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Jun. 5th, 2008



Due to RL circumstances, I'm unable to wrap up LMOM today. I'm going to leave the poll open through the weekend, so if you haven't had time to catch up before voting, you've got a few extra days. I hope to be back on track and wrap everything up on Monday.

Jun. 1st, 2008


Lusty Month of May wrap-up and poll!

Congratulations to everyone who finished out the month! It's an amazing accomplishment, and you all should be very proud. :D And now for the list of this year's winners!

I'm also really pleased to note that moving to IJ has not diminished either participation or the number of overall winners. We porn just as hard over here as we ever did on LJ! :D

5th Annual Lusty Month of May winners:


Special honorable mentions go to [info]ghot and [info]zephre for making it most of the month as well! I think it's also worth noting that while most people do LMOM one time and never do it again, but [info]katekintail has participated in and completed LMOM for 4 years in a row.

Icons for all winning participants will be provided shortly!

And now we need to decide on a grand prize winner! The following poll is open to members only, although anyone may see the results. I'll leave the poll open until June 5, at which time the prize winner will be announced. The prize will be a choice of 6 months paid IJ time, permanent extra user pics, or a donation to the charity of your choice for the amount equivalent to 6 months paid IJ time.

Please note: you must be a member of this community in order to vote in the poll!

Poll #1856
Open to: Friends, results viewable to: All

The grand prize winner of LMOM 2008 is...

View Answers

1 (1.9%)

4 (7.7%)

1 (1.9%)

5 (9.6%)

6 (11.5%)

5 (9.6%)

3 (5.8%)

5 (9.6%)

15 (28.8%)

1 (1.9%)

6 (11.5%)


May. 23rd, 2008



I wanted to drop a quick note to thank everyone who indulged my Remus/monkey whim; I haven't had time to look at the results yet (RL busy-ness has gotten in the way), but I'll update the tags and enjoy the monkey-related fun ASAP, I promise! :D

In the meantime, we're down to the final week. This is the home stretch! You've made it this far; you can make it all the way, especially now that the end is in sight!

In june, I'll post a new monthly prompt. If anyone has suggestions for prompts they'd like to see over the summer months, please feel free to leave a comment with suggestions.

Happy perving!

May. 7th, 2008


Community tags

Okay, it seems the problem with the community tags and people not seeing them is that if a tag hasn't been used, it isn't visible except to the mod (which I didn't know, so thank you to [info]pre_raphaelite1 for clearing that up).

Thus I've added all currently unused tags to a couple of old mod posts, so every tag we have should now be visible in the following places:

a) in the sidebar on the main comm page
b) on the list here
c) in the drop-down box when you hit the "edit tags" button on your post.

If you still don't see what you need, let me know, and I'll add it.

Anyway, if you're editing your tags and notice the list in the drop-down box has suddenly gotten much longer, that's why. *G*

In other news, congratulations to everyone who has lasted the first week! One down, three (and a few days) to go!

May. 6th, 2008



I know a lot of people are in the middle of finals or in a crunch time at work, plus there's a lot of other fun stuff to keep up with right now, like [info]hp_wankfest, the Harry/Draco World Cup, and the Snarry Games, but please consider taking a minute or two to leave a word of encouragement for the writers and artists who are trying to last the entire month in the Lusty Month of May Marathon.

I know there's a lot of keep up with, and I'm not asking anyone to comment on everything (especially not the participants; you've got enough to do!), but I've already had a complaint about lack of comments, and I know from past years that the encouragement participants get does a lot to motivate them to finish out the month. So if you like the smut, please tell them!

"This was hot/yummy/sexy!"
"Great work - please keep going!"
"I really liked this!"

That's all it takes, and you'll give someone motivation to porn another day. I'll even go so far as to say readers can skip commenting on my posts (assuming someone was going to *G*) because I'm not a serious contender, and if the time someone takes to leave me a comment can be put toward commenting on someone who is trying to last the entire marathon, I'm fine with that. :)

And in case any of the participants didn't see the post: if you missed posting yesterday because of all the up and down time with IJ, just leave me a comment here to let me know, and it won't count against you.

May. 5th, 2008


LMOM Amnesty, part 2

Once again, if anyone was unable to post their LMOM entry on time in their time zone today due to the IJ outage, go ahead and post, and then drop me a comment here so I'll know not to count it against you at the end of the month.

May. 4th, 2008


LMOM Amnesty

Okay, it looks like today will be the day of battling site issues while [info]squeaky moves accounts to the new database. If anyone has had trouble posting their LMOM entry before midnight in their time zone today due to IJ going into "read only mode", leave a comment here and let me know. Due to the site issues, this will be the one time I'll let it slide if someone needs to post twice in one day.

Apr. 16th, 2008


The 5th Annual Lusty Month of May Marathon!

Towards the end of the month, I'll post the official rules and such, but since we're approaching mid-month, I wanted to start gearing up for next month and the...

Fifth Annual Lusty Month of May Marathon!

For those who haven't been around to experience the past four years - every year in May, [info]pervy_werewolf hosts a challenge to see who can write at least 500 words of smut or draw a doodle/sketch every day throughout the month of May.

The challenge is open to writers and artists, and all het and slash ships are allowed as long as Remus is involved in some way, even if only as a voyeur, but Remus must be involved. The minimum daily word count for writers is 500 words; artists may submit sketches. The minimum rating is PG13. In other words, there must be smut every day.

You may start writing/drawing and posting once it's May 1 in your time zone, but you may not write/draw ahead. In other words, don't write/draw something on April 30 and have it ready to post at midnight on May 1. You start creating on May 1.

I'll be providing daily prompts for inspiration again this year. You won't be required to use them, but if you need a nudge, you can use one of the prompts.

I'll post the full list of rules closer to the end of the month, but I hope people will start thinking about participating and what they might like to do. In past years, we've had a wide array of pairings and submissions, and I'd love for this year to be just as big and smutty.

If you're an artist or good with graphics and you'd like to help create banners, icons, and other such graphics for the winners, please email me at scribbulus_ink @ I'm looking for help in creating cool gift graphics for all of the writers and artists who finish out the month.

For posterity's sake, here are the winners of the past four years:

LMOM Hall of Fame )

Happy perving!

Jan. 27th, 2008


Community rules

We've had some OT posts appear over the last few weeks, so let me remind our members that we do have posting rules that can be found HERE. Please take a minute to review the rules, especially if you are new to the community. Please remember that OT (off topic) posts are not allowed.

On Topic: (with the understanding that the subject matter must be Remus-centric and feature at least one kink)
Filk lyrics

Off Topic:
Everything else

This means discussion/meta posts, story/art searches, pimping fests, pimping RPGs, pimping other communities, and recs are not allowed.

Sep. 19th, 2007


Modly Stuff

PLEASE NOTE: There are three mods of this community.

I'm the founder, owner, and primary handler-of-business.

[info]mnemosyne_1 is the mod in charge of approving memberships. If you applied for membership and were rejected, you need to speak with her (but check to make sure your full DOB or an age statement is publicly visible in your profile first, because if not, that's probably why you were rejected).

[info]lore is the mod who handles business when I'm AFK.

All rules and posting guidelines are in the community profile, so please check there if you're new to the comm and have never posted to pervy_werewolf before either here or at LJ. If you're an old pervy_werewolf hand, nothing has changed except that I encourage underage stories and art to be f-locked just in case. Bestiality and incest may also be locked at the author/artist's discretion.

I'm generally the one who checks the tags and adds new ones. While we're getting settled in, I'm checking posts at least once a day to see if I need to add any new tags. Please be patient; I'll get to it as soon as I can. Please DO tag your entries with the available tags (see sidebar), and please make sure to check that a tag isn't already available before nudging me with a request.

ETA: I knew I was forgetting something. We do have locked posts here, so if you're watching the comm but haven't joined it, you're missing stuff.

Aug. 21st, 2007


Unlocked posts on LJ

These are the posts listing the unlocked posts from 2004-2007. If you haven't already checked the lists and locked any posts of yours that are still public, please do so as soon as possible; I will NOT be updating with new lists, and everyone will be on their own to get things locked before September 15. Anything left unlocked after September 15 will be DELETED.


Aug. 17th, 2007


Welcome and info

Hello and welcome to the InsaneJournal version of Pervy Werewolf. This community will be a public one. However, I strongly encourage members to lock stories or art that contain underage characters. Stories or art containing bestiality or incest may be locked at the author/artist's discretion.

However, if some members do choose to lock their posts, that means people who are watching the comm without having joined it will be unable to see those posts.

Although most of the posting here will be public, I am still going to be more stringent about checking membership to this community. Membership is moderated as of earlier this week. If you joined earlier and do not have a full DOB or age statement in your profile, I advise you to add one ASAP because I will be checking the profiles of all current members and deleting anyone who does not have a full DOB or age statement in their profile.

If you're deleted, feel free to re-apply for membership once you have added your DOB (visible to anyone, not just friends) OR an age statement to your profile, which can be as simple as "I am over 18".

My first project will be changing the style of the community layout. My second project will be importing the tags for kinks and pairings, with author/artist tags to be added later on an as-needed basis.

Feel free to begin cross-posting to this community; it is intended to be an active community, not just a placeholder. </lj>

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