Posts Tagged: 'bear'

Dec. 3rd, 2019



What is Love? Baby Don't hurt meeee

who: bear and delilah
where: the kitchen

A little bit of the talk and cognitive dissonance )
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Jun. 3rd, 2019



Text to Bear, Text to Delilah

Text to Bear

Is it normal to want to eat dirt? Like all I want to do is eat dirt brownies...and top it off with live bugs :(

Text to Delilah

Want to watch a movie? 🍿

Jun. 2nd, 2019



Sound Advice

who: Bear and Delilah
where: at the house!

You're really good at this dad thing )
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Mar. 24th, 2019



Coming Home

who: Bear, Ash, and Delilah
setting: Bear's house

There's a lot to unpack. We'll do it a little at a time )

Mar. 11th, 2019




>>So I have baby brain

>>How did I forget about someone as precious as Delilah?

>>Also, we're married?! I remember that.

>>What has happened with my head? Do I need a brain scan? DO I HAVE A TUMOR??

Dec. 22nd, 2018



wedding bells

setting: clearing behind the house in the woods

married! )

Dec. 4th, 2018



Will you marry me?

Who: Aisling and Bear
Setting: Little clearing behind Bear's cabin

I'd marry you tonight if you wanted )
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Nov. 12th, 2018



Text to Bear

Hey you! Working hard today?

Oct. 30th, 2018



Just Rest

Who: Caleb and Delilah, then Bear and Ash
Where: The Hospital

Trying to Learn to Be Taken Care Of )

Oct. 28th, 2018



Multiple Texts Sent in Early Morning

[to Caleb]
Bad dream. You should probably come to the hospital. No one is mortally wounded, but Delilah and I are getting checked out.

[to Marie]
Don't freak out.

[second text sent instantly after]
I'm going to the hospital. Got stuck in a real bad dream. Can you pick up Max and come here?

[Group text to Bear and Aisling]
This is Roxie - the one Delilah is staying with. Please don't worry, but you should come to the hospital. Nothing mortally wounding, but she's getting checked out for breaks and bruises. I'll explain when you get here.

Oct. 21st, 2018



Baby On Board

Who: Bear and Aisling
Setting: Bear's Casa

I'm Pregnant )
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Oct. 20th, 2018



A Box Left on Bear's Doorstep Overnight

Special Delivery )
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[Text to Bear]

> Everything going okay over there?

> I miss you :(
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Sep. 28th, 2018



bad things and good things

who: bear & aisling
setting: bear's place

heart )
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Sep. 22nd, 2018



whirlwind of emotional drama

who: bear, aisling, delilah & caleb
setting: back roads by the shack with the gator bones

aka: not good for the empath )

Sep. 14th, 2018



Text to Bear

> Uncle Teddy?

> Can you please come pick up me and my friend and my bike up?

> We're by that shack with all the gator bones
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Aug. 25th, 2018



text to delilah

[sent throughout the night she didn't have her phone]
>> Hey honey,'re okay, right?

>> And you'd tell me if you weren't?

>> Even if it was in code? Why don't we have a code? We need a code.
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Aug. 16th, 2018



origin story

who: bear & aisling
setting: his cabin, late

you're worth something to me )
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Aug. 4th, 2018



Super Family Support Group

Who: Aisling, Bear, and Delilah
Where: Bear's Cabin
When: After This

There are flying knives and a lot of fuzzy emotions )

Aug. 2nd, 2018



Cooking couldn't be that difficult with a recipe, right?

Who: Aisling and Bear
Setting: The cabin

Aisling just wanted to do something nice, not burn the cabin down )
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