Posts Tagged: 'jamie'

Mar. 28th, 2019



girl's night

who: jj, jess, faith & grace
setting: sundown

cuz jj needed one )

Feb. 26th, 2019



Message to Jess, Faith and Grace

I need a girls night. I need ice cream and shitty teen movies and to bitch about the fact that guys are the fucking worst. Who's down for that? The sooner the better.



Message to Ky

you're going to think I'm crazy, but. So, um did we go on a date? Because I remember us going on a date, but then again I remember me making the national team and apparently I didn't actually do that and so I'm wondering if I've just been having some kind of weird extended dream or something.
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Jan. 29th, 2019



Tell me the details

Who: Jess and Jamie
Where: Their room after their dates

sooo how'd it go )
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Message to Ky

*sent not long after their date*

hey hope you got home okay. had a really great time tonight 😊
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Jan. 20th, 2019



First Date

Who: JJ and Ky
Setting: by the lake
Warning: NSFW

Maybe a little slutty )
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Dec. 29th, 2018



Best. Day. Ever.

Who: Jess and JJ
Setting: Sundown Motel, their room

Blessings and Overthinking )
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Dec. 28th, 2018




Who: Ky and Jamie
Setting: Grind House

you gotta treat yoself )
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Dec. 20th, 2018




To Faith
Come home soon?

To Noble
Did you want me to pick up dinner from the diner?

Is your friend whose a girl coming by? Is she doing okay?

remember to eat and take a shower
Hope your doing okay.

Ask Faith to check her phone?

To Jess and Jamie:
Hey so did the Prophet come and talk to you guys at lunch today? I saw him hanging around the tables talking to kids but bailed out before he hit my end of the cafeteria.

Dec. 6th, 2018



Socially Inept

Who: Jamie and Ky
Setting: Sundown Motel

Who's More Awkward )
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Nov. 30th, 2018



what's your time?

who: jamie & faith
setting: motel pool

future superstar )
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Nov. 17th, 2018



We're Gonna Eat Everything Here

Who: JJ, Jess, Faith, Grace
Where: Elsie's Diner

Super Twins Unite! )

Nov. 3rd, 2018




Who: Jamie and Memphis
Setting: the high school

Collision )
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Oct. 28th, 2018



the less capable twins

who: faith & jamie
setting: outside the school

new bffs )
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Oct. 24th, 2018



The Right Kind of Exciting

Who: Jess and JJ
Setting: their room

Back to School? )
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Oct. 22nd, 2018



bad for business

Who: Jamie and Etienne
Setting: just after they check in, the pool

Read more... )
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Oct. 21st, 2018



Fresh Off the Bus

Who: Jamie and Jess (with guest appearance from Etienne)
Setting: arriving in town, heading for the Sundown Motel

The driver gave them a look when they off-loaded, but in her defense, Jess was still sort of half asleep from going non stop for like three days. And this bus stop at what felt like the end of the world Louisiana was far from a ‘cool’ stop. It was just Jess and Jamie, her half dragging him and their bags, while the driver waited impatiently so he could keep on his route, get everyone else to New Orleans or Baton Rouge or whatever better place they wanted to be in. Anywhere but Cut Off.

What now? )
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