June 6th, 2008

[info]telesilla in [info]porn_battle

Porn Battle 4: Better Porn Than Never!!

I know this is late, and I want to take the blame for it. Seriously, I got caught up in fic challenges and RL stuff and it's 100% my fault that the porn battle got lost for a little while. I'm going to give everyone a little more writing time for Porn Battle Four as an additional apology.

I'd also like to thank the wonderful anonymous person who gave us a year of paid IJ time! We really appreciate it!

So, here's the schedule for Porn Battle Four:

Prompts post goes up: early Monday morning, 6/9
Prompts post closes: late Wednesday afternoon, 6/11
Writing starts/prompts go up: early Thursday morning, 6/12
Writing closes: late Tuesday afternoon, 6/17

Please feel free to spread the word far and wide; let's see if we can break our previous records this time!

One more thing I'd like to correct. In all the information about the Porn Battle, I somehow never actually explained that the concept of a Porn Battle was started on LJ by oxoniensis who has been generous enough to allow us to use the term. My thanks to her, both for that and for awesome porn battles past.