Aug. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

I get a fair bit of shit for saying I have a soft spot for the Cannons after my own team. But you see that, there, today? That. That's why.



(Pretend this was posted at the start of the month - apparently IJ ate it)

I've literally got about fifty letters sitting on the kitchen table that are most definitely not meant for me..

...come to think of it, quite a few of them are in the same handwriting.

What's wrong with the post today?!



[No Subject]

Well, that game certainly went in the right way, and I'm looking forward to our next match up.

That said though, I dropped in via Montrose earlier and there was a very lost, very drunk group of Cannons fans cheering anyone who went past looking like they might be into Quidditch. Bless them. They were having a good day.



[No Subject]

And this is why it is not a good idea to underestimate anyone.

Felicitations, les Cannons!



[No Subject]


Aug. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

So, rather than receiving the cookies from my Nan that I've been expecting, I got a very nice letter for an Ophelia McGuire. I've posted it back to her, but in case it doesn't get through again: Ophelia. Declan is very sorry for that thing that he did, and he wants you to know that he would never ever do it again.

Now, personally, Ophelia, I think that would be a mistake. But follow your heart.


I want to do something nice for Matty. She's been putting on a brave face, but I know she's still upset about Robbie. I also know how much she loves all things breakfast. I was thinking about having another small brunch for her and her favorite people. Do you think you could help me set it up? I want it to be a surprise for her, and I could use some help.



[No Subject]

Well, I can't decide if the fact that strange things have been happening off the pitch more often lately is a good thing or not...still, I've had worse houseguests in my time.


I've been making some notes about the statement - I'll send them over to you once we've had the input from everybody else. I'm confident that between us we can write something with the effect we want.

Media Workers Union

Just letting you all know that Marlene and I will be working on the press release soon. If there's anything you didn't get the chance to say at the meeting, now's the time!

Jul. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

Don't worry, I'm going through all the proper steps to get myself back on the pitch on the eleventh, but in the meantime I'm losing my mind. A full month between playing means my life is dull. But hey, getting quite a lot of work done on one bike and plenty of riding on the other. It helps a little.

Jul. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey dudes! Riya here with #4.

Meet Nico Rackharrow, medic for the Magpies. This is his second season with the team.

Nico isn't particularly difficult to get along with but somewhat unsettling to get used to. He's a genuinely hard worker-- usually the first to jump to action, to volunteer for a frustrating task, to do the dirty work. He is, however, very clearly disinterested in any emotional baggage, preferring physical payoff to anything else. He's no unpleasant-- just a bit vacant.

Additionally, he's a bit of a gambler and somewhat of a compulsive liar. Team members probably get loads of pep talks from him since he's not shy about putting money down on Montrose. Other players will probably know of him if not because he's pretty present on the gambling side of things, but because his family is pretty well known as being snooty semi-purebloods who peddled fertility drugs under the guise that they will keep magical bloodlines going strong. He would like to point out that he doesn't care for their archaic beliefs for the most part mmmk.

Do stuff with him hello

Also, let's pretend I did the thing right and it isn't in the wrong comm

Jul. 23rd, 2017


[No Subject]

Well, you know, if that Lisa Cullen plays like she sings, we're all going to be in for a hell of a season with the Cannons.



[No Subject]

Yeah, Aleks. That was a great idea! I told that girl she was jucier than a plum and she dumped the drink I bought her on me.

I told you. No need for socks.

Jul. 22nd, 2017



July 22nd

Today is my birthday, as such, I'm going on a little holiday this weekend. I'd appreciate if everyone could keep their knickers on between now and when I get back and not injure any of my players.

If anyone keeps me from my trip, I will be less than pleased. I need this.

Jul. 21st, 2017



21st July

If you've ever thought to yourself, "You know, I'd really like to meet the winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile award and I'd really like to meet Barny the Fruitbat AND get a free pack of Butterbeer AND maybe adopt a cat," you're in luck! Tomorrow, at nine am at Magical Menagerie, you can do all of those things. And if that's not enough, one bottle of each six-pack of Butterbeer will be autographed by yours truly.

Hopefully poor Barny survives the cats...



July 21st

It turns out that if you live in an apartment that costs money, and you don't give your landlord money on a consistent basis, the landlord can kick you out. Who would have thought?

In unrelated news, is anyone looking for a roommate? I bathe often and I promise to only eat some of your food.

Jul. 20th, 2017



Characters #2 & #3!

Hey everyone! It's Meghan with two new characters. This journal is Vail Rivers. She's not super nice, and isn't shy about showing it. Her bark is worse than her bite, but she isn't the sort to suffer fools. She'll probably run around the journals being snarky and sassy. She's the medic for the Falcons, and gets irked with their tendency to get injured. She doesn't like to work any harder than she has to, and working for one of the most injury prone teams makes her grumpy. She does have a tiny little warm place in her heart for the players on her team, though.

Secondly I have Aleks Petrovski (bio HERE) is smooth talking ladies man who doesn't like making deep attachments to people. He's friendly with everyone, but close friends with very few. He didn't have the best childhood, and in a way Quidditch saved him. He loves to play, and has finally gotten a starting position with the Kestrels.

Let me know what you think, and lets get to playing!



[No Subject]

...well. This has certainly been quite a week to actually get on the journal network.



[No Subject]

Ah, the Cannons. I've been saying all season that they'd be keeping us on our toes, and it seems that this week they've been determined to make us play fast and loose with the term 'absolute deadline for Friday print' as well. Fair play, really. Does us good to keep hard at it. Occasionally.

Friends - if you think you're in, you probably are!

A little bird of mine at the Cannons says they don't want her to be on my interview roster at the WSN either. My reputation precedes me, apparently. I'm almost insulted!

Jul. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

Well, let this be a lesson to all of you tender hearted people out there looking for love in all the wrong places:

When your boyfriend asks you if it's okay with you if he takes a spot on an American Quidditch team, you can say yes. However, you should probably consider the fact that he's probably not your boyfriend after that.

But it's okay to want nice things for people. It's okay to hope they succeed, even without you.

Rest assured, I kept the dog.

Jul. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

Music festivals are chaotic and dirty and full of incredibly shady characters. And yet, shockingly, I survived and even managed to have a good time.

Of course, coming home to the news that several players in the League had been suspended on grounds that feel a bit...convoluted was disconcerting.

[Percy Weasley]

Look. I realize you're mostly the messenger in all of this, but you have to give them something more than just vague threats. We need a comprehensive list of things that are going to get them benched. Just saying "suspicious things" makes it very difficult for innocent players to feel like they'll be left alone.

[/Percy Weasley]


Thank you for not burning anything to the ground while I was away this weekend. It's a marked improvement from the last time.

On a more serious note, I think that personal belongings ought to be kept out of your lockers on game days. I know some of you have your routines and your superstitions rituals, but based on what I'm hearing about players getting benched for unrelated things in their lockers, I'd much prefer the lot of you keep your things somewhere secure and be able to play.



Thanks again. For the mandated fun and the place to sleep. It was really very considerate of you.


Jul. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Harpies and Arrows tonight. I'm looking at some fairly good odds of a Harpies win, given that they haven't had a game below 640 so far this season while the Arrows made it to 420 in their first week and have dropped off since. They don't have the strongest Chasers when compared to the powerhouse that is the Harpies three, but there have been some change-ups with those ladies in the past couple weeks. Losing Campbell last game dropped them 20 points from their previous two games, and now it's come out they've lost Moran as well.

I know, it's weird, here I am listing numbers about Quidditch when there's much more scandalous, it's almost like I make part of my living off knowing this stuff. So, please, if you feel like also making some money off me knowing this stuff, my book is taking wagers until two hours before the players hit the field.