Nov. 29th, 2011


Hi Guys.

Because I have no life and get bored easily, I picked up another character. The adorable Lincoln Moon. When I say adorable, I mean that adorable, full of energy, Gryffindorish sort of thing. As you know he's the other owner of The Squealing Snitch, what you don't know is that he's the opposite side of the spectrum to Lia. Oh, they're both friendly people, but where Lia is quiet, Lincoln won't stop talking. He's never more comfortable than when he's behind the bar, pouring drinks, and talking to anyone who stands still long enough to listen.

He's very much the sort of person who loves based on personality rather than looks and gender and, true to his Gryffindor nature, jumps right in. All of his details can be found here. Friends, Enemies, Past Interactions, the good stuff?