Prideview Random

February 15th, 2008

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


February 15th, 2008

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I’m actually surprised that more people haven’t shared their thoughts on Valentines Day. I was seriously expecting a mass posting of how it’s either:

a) A misogynistic, patriarchal holiday designed to make women feel obligated to have sex because they’ve been brought something pretty. Basically making a holiday celebrating prostitution.

b) A hallmark holiday designed to make money and make single people feel terrible and people in couples feel obligated to buy gifts.

c) The best holiday ever created because it’s all about love, romance and mushy stuff that I don’t really get.

Congratulations, you have all managed to exceed my expectations as only three people, apart from me, have mentioned it. I think you all deserve a cookie for that one!

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Ianto's being released from the hospital today if someone can come down to fill out paperwork and take him home.

Edit: Nevermind, Ianto's coming home with me.

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What exactly is it about this place that seems to inspire boredom? Really?

Does anybody need a private detective? I mean...I'm not really hurting yet on the money front, but I've gotta do something.
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