Posts Tagged: 'angel'

Oct. 10th, 2021



Taking out the enemy

Who: Tad, Angel, Sierra, Lane, Caleb, Sterling
Setting: The park

small but deadly )

Sep. 21st, 2021



Get back to work

Who: sterling & angel
Setting: the shop

wake )

Apr. 23rd, 2021



who: rey, ky, angel, and unconcious sterling
where: all around

he's a dick, but he's our dick )
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Jul. 25th, 2020



Death and Angel Killers

who: angel and briar
where: outside of where sterling's shop should be

You’re Death named Angel? )
Tags: ,

Apr. 10th, 2020



it's an adult party


Dorian was impressed, but at the same time he knew he shouldn't be. When Kayos got an idea in her head, she didn't slow down. She made it happen. Which meant they'd booked the rink, hung a sign on the door and given the already over the top decor an extra Pinterest-esque flair. He'd not put on the skates she'd gleefully given him in his size, but settled back on a bench near the rink with a beer while the DJ blasted hits from the last decade. It was a lot, but at least it was fun.

Mar. 7th, 2020



Hello Stranger

Who: Angel and Sterling
Setting: late evening, Sterling's shop
Warning: NSFW

So you're not dead )