Jul. 16th, 2012


This is Seth Ryans, Kalebs little brother. He is part of OOFTG but isn't very much like the two other band members in play aka he's shy and reserved. Seth is a great guy once you get to know him but needs a bit of prodding to come out of his shell. He relies on Kaleb a lot and the boys are really close.

He's new to Mystic Veil, a week and a bit late, but still new here. He attended a different school before here but decided to come here this year. He doesn't date a lot or anything but could probably do with an endgame or something. He's a cutie and you'll soon love him. Plot is love.

Jul. 11th, 2012


Okay so this is Therese Sangare! She is a shifter, an Otter and a junior. She is kind of a solitary type- as all good otters are and yeah. (bad intro for the win!) She has a cousin who Nikki plays and a future otter-boy from Dana! Callie plays her bff, and I think there's some funky- we hate someone vibe going on there, that Therese is kind of in- thoguh she'd rather just be a bystander, kinda like Crabbe and Goyle- without the actually doing anythign for Malfoy type thing. That sounds hell confusing. Fail. There's more info in her journal/profile (No I don't know how I managed to kill the coding).

I have two more coming in but they are not ready as of right this second so they get an intro of there own. But here's a sexy hint, Alex Pettyfer's coming to town baby! ;)

Therese could use friends? I think. She's not sure and is focusing on the idea of getting into cans of tuna.