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Oct. 5th, 2011


I just wanted to throw Cormac out there to be posted with! His team won on the 5th (today) so he's in a mighty good mood and might not be as much as a jerk as usual. lol.

Let me know!


Hi everyone! So as the scores show us, Puddlemere got spanked so I thought I'd take advantage of that!

About halfway into the match, Katie was hit by a bludger and was unconscious and woke up about round the time the match ended but she's going to be kept till tomorrow afternoon at the earliest just because they want to make sure there's not lasting damages.

Oct. 3rd, 2011


Hey! Sorry I haven't been around at all much lately, but I've been getting very busy. Just started my first job, and I'm not taking well to suddenly having structure to my week, so everything's pretty much been thrown on the back burner because of it. I don't cope well with change, so it takes me the longest time to adjust. Then I was away at the Entertainment Media convention all this weekend, so I've been too exhausted to really do anything.

I'm trying to cut down on my number of games, but for the time being, I'm going to stick around here and see how things go! Ginny is open for any plotting at all, all that needs to be done is for you to ask! x

Sep. 25th, 2011


Hi guys! Just wanted to let you all know that Maxi texted me tonight; she had some friend trauma that pulled her away but she should be back around tomorrowish. That is all! Return to your regularly scheduled RPing! :D~

Sep. 24th, 2011


Okay guys! Officially back from vacation! WHO WANTS TO THREAD? I have an open one with Theo!

Sep. 18th, 2011


HIIIII. Okay, so it's a bit early, except it isn't, but it sort of is - from this Tuesday (9/20) to Friday (9/23) I'm going to be on vacation! YOU CAN'T HAVE ME FOREVER, WORK! I love you and your meetings where I get paid to eat food and watch people fall all over obstacle courses (yes, I'm completely serious... I got paid to do that tonight. Fuck Yeah Home Depot! I love my job ♥ ) but I need a break from time to time! So I'm going up to Boston to visit my lovely friend and explore a city I've never been to! Of course I'll have my iPhone with me, so I will probably be reachable on AIM if you need me for anything, but I'm going to be having a ridiculous amount of fun so I probably won't do any tags. JUST LETTIN' Y'ALL KNOW! The bus ride up there is going to take half the freakin' day so I might tag then, and on the bus ride back too (but dude.. $43 round trip from Philly to Boston? Can't beat that.) but that will probably be the only time I really tag unless I can't sleep or something. OKAY.

♥ ♥ ♥ Holly, Georgie, and Theo!

Sep. 17th, 2011


Hi guys! Holly here with my second. This is Theodore Nott. He's that quiet kid who kept to himself more than anything else in school. Theo is actually very kind, but its almost impossible for most people to see that side of him. Otherwise he's almost painstakingly neutral, never truly letting anyone know what he thinks of them.

Theo comes from a long line of purebloods, though he himself is not a purist. The best way to describe Theo is a "practicalist." Whatever or whoever can best fulfill a task or contribute to society should do it, and he isn't as concerned about blood as most would think. As for Muggles, while he does think it's better to be magic than muggle, he doesn't actually care either way. They can be there or they can not be there, it literally does not matter to him. Theodore is highly intelligent, incredibly cunning and pragmatic, and if you can get close enough to him, literally the best friend you could ever want. But he hasn't met very many he would even consider a friend, although he speaks politely and respectfully to almost all he meets.

He comes off as kind of an asshole because he doesn't talk to people - but he's actually just horrible at socializing. He doesn't know how to deal with lots of people and gets easily uncomfortable when speaking to strangers. He means well, but he is just really awkward around almost everybody.

He works as an Unspeakable, which he loves because he doesn't have to talk to people and he can't talk about his job anyway. He did not fight for either side during the war; in fact, he never even took a side. He just escaped and hid with a friend (Slytherin female in his year.. Any takers for this line?) until it all blew over. He is sort of starting to think that maybe Potter and his friends were on to something, because the world that came about after Harry's victory has been one he enjoys.

I would LOVE plot for this boy. He's very shy and doesn't talk much, but I don't think he's got problems with anyone. Sooo what'll it be, folks?


Hey, guys! I'm Cassie, and I think I've played with a few of you before :) My cdj is [info]ohemgee_cassie and you can reach me via email at or on aim slytheriness923. I'm getting better at being on AIM more often, but the best way to reach me is usually to shoot me an email :)

I'm bringing Daphne Greengrass to the game. Daphne is, of course, a Slytherin in the Trio's year. She's the older sister of Astoria and best friend of Pansy Parkinson. She's a pureblood, and a purist, but obviously she's been more quiet about her purist beliefs since the war ended. During her years at school, she was pretty vocal about it, though. And she was a catty bully, much like her bff Pansy. During the Battle of Hogwarts, she left like most of the Slytherins and apparated home to await the outcome. When the "good guys" won, she avoided any government attention that would come from being a purist by moving to Germany, where her mother's side of the family is from. She lived there for a year, got engaged, and worked at the German Ministry in public relations. When the engagement ended, she took a job with the British and Irish Quidditch league. Since then, she's moved her way up and been promoted to Director of Media and Public Relations. Basically, she's in charge of making the league look good, handeling scandals, and working out broadcasting stuff with the WWN. And the fact that she gets to interact with sexy, successful, and single Quidditch players is just a perk.

Daphne is a princess. She likes to have the best, and expects to get the best. She most definitely thinks she's better than you, but she likes to use people to her advantage so she'll at least be polite. Unless she has a reason to dislike you, in which case she will hold the worlds biggest grudge and do everything in her power to ruin her reputation. That's what makes her so good at PR: she's very socially conscious and able to save or kill someone's reputation. Daphne is really selfish, and puts herself above most people, but there is a small select group of friends and family that she would sacrifice her own safety and happiness for, and she's extremely loyal to them. All of her other "friends" are disposable and replaceable once they stop being useful to her.

That's all I can think of right now! Everything else about her is here. I'm looking for friends, "friends", (probably a lot of) enemies, exes, hook ups, pretty much everything. I can't wait to get to playing with all of you :)

Sep. 16th, 2011


Hello! I'm Jenna - I don't *think* I know anyone here, but I've been in plenty of games in the past that it's entirely possible xD

I'm bringing you all Ginny Potter. Yep, Potter - her and Harry got married about eight months ago, around the same time Ginny gave birth to James, so lifes all been a little hectic for her at the moment, and she got back to professional Quidditch about a month ago. She's a starter Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, and of course, Quidditch is her passion about everything else. However, she suspects she might be pregnant again, but she's probably only told one or two people, and certainly won't listen to anyone telling her to take it easy because of it, because she doesn't plan on putting her professional career on hold for any more children. She's stubborn, loves her friends and family, and open to any and all plots! Her bio is here if you want to have a better look.

My aim is fairiejenna or you can message me on this journal or my email (on the bio) if you have any plots for me! I might not be around much tonight - I'm in the process of getting a new computer, and we're picking it up tomorrow so I'm on an old one that doesn't work too well - but I'll definitely get back to everyone asap :)

Sep. 14th, 2011


I knew I forgot something.

Hi! I am Meg. I bring you Miss Millicent Bulstrode. She is the owner of the Falmouth Falcons. They were left to her by her godfather. She is a workaholic, perfectionist who has a sharp tongue and a slow burning temper. She is in need of plot, snark, friends, enemies, frienemies. Bring it all on for her. After testifying for both her brother and father after the war, Millie took a year and just traveled. To lure her home her godfather gave her a bar....and upon his death gave her the Falcons - rather his controling interest in the team. She has to put in the time and make the team profitable. If she can - the silent partner will eventually sell her the rest of the shares - otherwise she could loose it all.

But no pressure right?

You can find me on AIM as MegWrt and email of

Bring on the plot and the fun!!!


Hi everyone! I think I know a couple of you already, but for those of you I don't know, hi! I'm Holly. Cashier/paint ninja from New Jersey. Nice to meet you!

Anywho, this is George. He is George. He is 26 but he acts 16...except for that part about when he was 16 he still had a twin. :( George isn't terribly different from how he was before Fred died, but anyone who knows him well will notice there is a change. Sometimes he's quieter, other times he's even more ridiculous than both of them combined. There are instances when he'll just forget and drop his sentences and then realize there isn't anyone there to pick them up. But he's better for the most part, just don't expect him to do so great around April and May.

Other than that, he's still running the joke shop and has been toying around with a few ideas for expansion on it, but he hasn't got any solid plans just yet. Oh yeah... and he's crazy for Alicia Spinnet and they've pretty much been together for a decade. He realizes this and goes "Oh. Well. Uh. Guess I should propose or something then soon, shouldn't I..."

We're up for anything! And as soon as JournalWatcher uploads my icons, I'll be ready to jump into a million threads. But in the mean time, PLOTS FOR ME AND THIS WONDERFUL GINGER BOY?

Sep. 13th, 2011


Friend Button!

Hey everyone! We've added OLIVER WOOD brought by Ally & GEORGE WEASLEY brought by Holly! please run the FRIEND BUTTON!

Also, don't forget about Character fun!

Sep. 8th, 2011


Hello everyone! I am Jess. A little forewarning that currently (and newly) I work third shift so I keep odd hours. However I am a dedicated rp'er and it shouldn't interfere with tags. Please don't be shy to talk to me or plot with me (I love plots! Who doesn't love plots?). I only have one character (thus far. I am easily convinced for more):

Cormac McLaggen: Cormac was Gryffindor '97. Currently he's Keeper for the Falmouth Falcons. Cormac comes off as an arrogant, tough guy (who he wants to) but secretly when you get to know him, he's can be a nice guy and loyal to a fault. Just because he's secretly a good person doesn't mean when he meets you, he'll be nice to you or come off nice. He's arrogant and thinks he's the best at everything (probably has a problem with authority because of this). His arrogance goes so far as it takes him an hour to get ready and he dreads a woman staying over to see him in the morning at anything but his made-up best. Speaking of woman, he's a playboy. He loves woman. He can be very chivalrous or he can be rude or curt. It depends on the situation and his mood. He rarely has a temper; it takes a lot to set him off (who can sometimes infuriate people more than if he lost it on them).

My aim is cynicaldreamer86 and my email is I look forever to playing with you all!

Friends? Enemies? Acquaintances?

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