April 27th, 2009

[info]ladynero in [info]porn_battle

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

The new mods for [info]porn_battle are [info]ladynero, [info]jlsigman, and [info]aikonamika. Because there are three of us, we are going to be alternating who does what at each round of battles. *grins* This means more battles to participate in to keep the creative smut flowing.

So, now for the important part.

Prompts will be opening May 1st.

That's right. This Friday.

Why am I telling you this now? Well, this way, you can scribble down any prompts that might catch your attention, but this is also to give everyone a bit of warning that the mods are different so things might not be exactly as they have been in the past. So, if y'all have any questions, concerns, or thoughts, here's the place to put 'em.