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Challenge #177: Closed // Challenge #178: Wrinkle [Oct. 14th, 2010|06:30 pm]
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Challenge #177 is officially closed. Many thanks to all who drabbled!

Daddy Brian is our winner this week with 6 condoms. :)


Challenge #178: wrinkle

Condom battle: orange lights vs. blue lights

Icons by: Brian and 311 ([info]nerilka24); rimming ([info]paddies)
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Challenge #177: Daddy Wars [Oct. 8th, 2010|03:45 pm]
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[mood |busy]

Title: History Repeatin' (challenge #177, daddies)
Warnings/Author's Notes: future fic
And the condom goes to: daddy!Justin

I wanted to surprise Brian at his Babylon office. Before I sneaked into the building, I hesitated for a second, looking incredulously at the very lamppost where it all began 17 years ago.

„Where you headed?“ I asked, trying to stay calm.

„N-no place special. Just checking out the bars.“

„What were you thinking? You're too young, it's dangerous. What if a complete stranger wants to take you home and fuck you?“
Gus grinned at me. „I kind of asked myself the same question.“
I sighed. „Come on, Sonny Boy. We need to talk first.“

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Challenge Extension [Oct. 7th, 2010|08:11 am]

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Due to my shameless pleading popular demand, the Daddy Wars Challenge is being extended for one more week.

You know what that means? YOU can drabble. Or drabble AGAIN! *G*
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[Oct. 6th, 2010|11:18 pm]
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Title: No way (challenge #177, daddies)
Warnings/Author's Notes: later on
And the condom goes to: daddy!Justin

“What the hell are these?” I waved the offending materials in front of Justin’s face.

“You suddenly can’t read now?”

Justin continued his brushstroke; I believe the words “drama queen” were muttered under his breath.

“What the fuck are brochures from PIFA doing here?”

I was making a show of it– I knew the answer, of course.

Justin sighed, “I’m scanning them to send up to Mel and Linds.”

“If they think they’re sending my son to this goddamned podunk town for college, they’re out of their fucking minds!”

“Brian,” he replied, his voice annoyingly calm, “It was my idea.”
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[Oct. 6th, 2010|11:15 pm]
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Title: Partake (challenge #177, daddies)
Warnings/Author's Notes: early on
And the condom goes to: daddy!Brian

Justin lunged, grabbing the spliff from between my fingers and mashing it out in the ashtray.

“There’s a baby here for chrissakes!” Justin said, motioning to Gus, who was sleeping peacefully in his car seat carrier next to the bed.

“If the munchers expect me to give up an afternoon at the baths to play the good father, then the least I can do to restore balance to the universe is partake in copious amounts of chronic,” I argued reasonably.

“Secondhand smoke kills brain cells!”

“Well then, young man…” I said, unbuttoning my jeans and leaning back…“The universe is waiting.”
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Challenge #177: The Daddy Wars [Oct. 4th, 2010|11:49 pm]

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Title: Clueless
And the Condom Goes To: Daddy!Brian

“Sonny-boy, I know that I was rough on you when you were growing up.” Jack Kinney leaned drunkenly on the bar, and clumsily patted Brian’s back.

“But if I left things to the Sergeant, she would have turned you into a priest or a fucking fag, so I had to smack you around a little to toughen you up.” Jack nodded and slammed back his Beam.

“And now look at you, a big shot executive with a corner office and money to burn. I’ll bet you have your choice of prime pussy, don’t you?”

“Yeah Pop, you have no idea.”
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Challenge #177: The Daddy Wars [Oct. 4th, 2010|11:00 pm]

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Title: Pipe Dream
Timeframe: Pre-series
And the Condom Goes To: Daddy!Brian

“Brian?” Michael’s voice was hushed in the darkened bedroom.

“Yeah, Mikey?” Brian lit a cigarette, and leaned back.

“How many kids do you want to have?” Michael whispered.

"Mikey, we’re fags.” Brian sighed impatiently. “Only breeders and lesbians want to be tied down with bawling brats.”

“You mean you never daydreamed about us being someone’s Dads?” Michael was sounding wistful.

Brian bit back a gag.

“Michael, listen to me.” He snapped. “Are you listening?”

“Yes, I’m listening.”

“Queers don’t get married, and we don’t play house."

Michael's dream of a white picket fence went up in a puff of smoke.
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Challenge #177: The Daddy Wars [Oct. 4th, 2010|10:55 pm]

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Title: The Last to Know
And the Condom Goes To: Daddy!Brian

“I had hoped that one day I would hold your child in my arms, Brian.” Joan Kinney commented, her cold smile firmly in place. “You could still decide to get married, raise a family, let Jesus’ love guide you back onto the path of salvation. It’s not too late.”

“Settle down with a pretty little blond, buy a huge mansion in the suburbs with stables and tennis courts, have a son who looks just like me?” Brian sneered in disgust, until she clutched at her cheap pearls, looking away.

“Well Mom, if I did, you’d be the last to know.”
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Challenge #177: The Daddy Wars [Oct. 1st, 2010|11:36 pm]
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Title: Roundy-rounds
Author: specialj67
Condom: Daddy!Brian

Justin leaned back against the couch cushions, watching the little boy spin around and around giggling like a maniac. Daphne glanced up every minute or so from folding the latest round of laundry to make sure her son didn't accidentally spin himself into the nearby arm chair or sliding glass door.

Twice in one day was plenty.

“I can't help wondering if the copious drug use in our wayward youth has resulted in your son's...weirdness,” Justin mused.

Daphne snickered. “Well, once your and Brian's bundle of joy arrives we can compare notes.”

'Only two months to go,' Justin thought.
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Challenge #177: The Daddy Wars [Oct. 1st, 2010|10:47 pm]
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Title: There Have Been Worse Ideas
Condom: Daddy!Justin

“I need your signature there.” Ted hovered nervously near Brian’s desk before taking a deep breath and asking, “Is forty too old to start a family?”

“It’s too old to start fucking women.”

Ted made a face and shuddered. “Blake and I are thinking of adopting, and I wondered what you thought.”

“Shouldn’t you be asking Michael or Melanie or anyone but me?”

“I want the opinion of someone who doesn’t assume everyone should have children.”

“I do think most people should be banned from procreating.”

Ted’s shoulders sagged.

“But,” Brian continued. “You’ll be better parents than most kids deserve.”
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Challenge #177: The Daddy Wars [Sep. 30th, 2010|06:46 pm]

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Title: Come on, Brian...
Author: Xie
Condom: Daddy!Justin

Brian shook his head, a stream of smoke accompanying his words. "No fucking way."

Lindsay reached out to take the joint. "Why not? Our kid would be tall, good-looking and smart."

He gave her a look. "Our kid would be retarded due to his parents' heavy drug use."

"Speak for yourself," she said, coughing a little.

He snatched the joint. "I am."


He just shook his head while he re-lit the joint.

Lindsay sighed. "Well, then, can I at least have some chips?"

Brian reached up onto the sofa, and tossed the bag her way. "That I can do."
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Challenge #176: Closed // Challenge #177: The Daddy Wars [Sep. 30th, 2010|05:27 pm]

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Challenge #176 is officially closed. Thanks to all who drabbled!

The winner is: Reunification!

Photobucket =


...take it seriously...take it crackily...write about diapers if you absolutely must.
It's the great battle between Daddy!Brian and Daddy!Justin!
Condom Battle: Photobucket Vs. Photobucket

Daddy!Brian vs. Daddy!Justin

Condom winner icon by [info]paddies; new battle icons by
[info]not_yet_defined (Daddy!Brian) and LJ's nanoa (Daddy!Justin)
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