---☼ The Dust Keeps Accumulating on my Fic ☼---
...... .:: ...: .:::. .::.:..::.:. .: :. ..: ......

About procrastination
This comm is for fanfiction and original writers. I don't have any rules as of yet.

Anyone may post and comment.

Let us know what it is you do to avoid writing. Writing Block galore :)

procrastination is so laid-back, its not even funny. My other two comms are down to business, though.

You may be disqualified from this comm if you've never procrastinated.

December 2008
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Back December 5th, 2008 Forward

Hooray, a place where procrastination is socially acceptable!

What I should be doing:
- Writing that short-story I've been thinking about for four days now, and more than just the three paragraphs I have already
- Writing a vicious vicious rant on Indigo Children
- Learning Portuguese
- Learning to play the theremin
- Doing groceries
- Getting my diploma in order

What I am doing:
- Staring blankly at the screen
- Chatting to friends on MSN and iChat
- Messing around on Facebook
- Messing around on InsaneJournal
- Staring blankly at the screen some more

Current Mood: predatory
Back December 5th, 2008 Forward