---☼ The Dust Keeps Accumulating on my Fic ☼---
...... .:: ...: .:::. .::.:..::.:. .: :. ..: ......

About procrastination
This comm is for fanfiction and original writers. I don't have any rules as of yet.

Anyone may post and comment.

Let us know what it is you do to avoid writing. Writing Block galore :)

procrastination is so laid-back, its not even funny. My other two comms are down to business, though.

You may be disqualified from this comm if you've never procrastinated.

December 2008
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Procrastination updates

What I should be doing:

- Writing another chapter of a fic that I lost all interest in.
- Catching up with my statistics homework.
- Tuning and practising bass.
- Sleeping?

What I'm actually doing:

- Laughing my ass off
- Singing "RELAX! Take it eeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasyyy!"
- Not sleeping.

Current Music: guess what? ;)

D: dial-up?? *sends cookies and hugs*

*joines in cookies giving, cuddles my broadband*

For about an hour today I had access to my mother's boss' computer with high-speed, and it was so tempting! But then I realized his secretary could control his computer from afar when it started checking her email by itself, and I was glad I hadn't used it.

D:! That's scary.
I also get tempted at my dad's work, but then I remember everyone there is a level-twelve computer geek and that always scares me away. You never know what the hobo-looking geniuses might be trying out to entertain themselves...

Well, these are just lawyers, and he's completely computer-illiterate, so we figure for him it's just a paperweight (but a paperweight with Firefox!), but D: I would not want the secretary catching me. Or my mom.

If it's your mom, at least it stays in the family.
Now, a secretary is a whole different story. I don't know what you do on the internet, but I know I wouldn't be able to go to any office party if someone from my dad's work caught me reading slash. It'd be too awkward.

(then again, they're all weirdos like me. there's always the possibility they are into Strat Trek fandom or something)