Queer as Folk Drabbles - September 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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September 10th, 2008

Challenge #82: First [Sep. 10th, 2008|01:19 am]


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Title: First Visit
Author's Notes: I thought I'd try writing again. Turns out it was easier getting blood from a stone.
And the condom goes to: Emmett


The first time Brian visited Justin in New York was exactly six days after he’d left.

Justin found him waiting outside the apartment and grinned as he was engulfed in a billowing coat and the familiar smell of Brian’s cologne.

Brian swept him off to the Four Seasons amid grand proclamations of Madison and Fifth Avenue, Armani, Prada and Gucci shopping adventures ahead.

When he checked out two days later it was the first time they’d left the room.

The second time Brian visited Justin in New York was 36 days later. They didn’t leave the room that time either.
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Challenge #82: First [Sep. 10th, 2008|04:40 pm]
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[Current Location |home office]
[mood |calm]

Title:  Time
Author:  Camlaw
Timeline:  Season 5 - the bombing
Condom:  Emmett

Ben always knew time was precious. Living with HIV taught him as much. He knew all too well the unpredictability of his disease and how quickly it could turn against him. But he took for granted that it was his time that was precious.


Disease or not, there were no guarantees that he would die first. A car accident, heart attack, even a bomb caused by crazy fundamentalists could kill them before the HIV. Tonight was proof of that. 


Holding Michael’s hand, Ben realized it was their time that was precious. He vowed never to take that for granted again.

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Challenge #82: Closed // Challenge #83: Toppy Justin [Sep. 10th, 2008|07:03 pm]


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[mood |tired]

Thanks to everyone who wrote drabbles this week!

Challenge #82 is officially closed.

Condom Battle:
Emmett...EIGHT hee so he wins!

Emmett's challenger this week is Brian. uh-oh.

Challenge #83: Toppy Justin

Condom Battle: Emmett v. Brian

On your mark. Get set. GO!
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Challenge #83: Toppy Justin [Sep. 10th, 2008|11:05 pm]


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[mood |creative]

Title: Should Have Known
And the condom goes to: Emmett
Notes: Emmett's POV

I should have known it when Brian walked into the diner, greeted me with his usual insult, and winced when he sat down.

I should have known it when Justin came to pour us coffee five minutes later and there was something secret in his smile at Brian.

I wasn't entirely surprised when Brian refused to participate in our friendly game of Best Of when the topic turned to “Best Bottoming Experience.” But I should have known it when Justin went mysteriously deaf when it turned to “Best Topping Experience.”

I should have known, Brian's been fucked for a while.
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