Nov. 21st, 2011


Hello everyone! I'm Lisa and I'm bringing in Emma Dobbs! I'm 27 and I've been RP'ing forever! I currently work in retail... yes, that's what an English degree does for you these days. So, Black Friday, here I come. I'm around more often then not and... that's about it. I'm not super interesting.

She's not your usual Slytherin (practically a muggleborn)! Her father is a muggleborn and her mother was a muggle. Emma's of the younger crowd and is part muggle aristocracy. Her father is a Baron but as he's presumed dead in the muggle world, that title passed to a distant cousin. She's twenty-one and attended Hogwarts between 1994-2001. Emma's a quiet and keeps to her self for the most part and is very stiff and cold in person. She's quite good at scathing looks and very good at spinning a good story. She's working as the Assistant Secretary to the Falmouth Falcon's Publicist. She writes a lot of press releases and gets coffee. She likes Quidditch well enough but doesn't go crazy over it. She doesn't really go crazy over anything. If there was one flavor to describe Emma, it'd be Vanilla.

You can read more here!

Feel free to find me on AIM! I'm DumbledoresGirl! I'm excited to play with you all!