Reality Crash Communications

March 2012

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October 15th, 2011



[No Subject]

Oh, you have got to be kidding me. How on Earth did I wind up here? Doctor, I hope for your sake that you're not here because I assure you the Vashta whatever are going to go a lot easier on you than I will. HELLO? Christ, I don't even know how this thing works, brilliant. HELLO?



So.. hey.

I guess I'll say hi. Pretty new around here, but that's probably the trend. So hi, I'm Buffy Summers and I'd like to put out a public service announcement.

Stay away from the graveyards.

Something big and nasty wound up there the other night. I know, we kind of blew up its head and left it for others to clean up. Big, hard to kill, tusks, and likes to slaughter soft squishy humans. It may be gone now, but just be safe and don't go wandering, got it? He could have friends. Leave it to the professionals. Or those with explosive rubber chickens.

Oh, on a completely unrelated note, I also wanted to ask if there are any good stores in town that sell hunting equipment or collectible medieval weaponry?

ETA: And uh.. say, anyone know where to find fabulous colored lighting for a stage set up? ..Don't ask.