September 26th, 2008

[info]telesilla in [info]porn_battle

Round Five: The Master List of Fic

Okay, here it is, the master list of Porn Battle fics. We hit 210 this time, down from last time, but still...zomg, 208 pieces of fic and 2 pieces of art! Pat yourselves on the backs, people, because...damn!

I have cleaned up this list as much as I can, however, it's entirely possible that I made mistakes, and I'll just apologize in advance here. If I a) linked to the wrong piece, b) spelled your username wrong, c) left your fic out altogether, please comment so I can fix it.

The stats will be up at some point, but probably not until tomorrow.

Thanks again for playing!

from 3:10 to Yuma, to Yuugiou )