Jul. 19th, 2012


This is Nymeria (Game of Thrones Reference for the win!) Lovell. She is a lovely young shifter with a insatiable sense for adventure but still somehow manages to be a proper lady too. She's from Alaska but her family comes from Siberia where they were important people. We (Nym and I) have forced Miss Callie to play her beau (Shiloh Fernandez / Gavin Drache) but she could still use friends, she'd rather not have enemies. She's not new to the school, she's just been in the background somewhere for an unrecognizable amount of time, where she would like to stay as a wall flower. I, um, her profile has a lot more detail and trust me you will like her!

Plot is love <33333333333

(P.S Alex Pettyfer boy will be in tonight, if we're lucky.)