Nov. 22nd, 2011


Hi guys! Holly here with my third and most likely last character, Cho Chang! She is a licensed psychologist who got her degree in the Muggle world (in canon she marries a Muggle, so I'm just playing off that idea slightly) and is trying to introduce the concept of psychology into the wizarding world through St Mungo's. When she's not doing that, she works as a part-time model, though as she's very short, she only does things like adverts and whatnot.

She's a huge sweetheart, though she's definitely toughened up since the war, partly due to her studies as she's come to understand everything a lot better. Her full bio is here for your perusing pleasure. :) Anyway, I'd love plot with her, and she's very friendly, though at first she might seem a bit distant, but that's just her professionalism and politeness coming through.

I'm rubberbandtheory on AIM! Yay!