Mon, Nov. 26th, 2012, 06:19 pm

WHO: Everyone who was Invited
WHAT: Elliot's Welcome Party
WHEN: Sunday Evening (backdated because Dawn is an idiot and accidentally posted it on afresh)
WHERE: Hyun and Katie's flat
RATING: Who knows :)
STAUS: In Progress

Hyun set moved most of the furniture out of the way so people would have room to mingle though there is still seating along the edges. And contrary to his claims about food there was a good spread set up. It was a mixture of Korean and Western food but as the Bundy boys are both well known for their appetites there is a LOT of food available plus whatever anyone else brings. As promised the only alcohol set out is soju but there is water and soda.

Sat, Nov. 10th, 2012, 07:28 pm

WHO: Ed Proudfoot & OPEN
WHEN: Saturday, November 10, 1998; early evening
WHERE: The Leaky Cauldron
WHAT: Ed goes to the Leaky to celebrate his impending mid-life crisis turning 30. All and sundry are welcome to join him!
STATUS: Open/Incomplete

Tue, Nov. 6th, 2012, 02:12 am

WHO: Everyone who's anyone
WHEN: Monday, 5 November.  Early evening (let's say 4:30 til 8:30 or so).
WHERE: Alexandra Palace, London.
WHAT: Bonfire Night!  Effigies!  Fireworks!  Bonfire toffee!  Hijinks all around. 
STATUS: Open / Incomplete

Awwwww's time to party.

Open threads!  Go nuts! There's lots of stuff to do.
Feel free to play out some fun.  We need it with all this drama abounding.
No sad faces allowed.

Wed, Oct. 31st, 2012, 02:00 pm
[info]countofcasualty: Weird Sisters Charity Acoustic Show!

WHO: A bunch of people
WHEN: Wednesday, October 31, 1998
WHERE: Shrieking Shack
WHAT: The Weird Sisters put on a charity concert to aid children.
STATUS: OPEN, incomplete (and it goes on and on my friends)


[OOC] I'm sick face and suck at describing things... if someone wants to email me set description, feel free and I'll add it!

Picture Credit