Posts Tagged: 'norman'

Dec. 13th, 2021



Stealth Mode

Who: Norman, Jeremy, and Junie
Setting: The hospital

coming down and sneaking around )

Sep. 24th, 2021



hospital emergency

who: lots of peeps
setting: the hospital

emergency! )

Apr. 26th, 2021



Apology Party [OPEN]

So having a party wasn't Delilah's first idea on getting through the initial days of a break up. With the house to herself for the weekend, not to mention a lot of people that could use something fun and normal, a party was what was going to happen.

She wasn't the greatest cook, but Delilah knew a bit now and so there was a whole slew of apology cupcakes set around. A couple girls off the cheerleading squad brought coolers of beer and pop and other drinks. The fire pit in the backyard was set with a roaring flame, with plenty of s'mores makings and hot dogs set out. Delilah even pulled out more strings of tinkly lights to string around everywhere. She wanted to make it nice, and homey, and admittedly a lot nicer than the wrecked house they usually partied at in the woods.

She'd sent out a mass text, letting everyone know there was a party, to tell their friends, and sent pictures of the set up. And as night began to fall, the sounds of crickets beginning to fill the air, and music playing, the party was in full swing!

Dec. 13th, 2020



All Together

Who: Landon, Sylvia, Matt, Ky, Faith, Jeremy, Norman, and June
Setting: The Library

a space to stay safe )

Aug. 1st, 2020



we're not home

who: norman & junie
setting: the streets then the library

but you're here )
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Jul. 28th, 2020



It's all upside down

Who: Tad, Norman, Sylvia, Avery, and Elwood
Setting: the cemetery

And it's just getting worse )

Jul. 25th, 2020



well, this is weird

Who: Tad, Norman, Sylvia, and Landon
Setting: The library

I didn't fall asleep here )

May. 5th, 2020




[Group Text to Norman, Finn, and Tatum]

Ya'll better be doing okay there. I haven't heard anything from you guys. Kinda thought we bonded a bit but also no pressure.

Apr. 6th, 2020



But she's dead

Who: Finn and Norman
Setting: Finn's room

she's cute though )
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Mar. 4th, 2020



History in the Making

Who: Tatum and Norman
When: After school

I like me better. )
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Feb. 29th, 2020



Liftin' Off Deeper Blues

Who: Junebug and Norman
Where: School

We're gonna let heart hold true. )
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Feb. 22nd, 2020



texting texting


🐺???? You were so cute?! And awesome??!

Things got so crazy. Are you okay? Someone said something about your sister?? Can I help? Is Ky okay? I don't have his number.


Hi Lady Asskicker, First of Her Name. Checking in on you and the guys. Do you need anything? How're you?


Hey buddy I didn't get a chance to talk to you. How are you doing today? Worried. Text me when you can okay?


I feel weird texting Tad about Sierra so I thought I'd text you. How is she doing? Thanks for coming with Caleb it means so much and for getting us out you were amazing! <3 Can I help you with anything? You went through so much of your stuff so do we need to do a restock?


Hello water goddess! Thank you for coming to get me and taking care of me!!! Are you okay? Is everything good? Who was your nice friend? He was doing water stuff???

Feb. 15th, 2020



everyone LEAVE

who: sierra, marie, matt, briar, norman, tatum, finn, noah, sutton, grace, charles, risa, kaori, jeremy, delilah
setting: dining hall

don't be fucking morons )

Jan. 18th, 2020




who: tatum, finn, norman, briar, risa, faith
setting: camp

and a mad dash through the woods )

Dec. 30th, 2019



Welcome to CAMP HORROR AAAAAHHH - Part 2



No one knows where it's come from. It was supposed to be a fantastic day, if a little hot. But starting in the afternoon, amidst the creepy findings some of the groups have found, clouds start rolling in. Certain individuals at camp know something's not right -- this is a storm in Cut Off that can't be influenced, let alone controlled and it leaves them with a sickening feeling. Then there's the claw marks on trees, the fresh human bones found by others, the weird things that seem like super racoon nests in some of the cabins...

The sky begins growing dark. The rain begins to come down. It's gentle at first. No different than the sudden afternoon rains of the later summer and early fall. But then it doesn't stop.

Then someone hears a howl.

Everyone's new goal: Get out of Camp Wildwood alive.

The story:

So after the massacre, the camp was abandoned except by the caretaker. Well, it was such a lush piece of quiet land that a group of fabled rougarou moved in. Now, anyone whose grown up in Cut Off or Louisiana in general know the stories. They're told at campfires, warnings for naughty children to go to bed, so on and so forth. They're as culturally Louisiana as Anne Rice, gumbo, and Mardi Gras. They're commonly tied to werewolf myths but make no mistake: there is no humanity in these monsters. They are ruthless hunters filled to the brim with nasty and right now a large group of people have been coming in and fucking around their territory. They won't take to it lightly.

Height: Between 6 to 7 feet tall. There is a larger one out there though, but they're not leading the charge.
Bite: Their bite will not turn you into one of them, contrary to common folklore. But it's going to massively suck. Not only is their bite filled with the equivalent to snake venom (heart rate picks up, blood starts to coagulate, vomiting, convulsions, not pretty), but it's a bite force of, well, a wolf. It's going to hurt. Avoid their bite at all costs. You will die from the venom if you don't get to a very experienced healer in time and even then, it's not totally guaranteed.
Claws: These aren't as nasty as the bite but they'll fuck you up just as bad. They primarily use their arms as they generally fight bipedal when using them. If you get slashed by them, it's going to hurt, and it's going to get infected, and it's going to suck but you do have a chance for survival if you get yourself taken care of quickly.

There's also something else out there, like those little fish who attach themselves to sharks. Scavengers who feed off the lesser pickings around the perimeter of the camp and prancing through the woods, waiting to pick off some of the helpless. But we'll leave that up to you to decide what they are.

Have fun, campers.




New Friends

who: Tatum, Norman, Finn, and Briar
where: northern cabins

New Friends, new... impending creepiness )

Dec. 7th, 2019



Group Text to Finn and Tatum

So...thought about it a lot and I think there's no other way around it. I think I have to go to camp. If I don't, I don't think I'll pass this year.

I'm worried.
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Dec. 6th, 2019



Welcome to CAMP HORROR AAAAAHHH - Part 1


Saturday dawns bright and clear. The birds are chirping, the sky is a fantastic blue with hardly a cloud in it. The weather is cooler now that late fall is in and even in the deep south and on the water, the weather can get a little nippy. Dressing in layers is advised.

That doesn't deter the beat up old camp bus waiting at the bottom of the track waiting to escort volunteers up to the lodge to get started with the volunteer effort. Most faces are familiar faces -- the ones you've seen either at school, on the football field, or at the coffee shop. The high school english teacher, Charles Boudreaux and the high school guidance counselor, Risa Sadow, as well as the town therapist, Kaorie Miike stand out among the youth as some 'grown up' presence and there are a couple unfamiliar faces also spotted in the crowd. That being said, this is definitely a teen driven crowd, which may or may not be for the best.

The man driving the bus is the groundskeeper, a retired oil rig worker by the name of Jean Roche, with weather worn, deep olive skin, a scraggly greying beard, and a dingy eye patch. It may be a little on the nose, but the camp probably couldn't have kept on any other kind of 'normal' caretaker. For a town steeped in Creole culture, Jean is an extra mile, and he's barely understood as he talks gruffly about the things that need done.

The Dining hall is more or less perfectly fine along with the office. Town hall and even that old holy roller church had taken advantage of the space in spite of the grisly history, and that's where base station will be set up. There's first aid kits, equipment like shovels, big brooms, gloves, so on and so on are stored. That's also where the food will be. Cases of bottled water and pop, sandwiches and the like.

The clean up areas are as follow (aiming for about four to an area)
  1. Boathouse, Dock, and the beach area/firepit along the lake. Dispose of garbage, drag up any remaining boats, oars, and other boating equipment out of the boathouse to be assessed if they can be sent to reclaiming, still used, or trashed. To a discerning eye, there's a boat that looks like it was dragged under some bushes further down the beach.
  2. North Cabins. Two people per cabin unless it's a bigger job. Clear out rotted camp mattresses into dumpsters, sweep out trash, broken glass. Most things will probably need trashed. In some of the cabins, mattresses look like they've been piled, almost like something was trying to nest there? But what could that be?
  3. Clearing the trails to the South Cabins. A lot of branches and debris litter the area which means vehicles can't get through. Dragging off the smaller branches into the woods so that later on, anything bigger can be taking care of with chainsaws will be helpful. Someone with a sense for perception might find some weird claw marking on some of the trees, but then, weren't there weird monsters in the mist not that long ago? Maybe from that?
  4. Depending if anyone ventures super deeply into the woods somewhere, let Natasha know. There's a bonus something someone might find >>

The day is more or less uneventful. Nothing dramatic going on, nothing out of the ordinary... until later in the afternoon when thunder begins to roll in. As rain starts to patter it's way in, volunteers should retreat back to the dining hall (preferably) or Office if they can't make it there. The ground soaks fast in Cut Off already, but when the rain starts to hit, certain paths start to flood. And if those paths are flooding, then the main road most certainly is.

Jun. 22nd, 2019



Protect Who You Love

who: Lane, Norman, Delilah
where: Elsie's Diner

Protect this town )

May. 31st, 2019



So We'll Be Clerics Then

who: Norman and Delilah
where: school library

Dungeons & Dragons isn't evil don't worry )