG-13
Kingsley tries to help Remus deal with his grief
Warnings: AU - Remus survives the Battle of Hogwarts. no Tonks or Teddy; suicide attempts; character death. Written for the 2009 [info]lupin_snape Darkfic Fest.

- Imago - NC-17
Returning to his rooms, Remus sees an unexpected sight...
Warnings: PWP; D/s; spanking; slash

- Memoria Perdita - NC-17
After being attacked with an unknown curse, Lupin has lost almost all memories from the past few years. What does this mean to those who have learned to love him? And can his memories be recovered?
Warnings: oral; anal; erotic dreams; angst.

- Moonlight Investigations - NC-17. Now illustrated with gorgeous, sexy NWS art by [info]zephre
Private Investigator, Remus Lupin investigates a series of grisly murders in Hogsmeade, finding the very last man he expected to see at the crime scenes...

scyophant hex featured banner

- Oh Bugger - NC-17
Written for the Trading Places challenge for [info]fanlay's wonderful art. Severus is reluctant to give in to his own desires. Remus is less hesitant.
Warnings: seeming dub-con (not dub-con in fact); oral; anal.

- Only the Ghosts of Love and Hope - NC-17
Haunted by his fears and insecurities, Severus must learn to change or risk losing Remus...
Warnings: infidelity; prostitution; rough sex. Written for the [info]lupin_snape Dark Side Challenge '08.

- Rented Rooms - NC-17
Prevented from finding legitimate work by oppressive Ministry laws, Remus sells himself in Knockturn Alley
Warnings: anal; oral; prostitution.

-The Moment I Would Die For - PG-13
This is the moment Severus most longs for - the moment he lives for, the moment he would die for...
Warnings: suicidal thoughts; character death. Written for [info]lupin_snape's Dark Side Challenge

- The Promise of Clean Robes - NC-17
The wolf is being territorial: Severus and Remus must explore new pleasures to prevent the despoiling of Severus's possessions - and his peace of mind.
Warnings: oral; anal; water sports/golden showers.

- Where Else Would I Want To Be?" - NC-17. Now illustrated with beautiful & moving art by [info]venturous.
Written for [info]lupin_snape's Family Fest. Severus Snape and Remus Lupin, secure in their loving relationship, seek to help a heavily-traumatized Draco Malfoy recover, as Narcissa Malfoy's understanding of family deepens… Can two war-heroes, a traumatized young man, his mother, a Weasley and a gorgeous baby make a family?

- Youth is a Disease from which We may Recover - NC-17
Believing all those dear to him dead, Severus migrates to Australia after Voldemort's defeat. A chance meeting with Charlie Weasley brings him the most extraordinary news - can Severus recover that which he thought was lost?
Warnings: oral sex.

- Yours - NC-17
Waking up in the morgue at St. Mungo’s, Lupin struggles to come to terms with his losses – until the day Hermione comes to him, telling him Severus Snape is still alive…
Warnings: angst; slash sex - anal and oral.


- Belated Birthday Gifts nc-17
Harry is late for Severus' birthday
Warnings: EWE, PWP.

- You'll Do nc-17
Summary: When asked "what would you like for your birthday?" Severus' most frequent response would be, "A promise that you will forget it's my birthday." Or occasionally, a simple "fuck off". Warnings: EWE.


- Shaped by Word and Wand nc-17
Snape was waiting for him half-way down. He emerged from a clump of water-weed, and swam around Charlie, gliding and spiraling around him, his tail sparkling bronzey green and blue in the sunlight. He swam so teasingly close that Charlie could feel the currents of his movement washing against his skin. Charlie reached out, grabbing his shoulder, Snape twisted and slipped away. The feel of Snape's cool flesh tingled Charlie's fingers; Charlie laughed out loud, creating a wild froth of bubbles as he took pursuit.
Warnings: Post-war AU; creature fic; merman/human

Illustrated by [info]skitty_kat

Slytherins post-war
- A Beautiful Woman Like You - R - Millicent/Rosmerta
Three interconnected drabbles
Warnings: none.

- Security Troll - PG-13 - Millicent/Rosmerta
Just how did Millicent & Rosmerta first get together?
Warnings: none.

- The Beginning of All Negotiation - Fic: R - Pansy/Kingsley

Life post-war is quite difficult for many children of the Death-Eaters, whether they took the mark or not. Many of them have limited income sources, as their family properties have been seized by the MoM, and finding employment is near impossible. Faced with prejudice, Pansy Parkinson is one of the former Slytherins attempting to find a way to survive in Wizarding Britain after Voldemort’s defeat.


- From Dog Collar to Veil - Fic: NC-17
>: Thirteen vignettes chronicling the developing relationship between Sirius and Kingsley, from the time Sirius first dons a dog collar at Kingsley's command, through the torments of mental instability and Azkaban, and the well-meaning advice of friends, to the Veil in the Department of Mysteries... Set during OotP.


- Lupin100 Drabbles - from Bunnies to Wool Sweaters

- Snape100 Drabbles - from the hands of a murderer to birthday gifts

- Snupin100 Drabbles - from Fight to Trust

- Snarry100 drabbles - from Watching to Mourning

- Slytherin100 Drabbles

- sirius_remus100 Drabbles - from Work to the Moon

- a snupin ficlet (drablet?) for [info]lore Read more... )

Sep. 1st, 2008


Fic: NC-17 -- Youth is a Disease From Which We May Recover

Title:: Youth is a Disease from which We May Recover
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Beta: Inkgeist beta-read and extensively helped me - I am grateful for Inkgeist’s time and generous assistance. Any mistakes are my own.
Rating: NC-17
Warning/s: m/m sex
Word count: ~3,850
Summary: Believing all those dear to him dead, Severus migrates to Australia after Voldemort's defeat. A chance meeting with Charlie Weasley brings him the most extraordinary news - can Severus recover that which he thought was lost?
Disclaimer: The HP characters are created and owned by J K Rowling, Bloomsbury/Scholastic & Warner Bros. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's notes: Intended for the birthday prompt for Snape’s birthday at lupin_snape, this story raced along, sadly ran out of stamina & then took its own sweet time to conclude… I had planned to give Severus the perfect birthday present – a new life and Remus Lupin! Alas!

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May. 27th, 2008


Dark Side Challenge " Aspectus Infestorum" - NC-17

Title: Aspectus Infestorum – "Image of Dangers"
Author: red_day_dawning
Betas: Thanks to [info]snapelike for helping me pull it together. All mistakes are my own.
Prompt: Foe-glass – from the [info]lupin_snape '08 Dark Side Challenge.
Word count: ~1,600
Rating: NC-17
Warning/s: bestiality (implied); masturbation; angst; weird and dark semen-activated spells; and character death/disappearance.
Disclaimer: The following story is based on the characters and situations created and owned by J K Rowling, various publishers including, but not limited to Bloomsbury Books/Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros, Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Post-war AU – the discovery of unexpected images in Severus's Foe-glass leads to dire and strange consequences…
Author's notes: Written for the [info]lupin_snape '08 Dark Side Challenge, with the prompt "Foe-glass". This is the second prompt I received from [info]snegurochka_lee, the guest-mod for the fest. Thank you!
Thanks to the LiveJournal communities: [info]little_details and [info]latin for their extensive help creating this surprisingly challenging spell-name. (And I, in my ignorance, thought it would be so simple – just translate "Mirror of Dangers", no? NO.)

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May. 19th, 2008


lupin_snape Dark Side Challenge "Only the Ghosts of Love and Hope" - NC-17

Title: Only the Ghosts of Love and Hope
Author: red_day_dawning
Betas: [info]padawanewan and [info]florahart. Thank you so much for your help! All mistakes are mine.
Prompt: ghost
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: m/m sex; angst; infidelity; self-loathing; suicidal thoughts; prostitution; rough sex
Disclaimer: The following story uses the characters and situations created and owned by J K Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Haunted by old fears & insecurities, Severus finds it impossible to commit to his relationship with Remus…
Author's notes: Post-war AU. Written for the [info]lupin_snape Dark Side Challenge, with the prompt of 'ghost'.

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May. 14th, 2008


Ficlet: PG-13 "The Moment I Would Die For" - Lupin/Snape

Title: The Moment I Would Die For
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Beta: the multi-talented & marvelous [info]snapelike
Prompt: [info]lupin_snape Dark Side challenge – prompt: ghost
Rating: PG-13
Warning: suicidal thoughts; character death
Word count: ~500
Disclaimer: The following story uses the characters and situations created and owned by J K Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Severus longs for the moment he comes to his lover, Remus – the moment he lives for, the moment he would die for…
Author's notes: written for the Dark Side Challenge at [info]lupin_snape

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May. 2nd, 2008


Fic" NC-17 "From Dog Collar to Veil" Sirius/Kingsley

Title: From a Dog Collar to the Veil: Thirteen Vignettes
Author: red_day_dawning
Beta: Beta-read by the multi-skilled [info]alwaysasnapefan who not only did a great job, but also sorted out some PC difficulties for me. Thanks, alwaysasnapefan.
Characters: Sirius Black/Kingsley Shacklebolt; Remus Lupin; George Weasley; Hermione Granger; Harry Potter; Minerva McGonagal; Severus Snape
Word count: ~9,000
Ratings: NC-17
Warnings: mild D/s; slash sex; torture (implied); non-con (implied); angst; character death
Summary: Thirteen vignettes chronicling the developing relationship between Sirius and Kingsley, from the time Sirius first dons a dog collar at Kingsley's command, through the torments of mental instability and Azkaban, and the well-meaning advice of friends... Set during OotP.
Disclaimer: JKR, Bloomsbury Publishing and Warner Brothers own the HP characters and settings. The author receives no financial gain from this work.
Author's notes: Originally written as thirteen separate fics for [info]rarepair_shorts. When the title of the vignette is not simply the prompt, the prompt follows.
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Fic: R "The Beginning of All Negotiation" - Pansy/Kingsley

Title: The beginning of all negotiation
Author: red_day_dawning
Pairing: Pansy/Minister of Magic
Rating: R
Warning/s: Prostitution
Word count: ~1,200
Disclaimer: JKR owns all – I make no money & mean no harm.
Summary: Life post-war is quite difficult for many children of the Death-Eaters, whether they took the mark or not. Many of them have limited income sources, as their family properties have been seized by the MoM, and finding employment is near impossible. Faced with prejudice, Pansy Parkinson is one of the former Slytherins attempting to find a way to survive in Wizarding Britain after Voldemort’s defeat. Set 2-3 years after the Battle of Hogwarts.
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Apr. 22nd, 2008


lupin_snape Family Fest fic - NC-17: "Where Else Would I Want To Be?"

Title: Where Else Would I Want To Be?
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Beta/s: My gratitude to beta-readers [info]lotrwariorgodss and [info]spidermoth who were marvelous fixing my many errors.
Pairings: Severus/Remus; Severus/Remus/Draco; Narcissa/Percy.
Word count: ~9,000
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: reference to past torture/rape (off-screen); angst; threesome; m/m sex. NO underage/chan.
Disclaimer: JKR owns the HP characters and settings
Summary: What makes a family? Is strength of love enough to make a family?
Severus Snape and Remus Lupin, secure in their loving relationship, seek to help a heavily-traumatized Draco Malfoy recover, as Narcissa Malfoy's understanding of family deepens… Can two war-heroes, a traumatized young man, his mother, a Weasley and a gorgeous baby make a family?
Author's notes: written for the [info]lupin_snape Family Fest. Draco Malfoy is definitely of age - the events take place a couple of years after the Battle of Hogwarts. Now illustrated with some gorgeous art by [info]venturous.
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Apr. 6th, 2008


Fic: NC-17 "Moonlight Investigations" - lupin/snape

Moonlight Investigations
Title: Moonlight Investigations
Author: red_day_dawning
Characters: Remus Lupin; Severus Snape; Millicent Bulstrode; Madam Rosmerta
Word count: ~8,300
Rating: NC-17
Warning: m/m sex
Summary: Post-war AU. Private Investigator Remus Lupin investigates a series of grisly murders in Hogsmeade, only to discover the last man he would have ever expected to see close to the crime scenes...
Disclaimer: JKR, Bloomsbury/Scholastic et al own the HP characters and settings.
Author's notes: Beta-read by the lovely and talented [info]persevero, who works miracles! All mistakes are my own. Now illustrated with beautiful (NWS) art by [info]zephre.

scyophant hex featured banner

Moonlight Investigations

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Apr. 3rd, 2008


Fic: NC-17 "Memoria Perdita" - snape/lupin

Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count: ~7,750 overall
Rating: NC-17
Warning: m/m sex – oral & anal; erotic dreams; some angst
Disclaimer: JKR owns the copyrighted HP characters & settings
Summary: After being attacked with an unknown curse, Lupin has lost almost all memories from the past few years. What does this mean to those who have learned to love him? And can his memories be recovered?
Beta: Many thanks to multi-talented [info]zephre for the brilliant beta-reading, & for the many excellent suggestions helping with structure & adverbs, content & completion. Thanks, [info]zephre.
Author’s notes: For Remus Lupin’s birthday on March 10.
Dedicated to [info]snapelike in appreciation of the wondrous stories I have so very much enjoyed.

Memoria Perdita  )

Mar. 31st, 2008


sirius_remus100 - drabble dump - from Work to the Moon

Title: An unblinking silver eye in the night
the moon
Word count:
JKR owns the HP characters & settings
Author’s notes:

Sirius required no lunar chart to know the monthly phases of the moon, he had come to believe he was now so attuned to Remus that he could feel the tug and pull of the lunar cycle in his own veins.

Even after Hogwarts, when they rarely saw each other, and even more rarely touched, Sirius would find himself increasingly aroused as the moon rounded to full.

And in Azkaban, guards and inmates grew accustomed to the inexplicable sounds that issued from the prison-walls, a monthly message of loneliness and sorrow howled at an unblinking silver eye in the night.


Mar. 30th, 2008


Slytherin100 - Drabble Dump

All the Slytherin100 drabbles, except for those pertaining to Regulus Black, belong to my post-war, slightly AU (Severus Snape and Remus Lupin are still alive) world, the setting for all the Millicent/Rosmerta stories, Moonlight Investigations and The Beginning of All Negotiation (my Pansy/Kingsley fic).
For those formerly of Slytherin House, times are harsh, employment near impossible, and some have been killed by those stupid enough to believe all Slytherins are Death Eaters and were sympathetic to Voldemort.

Title: Squib, squab.
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: Squib
Word count: 106
Rating: G
Disclaimer: JKR owns all HP characters & settings

It is a little-known fact that Draco Malfoy was a most superior gourmet chef.  In truth, cooking gave him great pleasure; he was never happier than when hearing moans and exclamations of sincere delight from those fortunate few he invited for dinner.

He would perform all the cooking preparations himself, although he did allow the house-elves’ assistance in acquiring exotic ingredients.  They had always performed reliably, so it was with some surprise that he found his preparations for his much-admired Breast of Squab with Morel Mushrooms disrupted by the unheralded arrival of a crowd of people into his kitchen.

“I said ‘squabs’, you idiots, not ‘squibs’.”



Snupin100 - Drabble Dump - from Fight to Trust - snape/lupin

Title: “Some courtship”
Author: red_day_dawning
Challenge - #142 – fight
Word count: 110
Rating: G
Warning/s: none
Disclaimer: JKR owns it all

Before he could reach his wand, the werewolf flung him against a tree, and leapt, pinning his arms.  Trying to ignore the hot breath panting in his face, the weight pressing against him, Severus focused his thoughts.  There, the werewolf was flung off him.  The watching werewolves stilled, predatorily attentive.

Twisting mid-air and landing lightly, Lupin flew back at Severus, his golden eyes gleaming.  The werewolf landed on top of him, and set his teeth on his throat, growling softly.  Severus immediately stilled, frozen into submission.   There, that ought to convince all watchers of their enmity.

“Some courtship you’ve got going there, Remus,” the old grizzled werewolf called out.




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