Thu, Dec. 20th, 2012, 11:10 pm

WHO: Jack Sloper and Wayne Hopkins
WHEN: Thursday, December 20, 1998; around 1pm
WHERE: Wayne’s flat
WHAT: Jack comes over for a lunch date

But I'll kneel down wait for now and I'll kneel down, know my ground )

Tue, Dec. 11th, 2012, 02:47 pm

WHO: Michelle Cooper and Jack Sloper
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: Cooper Catering, London
WHAT: Jack visits Michelle and Julianna's new work place.

It wasn't a small place, but it was what they needed. )

Mon, Dec. 10th, 2012, 10:45 pm

WHO: Jack Sloper and Wayne Hopkins
WHEN: Saturday, December 8, 1998; Sunday, December 9, 1998
WHERE: Gay Bar in London; Wayne’s flat
WHAT: Going to see Alan’s drag show

So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms / We don't need to rush this / Let's just take it slow )

Mon, Nov. 26th, 2012, 05:28 pm

WHO: Jack Sloper, Michelle Cooper, Wayne Hopkins
WHAT: The date.
WHEN: Monday night
WHERE: Muggle London
STAUS: Closed, Complete!

He knocked and waited. )

Wed, Nov. 21st, 2012, 03:45 am

WHO: Jack Sloper, Tori Lynn, Wayne Hopkins
WHEN: Tuesday, November 20, 1998, after 4pm
WHERE: Jack’s flat in London
WHAT: Wayne goes to check on Tori

Broken wings are lovely things )

Tue, Nov. 20th, 2012, 02:30 am

WHO: Tori Lynn, Ben Channing, Jack Sloper
WHEN: Monday afternoon- night, November 19, 1998.
WHERE: Tori’s house.
WHAT: Tragedy
RATING: R for violence, gore, torment, and other horrible things. Not for the faint of heart.

Nothing would ever be the same. )

Tue, Nov. 20th, 2012, 12:12 am

WHO: Jack Sloper and Ben Channing
WHEN: Monday, November 19, 1998. Noon
WHAT: First day of hit wizard training doesn't go so well.
RATING: PG-13 for violence and homophobia

Jack ducked down dodging a fist. )

Thu, Nov. 15th, 2012, 05:26 pm

WHO: Jack and Tori
WHEN: Thursday, November 15, 1998; after he gets home from Wayne's
WHERE: Jack's
WHAT: One AM phone call and a plea for help

What had he been thinking? )

Thu, Nov. 15th, 2012, 01:40 am

WHO: Jack Sloper and Wayne Hopkins
WHEN: Thursday, November 15, 1998; evening
WHERE: All over London (generic tattoo parlour, generic bar, Wayne and Michelle’s flat)
WHAT: Tattoos, Hanging Out, and Earth-shattering Revelations

I hoped that they would clear my mind; They left a ringing in my ear )

Wed, Oct. 31st, 2012, 02:00 pm
[info]countofcasualty: Weird Sisters Charity Acoustic Show!

WHO: A bunch of people
WHEN: Wednesday, October 31, 1998
WHERE: Shrieking Shack
WHAT: The Weird Sisters put on a charity concert to aid children.
STATUS: OPEN, incomplete (and it goes on and on my friends)


[OOC] I'm sick face and suck at describing things... if someone wants to email me set description, feel free and I'll add it!

Picture Credit