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Dec. 10th, 2011


Hey, guys! Remember me?

Things have been SO hectic with work, plus I got hit with a nasty cough and it took me about from RP, but I'm going to try an make my comeback, because I miss everything. For those of you who don't remember me, here's a (re)introduction:

I'm Lena! I'm 37, I live in Georgia, I have a siamese cat named Narcissa and I work at Walmart. I lovelovelove Quidditch to an unnatural degree. You don't even know. This may be why I have four characters at this game and 3 of them are Quidditch players, lol.

Also, pardon the hyper, Gryffindor just won the Quidditch cup at the sorting community I'm active in and I'm a little flaily over it.

Anyway, about my characters...

Callen Warrington - [info]manofaction. Callen is one of the three chasers for the Magpies. He's had a crush on Alicia since about second year. Obviously, that has worked out well for him. He had a FWB in Sarah Montgomery, but I think she was dropped, so he is in need of having that line filled again. Lol. He's a 1995 Slytherin.

Katie Bell - [info]goldenchaser. Katie is a chaser for Puddlemere United. She had a mad crush on Oliver Wood at Hogwarts, but she's over that now. She is perpetually single, so her mum keeps setting her up on these really awful blind dates, which is always amusing (for me). She's best friends, as always, with Alicia and Angelina. GIVE HER LOVE SHE IS AWESOME. 97 Gryffindor, of course.

Meghan McCormack - [info]pridekeeper. Keeper and Captain for Pride of Portree. She's a little obsessed with Quidditch and winning and all of that. Quidditch is kind of her life. Someone should pick up Kirley, because she really needs her brother in her life. She's a 94 Ravenclaw and BFF with Penny Clearwater. Someone should pick up Penny, Percy, etc, so she can have her friends/yearmates around.

Ron Weasley - [info]ohroonil. Do I really need to introduce this one? Ron is.. Ron. He worked as an Auror for awhile before giving that up to work with George at WWW. He's married to Hermione. He kind of wants to start having kids, but he hasn't found the balls to tell Hermione this, yet. For now, he's just living vicariously through his friends and sibling who have babies. Someone please find us a Harry and a Hermione? He needs his biffles.

So, those are my people! Let's plot it up and if you'd like to do a scene, let's start one up. I'm open to any ideas! :)

Nov. 29th, 2011


Hi Guys.

Because I have no life and get bored easily, I picked up another character. The adorable Lincoln Moon. When I say adorable, I mean that adorable, full of energy, Gryffindorish sort of thing. As you know he's the other owner of The Squealing Snitch, what you don't know is that he's the opposite side of the spectrum to Lia. Oh, they're both friendly people, but where Lia is quiet, Lincoln won't stop talking. He's never more comfortable than when he's behind the bar, pouring drinks, and talking to anyone who stands still long enough to listen.

He's very much the sort of person who loves based on personality rather than looks and gender and, true to his Gryffindor nature, jumps right in. All of his details can be found here. Friends, Enemies, Past Interactions, the good stuff?


I am made of fail.

Hi! I'm Alexandra and have Hermione here who is well you all know her :p She's married to Ron and is the same old 'Mione.

I'm available at [info]lace_and_cream or my email which doubles as my aim -

♥ Alexandra

Nov. 24th, 2011



Alright Jules again with another character! Probably my last one for... awhile at least. Trying to pace myself and all xD!

So this is Miles Bletchley, former Slytherin Keeper. The Blethcley family is a famous pureblood name, but only because his Grandmother is the famous singer, 'Madame Bletchley'. She was never married for long, so she kept her maiden name. She only had one kid, Miles' dad, who is pretty much a stiff and he works at the Ministry. Miles is far more exciting.

After school, he'd gotten accepted as a reserve player for Wigtown Wanderers, and eventually got up to a first string position, until a few years ago when he got a better offer with the Falmouth Falcons. And that is where he is to stay for now! Playing with his old team and mates from school.

So Miles was kind of the class clown in Slytherin. No where near the caliber of the Weasleys, but he'd get some pranks in. Usually before Quidditch matches with Gryffindor, like when he hit Alicia with a hex that grew her eyebrows out.

Miles is very serious about one thing though, and that's Quidditch. If you only see him as a Quidditch player, you'd think he was just stone faced and serious (unless he was doing some kind of victory lap for a win) but he rarely show boats. Miles actually tends to have more energy than he knows what to do with, so he spends a lot of time practicing, working out, or just hanging out with mates. Basically he just keeps busy. He's barely ever home, unless he needs to eat, sleep or taking a girl home. And while Miles is a flirt, he tends to actually be a bit more romantic. He actually likes to date one girl for awhile and have fun (maybe not a solid commitment, but not a one night stand either)

Annnnd I think that's pretty much it. So friends? enemeies? plots? ex-girlfriends? Bring them here :D

Nov. 22nd, 2011


Hi guys! Holly here with my third and most likely last character, Cho Chang! She is a licensed psychologist who got her degree in the Muggle world (in canon she marries a Muggle, so I'm just playing off that idea slightly) and is trying to introduce the concept of psychology into the wizarding world through St Mungo's. When she's not doing that, she works as a part-time model, though as she's very short, she only does things like adverts and whatnot.

She's a huge sweetheart, though she's definitely toughened up since the war, partly due to her studies as she's come to understand everything a lot better. Her full bio is here for your perusing pleasure. :) Anyway, I'd love plot with her, and she's very friendly, though at first she might seem a bit distant, but that's just her professionalism and politeness coming through.

I'm rubberbandtheory on AIM! Yay!


*waves* hi all. The names Dani and I'm kinda boring. Exciting. I know. It is even more exciting, however, that I'm bringing into play one, Adrian Pucey. Not going to get into the full name thing because it's long and stuffy sounding. Pureblood. Enough said. Just call him Ade.

At 27, he's currently stuck in between family responsibilities and his own love for Quidditch. I am loath to say he is the typical slytherin. He's snotty, arrogant, and will do whatever he has to do in order to get what he wants. Typical slytherin behavior. HOWEVER, he's also not entirely stuck on the whole blood purity thing, firmly believes that women should be treated with respect, and secretly is the most adorable big brother ever ... not that he would appreciate that bit of information getting out, thank you very much.

Ade's all about Quidditch, but he has made peace with the fact that sooner or later he is going to have to give it up in order to be the Head of the family and take over his father's business: acquiring rare (and, more often than not, illegal) objects for particular clients. While he does enjoy a good challenge, he's not looking forward to loosing the adrenaline rush Quidditch gives him. Given his inevitable path in life, it's easy to see why he's all about the game at the moment. His Father isn't getting any younger.

Want more? You can find it here. Feel free to poke around.

Friends? Enemies? Exes? Third Cousins twice removed on his Mother's side?



Well hello, I'm Jules and I'm new. And I'm sure I know... someone around here. Maybe? Yes? xD! Anyways, for those who don't, I'm 24 and a substitute teacher. I've been rping for over 9 years, and I'm recently coming out of a modding gig for a game that was over two years old... kind of put me out of the main rping loop (though I was in some games but not much stuck), so now consider me back in! Though I am trying to pace myself lol.

But what's most important here is Zach. This is Zacharias Smith, former Hufflepuf and still an asshole. Zacharias is most memorably known for being a jerk, pissing off Ginny Weasley, Captaining the Hufflepuff Quidditch team after Cedric's death and pushing first years out of the way in an attempt to save his own skin before the Battle for Hogwarts.

Zach was born in a pureblood household that claimed to be the descendants of Helga Hufflepuff herself, so he was just raised to be that snobbish and stuck up. Also, he is quite utterly and obviously gay. Not that he came out of the closet till after school was done, but really probably no one was surprised. His parents don't know though.

Once the wizarding world had settled after the war, and Quidditch was a possibility, Zach became a reserve chaser for the Appleby Arrows, till he eventually worked up to starting Chaser. He totally lives the lavish lifestyle as a sports star. He drinks, parties, goes clubbing, and shags any guy that shows an interest. He lives life into excess and he likes it. It's going to bite him in the ass though eventually.

Sooooo.... Zach needs some plot. Friends, he needa them (he really needs a fag hag >>)? Enemies, you know the exist. Anything else you want to plot, let me know! My aim is corbexx!

Nov. 21st, 2011


Hello everyone! I'm Lisa and I'm bringing in Emma Dobbs! I'm 27 and I've been RP'ing forever! I currently work in retail... yes, that's what an English degree does for you these days. So, Black Friday, here I come. I'm around more often then not and... that's about it. I'm not super interesting.

She's not your usual Slytherin (practically a muggleborn)! Her father is a muggleborn and her mother was a muggle. Emma's of the younger crowd and is part muggle aristocracy. Her father is a Baron but as he's presumed dead in the muggle world, that title passed to a distant cousin. She's twenty-one and attended Hogwarts between 1994-2001. Emma's a quiet and keeps to her self for the most part and is very stiff and cold in person. She's quite good at scathing looks and very good at spinning a good story. She's working as the Assistant Secretary to the Falmouth Falcon's Publicist. She writes a lot of press releases and gets coffee. She likes Quidditch well enough but doesn't go crazy over it. She doesn't really go crazy over anything. If there was one flavor to describe Emma, it'd be Vanilla.

You can read more here!

Feel free to find me on AIM! I'm DumbledoresGirl! I'm excited to play with you all!

Nov. 14th, 2011



I knew I wanted her, I told myself, hold back Alice, hold back... That didn't happen! CLEARLY! XD.

This girl is Rebecca Bradley. She is from Ravneclaw 1996. She is a chaser for Tutshill as of today, as of tomorrow she is with PUDDLEMERE! She is someone that is being traded. She is impossible to really figure out. She's very smart, but curses while using big words. he is refined sometimes but will join burping competitions.... She grew up half in the UK and half in the States (California). She loves surfing and Quidditch. She loves bags but hates purses. She's soft spoken when she needs to be, but loud otherwise. Rebecca likes to be "one of the boys" or "one of the girls" so to speak, and she likes both. She likes to be able to keep up with the boys at the bars, on the pitch, in the water and everywhere else. She likes to be one of the girls as well. Rebecca likes both sides of life and finds they need to be different sides of life. Rarely do they come together well. Rebecca doesn't like to be seen as one of the boys when she's with the girls or vise-versa. However that is where she is at. It is a balancing act she has yet to learn. Rebecca isn't 100% comfortable with who she is and that's what she's trying to figure out.

Rebecca is from a LARGE family of two muggleborn parents each of which are from families with teams. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE her sibs in play. Her twin sister is Jessica a Hufflepuff who can be identical or not... But must look very similar. Her older brothers Elijah and Gabriel who are twins and Zachary who is not a twin. And her younger brothers Nate who is not a twin and John and Josh who are identical! Love family plot!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE family plot!


Nov. 15th, 2011


Hey! Jenna here with her second character - meet Kensi's sister, Sarah!

As they're twins, she was in the same year at school as Kensi, but unlike her sister, she was sorted into Hufflepuff. She's the quieter twin, but after the death of her brother, she took more of a lead in the family, and it's made her a lot more independent, so she's not afraid to stand up for herself. She's also Callen's friend with benefits, even though she likes him a lot more than she'd probably like to admit to people.

She might annoy or upset some people however, as she's a reporter for Witch Weekly. Sometimes she'll put her name to an article, and sometimes she'll use an alias so that she doesn't get harassed when people don't like what she's wrote about them. She doesn't see a problem with the stories she writes, she thinks all publicity is good, and that really, she should be thanked for getting your name out there more.

In general though, she's quite easy to get along with, she supports the Ballycastle Bats, and she's very family-orientated. Her bio is here if you want to take a look. I'm up for any plots with her at all, so just let me know if there's anything you want in particular.

Nov. 13th, 2011


Mary here with her third character: Anastasia "Tasia" Runcorn!

Tasia is a fun, witty, playful young woman who knows what she wants in life. Tasia is one of those people who you immediately like, and she will like you back as long as you don't screw with her and are honest. She usually gets along better with guys than girls, probably because she was raised with 4 older brothers. Quidditch has always been part of her life: her father played for the Irish Team and the Kenmare Kestrels and one of her brother plays for an Australian team; she wasn't good enough to play professionally, but she made sure she was involved with Quidditch somehow. She's not a PR for the Puddlemere United. And you can find her full bio HERE, because this intro sucks lol

Plot is LOVE! She needs at least one female best friend and one male best friend, and lots and lots of friends, and enemies too xD Past/present/future love interests/hookups/friends with benefits... Anything is welcome!

You know where to find me! :D

mary xoxo

ETA: Just changed her team from Pride of Portree to Puddlemere United! More characters to interact with her that way :D

Nov. 9th, 2011


Hello everyone! I'm Jori and I bring you Roger Davies! He is everything I am sure we imagined him to be from the brief descriptions in the book: a bit full of himself but nice enough, of course he is a shameless flirt and a serial dater, and according to Which Weekly a porn star! Awww yeaaa.

I love threading, IM scenes... well, just RPing in general. I haven't played since 2008 so I am really excited to get back in the game! I look forward to playing with all of you.


Hey, it's Nicole here with my second character: Demelza Robins.

She's 23, a former Gryffindor as you know and works as the Event Manager for the Wimbourne Wasps, where her older brother Aaron also plays beater. She's pretty laid back, not quite so prone to bursting into tears when she's yelled at anymore, and tends to get along pretty well with just about everyone.

Her profile is here if you're interested. Plot would be awesome! Other than the usual, she was in a two year long relationship that ended a few months ago so if there's anyone who feel like claiming the spot of ex-boyfriend, feel free :D

Nov. 3rd, 2011


Hi everyone! It's Chele! I'm back!

So I have here with me, Miss Tamsin Marine Applebee!

★ Hufflepuff, c/o '96!
★ Chaser for the Ballycastle Bats!
★ Has a bit of a foul mouth.
★ Free spirit, hates the social game so she'll say what's on her mind.

Over all, she's a good gal. She is friendly towards everyone, unless you give her a reason for her to hate you then hey she can do that too. Obviously loves Quidditch and takes it pretty seriously so she hates it when people say it's not a real career.

Um..I'm tired so that's all I have for now.



Lena has a fourth character. :D

Meet Callen Warrington, 1995 Slytherin and currently Chaser for the Magpies. You can read all about him here.

He's not the most outgoing person in the world, but he can be a sweetheart. He needs friends, enemies, etc. I'm also have a wanted storyline for him for the girl whose heart he might unintentionally be toying with, so let me know if you have anyone who'd fit or you're interested in picking up someone to fill that line!

♥ Lena

Oct. 26th, 2011


Because I am slightly insane, I have added two new characters to my roster here. :D

Ronald Weasley via [info]ohroonil. He's married to Hermione and working with George at the shop. He's pretty much canon Ron, and you can read all about him in his app, which is posted in his journal.

Meghan McCormack via [info]pridekeeper. Meghan is a 1994 Ravenclaw and is Keeper and Captain for Pride of Portree. Her brother is Kirley Duke of the Weird Sisters. Penelope Clearwater is her best friend and someone should app for her. /nonsubtlehint You can read all about her in her journal, as well.


♥ Lena

Oct. 24th, 2011


Hellooooo, everyone!

My name is Lena and I am bringing you KATIE BELL. :D

You can read all about her in her application and I am pretty excited to be playing her, so hit me up for plotting/thread/whatever.

I'm assuming she'll be friendly with all the old Gryff Quidditch players, less than friendly with the Slytherins and she plays for Puddlemere at the moment.

I also might be tempted into more characters. I'm easily enabled, so let me know what you need.

Oh, also, my AIM screenname is macgirl50. I'm usually mobile, but feel free to IM me anytime!

Oct. 12th, 2011


Hello everyone!!

I'm Sarah, and I'm very glad to find a home for Harry here at the game!

A little about me. I'm Sarah, I live in NYC, and you can find me online at lion x serpent. I work until 5 most days (sometimes later) so I don't usually do tags during the day, but I can usually get home by about 6PM and most of my weekends are open :)

I'm sure you all know who Harry Potter is, but here are a few quick pieces about mine. He's married to Ginny, and they already have James. He decided not to go into the Auror program after all, so instead he's seeker for the Ballycastle Bats. His life pretty much revolves around Quidditch, his son, and his wife.

I'm seriously up for anything. Any plot, any encounters, anything at all.

Great to be here and looking forward to getting started!

Sep. 17th, 2011


Hi guys! Holly here with my second. This is Theodore Nott. He's that quiet kid who kept to himself more than anything else in school. Theo is actually very kind, but its almost impossible for most people to see that side of him. Otherwise he's almost painstakingly neutral, never truly letting anyone know what he thinks of them.

Theo comes from a long line of purebloods, though he himself is not a purist. The best way to describe Theo is a "practicalist." Whatever or whoever can best fulfill a task or contribute to society should do it, and he isn't as concerned about blood as most would think. As for Muggles, while he does think it's better to be magic than muggle, he doesn't actually care either way. They can be there or they can not be there, it literally does not matter to him. Theodore is highly intelligent, incredibly cunning and pragmatic, and if you can get close enough to him, literally the best friend you could ever want. But he hasn't met very many he would even consider a friend, although he speaks politely and respectfully to almost all he meets.

He comes off as kind of an asshole because he doesn't talk to people - but he's actually just horrible at socializing. He doesn't know how to deal with lots of people and gets easily uncomfortable when speaking to strangers. He means well, but he is just really awkward around almost everybody.

He works as an Unspeakable, which he loves because he doesn't have to talk to people and he can't talk about his job anyway. He did not fight for either side during the war; in fact, he never even took a side. He just escaped and hid with a friend (Slytherin female in his year.. Any takers for this line?) until it all blew over. He is sort of starting to think that maybe Potter and his friends were on to something, because the world that came about after Harry's victory has been one he enjoys.

I would LOVE plot for this boy. He's very shy and doesn't talk much, but I don't think he's got problems with anyone. Sooo what'll it be, folks?


Hey, guys! I'm Cassie, and I think I've played with a few of you before :) My cdj is [info]ohemgee_cassie and you can reach me via email at or on aim slytheriness923. I'm getting better at being on AIM more often, but the best way to reach me is usually to shoot me an email :)

I'm bringing Daphne Greengrass to the game. Daphne is, of course, a Slytherin in the Trio's year. She's the older sister of Astoria and best friend of Pansy Parkinson. She's a pureblood, and a purist, but obviously she's been more quiet about her purist beliefs since the war ended. During her years at school, she was pretty vocal about it, though. And she was a catty bully, much like her bff Pansy. During the Battle of Hogwarts, she left like most of the Slytherins and apparated home to await the outcome. When the "good guys" won, she avoided any government attention that would come from being a purist by moving to Germany, where her mother's side of the family is from. She lived there for a year, got engaged, and worked at the German Ministry in public relations. When the engagement ended, she took a job with the British and Irish Quidditch league. Since then, she's moved her way up and been promoted to Director of Media and Public Relations. Basically, she's in charge of making the league look good, handeling scandals, and working out broadcasting stuff with the WWN. And the fact that she gets to interact with sexy, successful, and single Quidditch players is just a perk.

Daphne is a princess. She likes to have the best, and expects to get the best. She most definitely thinks she's better than you, but she likes to use people to her advantage so she'll at least be polite. Unless she has a reason to dislike you, in which case she will hold the worlds biggest grudge and do everything in her power to ruin her reputation. That's what makes her so good at PR: she's very socially conscious and able to save or kill someone's reputation. Daphne is really selfish, and puts herself above most people, but there is a small select group of friends and family that she would sacrifice her own safety and happiness for, and she's extremely loyal to them. All of her other "friends" are disposable and replaceable once they stop being useful to her.

That's all I can think of right now! Everything else about her is here. I'm looking for friends, "friends", (probably a lot of) enemies, exes, hook ups, pretty much everything. I can't wait to get to playing with all of you :)

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