Posts Tagged: 'caden'

Apr. 26th, 2021



Apology Party [OPEN]

So having a party wasn't Delilah's first idea on getting through the initial days of a break up. With the house to herself for the weekend, not to mention a lot of people that could use something fun and normal, a party was what was going to happen.

She wasn't the greatest cook, but Delilah knew a bit now and so there was a whole slew of apology cupcakes set around. A couple girls off the cheerleading squad brought coolers of beer and pop and other drinks. The fire pit in the backyard was set with a roaring flame, with plenty of s'mores makings and hot dogs set out. Delilah even pulled out more strings of tinkly lights to string around everywhere. She wanted to make it nice, and homey, and admittedly a lot nicer than the wrecked house they usually partied at in the woods.

She'd sent out a mass text, letting everyone know there was a party, to tell their friends, and sent pictures of the set up. And as night began to fall, the sounds of crickets beginning to fill the air, and music playing, the party was in full swing!

May. 15th, 2020



it's a teen squad party

who: teens & company
setting: the abandoned house in the woods

Apr. 6th, 2020




Caden / Clementine

Apr. 1st, 2020



But if you stay and face it, I know

who: caden and grace
where: the park when grace should really be in class

Tomorrow is gonna be better )
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