August 6th, 2015

[info]improvements in [info]ordernet

I have definitely been in London too long. I called my mom this morning and she says I'm picking up on the accent. My brothers are making fun of me for it, too. But I don't think I'm ready to go back to Colorado yet. :(

Maybe it's time, though. What do you all think? At what point do you have to go back home before you might as well just give up and formally move to wherever you're vacationing?

[info]debugging in [info]ordernet

> Hope your flight to Moscow was acceptable.
> Let me know before you leave for New York.
> I'll pick you both up at the airport when you're home.
They changed our instructions. I'm scoping out an illegal bionics dealer in Soho. I've got no idea why you'd set up shop in Soho, but I'm not exactly an illegal bionics dealer or anything. Anyway, it's a bag and tag.

But I want you to go in for the sting. With that ticker of yours, you seem like you're much more the type to be into illegal bionics than I am.